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Some tips/tricks on weeding - Printable Version

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Some tips/tricks on weeding - dobanion - 03-17-2025

Decided to share after I tried some new things on my property and found some successes.

Tall grass. When its to the point that the weed whacker just keeps getting tangled, use a hedge trimmer. Cut about a foot off the ground.

Flame torch. Those propane flame throwers. Works great for killing back a bunch of green/tops and leave you with just root clumps to pull. Secondary bonus when you are dealing with things with lots of seeds (when are you not?), like my nemesis, Guinea Grass. The flame causes most seeds to pop like popcorn and kill them. Obvious, but must be stated, anything and everything than can burn/melt, WILL, so use caution and hopefully a backup helper with a garden hose. Don't use when it's windy, etc.

O'o' bar with spade end for weeds. Where has this been all my life? Get your technique down, and there isn't much you can't get under with this thing and yank the whole weed out in one chunk. My nemesis didn't stand a chance.

Cut stumps. Find a place that sells tricloypr ester concentrate. Mix with diesel. Apply a tiny bit of this to the cut stump, and it will not grow back. Sure you can try RoundUp, doesn't work half as well.

Haole Koa. My other nemesis. Tricloypr works best on it, but it's tough, and it takes a long time to die, and even longer to vanish. The cut stump with tricloypr method works, but I ended up going nuclear. 15k rated nylon tow strap, a chain around the base, and a 4x4. Two people with a good routine can really tear through em this way. Back up, attach, pull forward (yanking it out), toss haole koa in the bed, repeat. The roots aren't as tough as the top looks. Try this with a wild hazelnut (I did in Oregon) and the truck will pull the bumper hitch off before the tree comes out. I plan to do a good stretch of my road as it's 3' of haole koa right next to the pavement on both sides.

Other weeds I have successfully eradicated from certain areas. Castor bean, pigweed, Christmas berry. I am lucky I have not had to fight much of octopus trees or miconia.

RE: Some tips/tricks on weeding - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 03-17-2025

Tall grass. …use a hedge trimmer.

Depending on what you plan to do with the area after you cut, you can make a single cut and leave as mulch, or single cut and pick up to haul away, or cut 2”, cut 2” again, etc and leave in place as mulch that will break down faster, or to till into the soil.

RE: Some tips/tricks on weeding - kalianna - 03-18-2025

Flame thrower is slow but great. Iʻm a fan of vinegar. I just use the cheap grocery store stuff and donʻt get it near roots of plants I want to keep.

RE: Some tips/tricks on weeding - Olohana 1790 - 03-21-2025

IMO Flame torch can BURN your HOME DOWN easily too...
even in high rain areas like Volcano Village... (ie Ira Ono's dump ), because if you use it on ground thats under the eves and it hits any dry leaves it will spread rapidly ... and if its an 'off ground' plantation house with slats, it will go under house before you can run to get the hose...

seen it happen first hand 2 times same day
plus its shit because the roots are NOT killed and the plant grows back stronger via established roots

its only good for small grass-plants on driveways / sidewalks IMO

BEST/SMARTEST/CHEAPEST/FASTEST is to weedwack cut the weeds down. then spray this stuff called ROUND-UP

via common sense101:
FACT: the year Monsanto became a company, the average life expectancy was 29 years old...
today..... the average life expectancy is nearly 50 years more, per person, all while
(duped nbred maga kine ftards and ignorant uneducated hippies think) Monsanto is trying to KILL US all to dead dead DEATH!!!



ps.. 2/3rds of all humans on Earth are exposed to glyphosate monthly....
only 1 faka got $$via faking asickness via stoopid kine jury full of duped kooks

.......then PLANT ONLY native endemic and indigenous shit, and no touch da kine. duh duh duh

ps the KING of Jordan and Jackie-O died of non-Hodgkin Lymphoma too... via all that RU sprayin huh
fact is all the March Against Monsanto BS u lemming were conned by was ALL done by Russkie-RUSSIA kine mis-info sessions aimed 100% at ignorant easily duped uneducated lemmings on Facebook etc....
it works because... the USA is infested w/ da kine redstate 1stcousin humpin gOD duped gun addicted highly racist trailer trash dueling banjo maga-losers.... sadly

RE: Some tips/tricks on weeding - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 03-22-2025

mis-info sessions aimed 100% at ignorant easily duped uneducated lemmings…

Don’t hold back, and make us read between the lines. Tell us what you really think.

RE: Some tips/tricks on weeding - Punatang - 03-23-2025

dueling banjo 

Finally a banjo thread! 

ETA: or a thread weed?

RE: Some tips/tricks on weeding - kalianna - 03-23-2025

Why are you posting this here? Nothing to do with the thread or Hawaii.

RE: Some tips/tricks on weeding - Punatang - 03-23-2025

(03-23-2025, 07:38 AM)kalianna Wrote: Why are you posting this here? Nothing to do with the thread or Hawaii.

Well respectfully, I feel that my post has more to do with the thread than your post does so one could ask you the same question. If that makes no sense to you then I hope Ironyak will forgive me for borrowing his missive from yesterday where he really nailed it IMHO, in the Kilauea thread.

A comment not immediately related to the thread topic? Oh lawdy, whatever has Punaweb come to? Do you need to speak to a manager?