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Vaccinated People Spread The Delta Variant, CDC Says
I have to keep reminding myself, "Don't feed the trolls. Don't feed the trolls."
Certainty will be the death of us.
(08-07-2021, 11:44 PM)kalianna Wrote: I have to keep reminding myself, "Don't feed the trolls.  Don't feed the trolls."

It can be hard to do, but well done. On the other hand, countering information that could lead to severe illness and/or death is a worthwhile endeavor, even if it if feeds a troll. Thank you, Carey, for doing the work you do so well.

As for AaronM, perhaps you forgot to mention that our current understanding is that breakthrough cases can carry a large virus load but breakthrough cases are rare. Obviously, I can't tell if you were being deliberately misleading or simply don't understand the data.
Someone sent me this video this morning from a protest at the Capital in Honolulu yesterday …
Good to hear from a frontline healthcare worker.
(08-08-2021, 05:17 PM)SBH Wrote: Someone sent me this video this morning from a protest at the Capital in Honolulu yesterday …
Someone like me is not going to watch this. Care to summarize?
Dr. Martin Makary, M.D., M.P.H. Johns Hopkins Hospital

"The notion that we have to vaccinate every living, walking American – and eventually every newborn – in order to control the pandemic is based on the false assumption that the risk of dying from COVID-19 is equally distributed in the population. It's not. We have always known that it's very hard for the virus to hurt someone who is young and healthy. And that's still the case."
(08-08-2021, 10:31 PM)AaronM Wrote: We have always known that it's very hard for the virus to hurt someone who is young and healthy...

That is just so much silliness I have to wonder, what's your point? Why is it that you are so intent on using Punaweb to spread false, and harmful, information that will ultimately hurt people? 

More Kids Are Getting Sick With COVID-19, Top Pediatrics Group Finds


Nearly 72,000 children tested positive for COVID-19 last week, a “substantial” increase that troubles public health advocates amid the growing wave of infections linked to the highly transmissible delta variant of the virus.

The American Academy of Pediatrics released the figures on Tuesday, noting they were a nearly 85% increase from a week earlier. Children — defined by individual states as those aged 17 or 18 and under ― now account for 19% of the nation’s weekly COVID-19 cases.

More than 4.2 million children have tested positive for the coronavirus since the pandemic began. (is that the insignificant number you are alluding to?)

The data is troubling as many children are not yet eligible for a coronavirus vaccine. Those used in the United States are only authorized for people aged 12 and over, but many schools are preparing to hold in-person classes in the fall for the first time since the pandemic took hold last year...

More at the links above.
Testing positive means nothing in regards to symptomatic reaction. The vast majority of people who test positive are and remain asymptomatic. Everyone should know that by now.

Intimating that children are at high risk is the definition of false, and harmful information.
To Aaron's point, if 4.2 million children have tested positive, but the CDC only lists 349 child (0-17) deaths involving COVID-19, then it doesn't seem "very deadly" for children. Based on CDC numbers though, about twice as many children have died of COVID-19 than the flu since the pandemic started. That seems more deadly. 349 child deaths would be almost 10 years worth of school shootings happening in a little over a year. Seems like something we would try to prevent.

Also consider almost three times as many hospitalizations (~60,000) among children for COVID-19 vs flu. And consider that we don't know what percentage of infected children (the millions) will suffer "long-haul" Covid. And that most of these statistics are from before Delta and other new variants became dominant.

No matter how you view those numbers, no one is being asked to do much besides please wear a mask and please get vaccinated. Even if it will "only" save a few hundred children's lives, or "potentially" prevent a more deadly variant, why not choose to do it? What's the big deal?
And if we don't get vaccinated how will we stop the pandemic? As the virus has mutated and become more infectious, "let it run its course" has become even less of a viable option than it was when it was first callously suggested at the beginning of the pandemic. I would seriously like to hear a solution from those who still resist being vaccinated. How do we end it before it mutates into something worse?
Certainty will be the death of us.

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