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Nissan Leaf Battery Replacement Alternative To Dealer?
Listed just below the cardboard tube ' telescope and cup string cup phone.
(08-12-2022, 06:46 AM)elepaio pid= Wrote:Listed just below the cardboard tube  ' telescope and cup string cup phone.

Your listing is wrong, phones aren't vehicles.
cardboard tube ' telescope and cup string cup phone.

Both an ecologically & economically sound alternative to driving a car!
Run strings and cups to all your friends, then aim your homemade telescope at the person you’re speaking with.  Better than Zoom!  Don’t forget a string & cup to a grocery store with delivery, or it becomes a fairly short term solution.

Is this what you do?
I've done absolutely no research whatsoever, but I'm pretty sure cardboard tubes, cups and string have environmental consequences as well...
Agree, as relevant and irrelevant as Flintmobile analogy.

Bottom line is :
elepaio pid=' dateline=\'1660552930' Wrote:Agree, as relevant and irrelevant as Flintmobile analogy.

That wasn't an analogy. Try again.
Just read it Tom and all .. Nothing mean spirited. Just facts you may not have seen...learn something new everyday.
(08-15-2022, 08:57 AM).\elepaio Wrote: Just read it Tom and all .. Nothing mean spirited. Just facts you may not have seen...learn something new everyday.

Well, read this:

Whatever it is you're trying to do, I suspect it's some sort of diversion, it's pretty clear you're doing your best to take this away from being Hawaii-related.
My neighbor was working on the internal combustion engine in his car this morning.  He called me over to ask if I know what i means when this light comes on:

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(08-20-2022, 08:39 PM)HereOnThePrimalEdge Wrote: My neighbor was working on the internal combustion engine in his car this morning.  He called me over to ask if I know what i means when this light comes on:
What was your response?

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