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Albizia assassins - Printable Version

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Albizia assassins - PrismaticMenehune - 02-19-2016

The BIISC is leading a group back down near lava tree to continue poisoning albizia. http://www.biisc.org/calling-all-albizia-assassins/

Treating the regrowth along the road seems sensible, though I'm not sure how great filling the aina with Milestone (http://pesticide.ifas.ufl.edu/courses/pdfs/tsodaapple/milestonelabel.pdf) really is. Perhaps killing the large ones will lead to the regeneration of native species in the surrounding area, but in some ways it also seems very wasteful and could lead to other unforeseen problems, not to mention, those have to be some of the biggest trees on the Islands and thereby do add a lot of beauty for tourists and residents alike. The huge ones will likely take many many years to rot. If one thinks this is a bad idea, what could be done? Write the BIISC? Write Senator Ruderman, a strong supporter of albizia management, a letter? Hug the albizias to stave off the hatchets? Wink

Don't we have better things to try to control than trees, i.e. dengue, LFA? Maybe I'm out of line, but thought I'd mention these thoughts before it's too late.

RE: Albizia assassins - Punatic007 - 02-19-2016

Albizia trees did terrible damage to homes and properties during hurricane Iselle.

I think Rat Lungworm disease is the greatest threat to Puna. I don't understand why the county is not directed to pick up the garbage at the Kehena transfer station DAILY. Instead it's closed 4 days a week. So the garbage sits around in people's yards, back of trucks to be driven all over everywhere, gets piled up at the gate of the transfer station or people walk it in where it sits in the bin. Lots of free rat food everywhere to keep the population strong and growing.

I have also read repeatedly that garbage is also like a live lure for mosquitos.

This is not my field of expertise, far from it but it does seem like common sense to me.

RE: Albizia assassins - PrismaticMenehune - 02-19-2016

> Albizia trees did terrible damage to homes and properties during hurricane Iselle.

Lava Tree State Monument isn't a residential area, and tropical cyclones have not exactly been a common occurrence on this island. Even if that's because we've been lucky, preparing for every possible natural disaster impact when you live on the world's most active volcano seems a bit misguided.

RE: Albizia assassins - leilaniguy - 02-19-2016

One tree can produce hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of seeds. Didn't Iselle teach you anything? They should be eradicated.

RE: Albizia assassins - PunaMauka2 - 02-19-2016

"Don't we have better things to try to control than trees, i.e. dengue, LFA?"

Asking questions and seeking facts to develop informed opinion is good. Though at the end there I think you are presenting a bit of an either-or false dilemma. Perhaps a better way to approach it is to investigate exactly what types and how much of a threat Albizia pose here, then see where that might fit on a list of priorities. Multiple problems need to be dealt with simultaneously. Just because other problems may be judged to be more urgent is not necessarily a reason to exclude less threatening issues from a problem-solving agenda.

RE: Albizia assassins - PunaLover - 02-19-2016

I kinda miss the Albizia canopy on the road to Lava Tree. It still looks way too barren now.

RE: Albizia assassins - leilanidude - 02-19-2016

"Don't we have better things to try to control than trees, i.e. dengue, LFA?"

We do have a lot of things to control.

However, if we don't control the albizia, we risk access to emergency services being blocked when they fall over.

RE: Albizia assassins - Rob Tucker - 02-19-2016

My suggestion for local control of albezia is to tax them. Assess a yearly increasing tax on all albezia with fall range of a road or house. Start at $10/tree per year. Double that every year progressive years.

The chainsaws will hum.

RE: Albizia assassins - Punatic007 - 02-19-2016

Originally posted by leilanidude

"Don't we have better things to try to control than trees, i.e. dengue, LFA?"

We do have a lot of things to control.

However, if we don't control the albizia, we risk access to emergency services being blocked when they fall over.


RE: Albizia assassins - MattKarma - 02-19-2016

Originally posted by leilaniguy

One tree can produce hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of seeds. Didn't Iselle teach you anything? They should be eradicated.

The only thing you are going to eradicate is yourself. Unfortunately, short-sighted views such as this are endemic.