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Hawaiians-Only Election Gets Court Approval - Printable Version

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RE: Hawaiians-Only Election Gets Court Approval - opihikao - 10-30-2015

FYI - (A pretty good read, IMO.) *Snipped - More at link:

Historic election could return sovereignty to Native Hawaiians

In 1893, Queen Liliuokalani, the last monarch of Hawaii, yielded power to a group of businessmen backed by Marines in order to avoid the bloodshed of her people. She did so believing that the U.S. government, when presented with the facts, would eventually restore the Hawaiian kingdom. Instead, the coup led to the dissolution of Hawaiian sovereignty and the tropical archipelago's eventual admission to statehood.

Now, more than a century after the overthrow, a historic election seeks to return sovereignty to Native Hawaiians, a people still stinging from the bitter ruin of colonization, when Hawaiians had their lands stolen, their hula outlawed and their language purged from schools.


RE: Hawaiians-Only Election Gets Court Approval - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 10-30-2015

Why is it that we should care what the Dalai lama has to say again?

The Dalai Lama was the leader of Tibet when the Chinese invaded. He was forced out of the country, and afterward Tibet was annexed as a province of China. There are some similarities (as well as differences) when you compare the Dalai Lama's life and experience to the events that took place while Queen Liliuokalani was the leader of Hawaii.

The movie Seven Years in Tibet depicts the period right before and during the overthrow of Tibet.

RE: Hawaiians-Only Election Gets Court Approval - knieft - 10-30-2015

Why is it that we should care what the Dalai lama has to say again?

OK, I can't resist.

I think for the same reason we should care what frustrated Hawaiians have to say?



RE: Hawaiians-Only Election Gets Court Approval - Seeb - 10-30-2015

Originally posted by opihikao

FYI - (A pretty good read, IMO.) *Snipped - More at link:

Historic election could return sovereignty to Native Hawaiians

In 1893, Queen Liliuokalani, the last monarch of Hawaii, yielded power to a group of businessmen backed by Marines in order to avoid the bloodshed of her people. She did so believing that the U.S. government, when presented with the facts, would eventually restore the Hawaiian kingdom. Instead, the coup led to the dissolution of Hawaiian sovereignty and the tropical archipelago's eventual admission to statehood.

Now, more than a century after the overthrow, a historic election seeks to return sovereignty to Native Hawaiians, a people still stinging from the bitter ruin of colonization, when Hawaiians had their lands stolen, their hula outlawed and their language purged from schools.


You are using ALJAZEERA as your source????????

RE: Hawaiians-Only Election Gets Court Approval - opihikao - 10-30-2015

Aloha, Seeb. No, just sharing articles from different perspectives and opinion as they come out.

The media is the media. CNN/FOX/AP/UPI/HLN/NYTime/Star Advertiser, etc. are no better at reporting facts; we must decipher what we "believe is fact". Propaganda is propaganda.

As to the Dalai Lama, (mahalo HOTPE for sharing that link above) he also said:

"This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them.

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."


RE: Hawaiians-Only Election Gets Court Approval - dakine - 10-30-2015

Earlier I said... I still think the main point is that the Hawaiian people be given a chance to consider the options and decide for themselves.

And then Kirt asked.. This is where the lack of specifics hurts. What options are you speaking of? Or am I rushing? Is it that no one knows what specific options there are and that hopefully Na'i Aupono will sort these options out?

and I will use opihikao's response to reply... In the Na'i Aupuni effort, it's mission is to bring the people together for decision making process. Whether it's Federal recognition, being assigned "tribe" status under US law, to outright refusal to participate in any US/State of Hawai'i government "entity", that is what Na'i Aupuni professes to provide: A vote to decide where to go from today, given our history.

Though I'll add: It is not, imo, a question of which version of the past to model the future upon, but rather to decide which version, knowing all that is known today, to embrace going into the future. And admittedly today is a lot different than the world of 120 years ago for everyone. So again, opihikao's observation covers that.

But I think, imo, that the matter of which government model to follow is not something to get hung up on. Yes it is important, but regardless of which way is decided upon, governing is a pretty thankless job. Yes we need it, but God help those that want to give their lives over to doing it. Which is to say, I do not think that is what is at the heart of the matter.

The bottom line, again imo, is land. There is no such thing as a sovereign nation without land. We can talk around and around while all the kupunas grow old about ideals and the ways to govern but until we talk about what lands are to be governed, and the role of the people in relationship to that land, it's all pretty much just a warm up act. The main event, again imo, will be when different models of land division are proposed. How will the Hawaiian Nation co-exist (if it will at all) with the State of Hawaii? With the USA? That, to me, is when the rubber will really be hitting the road.

RE: Hawaiians-Only Election Gets Court Approval - dakine - 10-30-2015

You are using ALJAZEERA as your source????????

I take that to mean you have a bias against Aljazeera? If so that's a shame. I find their reporting to be very well done, and much better than mainstream USA sources.

RE: Hawaiians-Only Election Gets Court Approval - opihikao - 10-30-2015

aloha, dakine. (sorry for the O/T - RE: Aljazerra) I think it comes from the days of the Gulf War, when they were the only ones reporting what others wouldn't. They've also been here in Hawai'i covering other issues for awhile.

Back to topic, the appeal has been filed in the Na'i Aupuni Election: (*Snipped - More at link)

Oct. 26, 2015--Today, the Plaintiffs in Akina v. State of Hawai’i filed an appeal from the Order of Judge Michael Seabright denying their motion to halt a race-based election to establish a Hawaiian tribe in violation of the Constitution. On Friday, Judge Seabright announced his ruling against the Plaintiff's motion for a preliminary injunction. Though Judge Seabright has not yet issued his written opinion, the fact that the election process is ongoing persuaded the Plaintiffs of the importance of an immediate appeal.




RE: Hawaiians-Only Election Gets Court Approval - Kaimana - 10-30-2015

Originally posted by knieft

OK, I can't resist.

I think for the same reason we should care what frustrated Hawaiians have to say?


I'm not seeing the correlation.

RE: Hawaiians-Only Election Gets Court Approval - opihikao - 10-30-2015

FYI: Na'i Aupuni Delegate Forum - Olelo TV:

Published on Oct 28, 2015

Na'i Aupuni candidate list, in order of appearance:

HOST: Brandon Makaawaawa

1. Bradford Lum
2. Karen Awana
3. Zuri Aki
4. Michael Hikalea
5. Keoni Kuoha
6. Mary Milham
7. Williamson Chang
8. Jacob Bryan Aki
9. Dean Guzman
10. R Apohakuku Craig-Rodenhurst
11. Kuhio Lewis
12. Jade Danner
13. Radine Kawahine Kamakea-Ohelo
14. Anthony Melvin Makana Paris
15. Dennis "Bumpy" Kanahele


FWIW. (*Not all candidates participated - This was held on Oahu)