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Woman's body found off Kalapana - Printable Version

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RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - hereandthere - 01-23-2014

I thought the press release was telling, in that maybe others knew but I did not. There was not just one phone call on Boaz phone after Brittanys body had already been found. There were several calls and they are not releasing to who or from who. Police can also track which cell phone towers those calls ping on to determine relative location of the person using the phone. I also did not know that alcohol was involved and an empty bottle or partially empty bottle was found at the campsite. I do not know the succession of photos(as in dates)of Boaz but some were different from others. The photo issued by police was different. He looked somber, somehow just not the same, almost haggard and it made me wonder if it was an arrest photo, which might explain the look. Maybe Im out on a limb. But the photos of he and Brittany are amazing and they look happy and glowing. That other photo doesn't paint the same picture. So sorry for everyones loss.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - anony_mouse - 01-23-2014

I also agree that the Officer seemed nervous/awkward during the interview. Judging from the way it was conducted, you would think this was the first press conference that HPD has ever conducted. Very unorganized and unprofessional.

I'd like to point out a few odd occurrences that stood out to me. I'll mark these occurrences chronologically according to timestamps in the full video, which can be found here: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=slYg4l5QPc4

1) At mark 3:50, why was the officer so quick to leave the podium without patiently waiting for journalists to begin asking questions? And when journalists do disrupt him from leaving, by asking questions, there is obvious confusion as to how, or who, will be addressing questions. Very unprofessional.

2) Mark 4:10 - When it's obvious that the officer has to stick around to answer actual questions, he nervously takes large gulps of water and starts shuffling papers before preparing himself to answer the following questions.

3) Mark 5:10 - When asked about the rope, police state the best forensic analysis of the rope found at both the campsite and the scene of the suicide were "similar in type". When asked to electorate how similar the ropes were, the best answer was "nylon". This answer is an absolute joke considering most household rope is "nylon" rope of similar/standard sizes. Furthermore, a forensic investigation would have been able to easily conclude whether or not the ropes were identical in design and manufacture, among other precise details. Yet the most conclusive answer from police is that it was "similar" based on the fact it was "nylon"? Very inconclusive.

4) Mark 6:40 - The journalist asks for specific details on how Boaz managed to hang himself. As opposed to providing forensic evidence indicating how Boaz tied himself up, or how he managed to launch his body, the police completely avoided giving a specific answer. Instead, the response to how Boaz hung himself was: "From a tree". Is that a joke, or is HPD really this unprofessional? Did they even properly investigate how the body was hung?

5) Mark 7:15 - Police admit they can't recall if the bottle of liquor was full or empty? Wouldn't the sobriety of the murder and victim be a MAJOR factor when initially investigating a crime scene? Wouldn't it be noted by both investigators and detectives whether this bottle was consumed or not. Wouldn't they also do DNA/fingerprint analysis on this bottle to determine if it possibly belonged to a suspect involved with the murder? It's strange that none of the officers at the press conference could answer a pivotal question about a very important piece of evidence.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - MarkP - 01-23-2014

If you think that the only two ways to hang yourself are to stand on a chair and kick it out from under you or to jump from a height and break your neck that just shows how much you don't know. People have "successfully" hung themselves from doorknobs. No jumping or even full hanging are necessary. The guy who supposedly hung himself while sitting in his car could easily have done so. Bo's body could have been in a sitting position with his back against a tree, his okole a few inches off the ground, and his head only 3' off the ground. In that position, in the Hawaiian forest I am familiar with, searchers could walk within feet and not see the body.

There are certain things worthy of strong opinions. The "fishiness" of the details of Bo's hanging possibly months ago is not one of those things.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Punatickz - 01-23-2014

What in the hell? Alright let's summarize this.

One guy hangs himself in the cab of his own truck, and Bo likely hung himself a few inches off the ground. Oh and best of all , the method someone used to hang themselves in a controversial suicide is not "worthy" of opinion or investigation.

This is head-shakingly absurd.

You should call HPD and see if they have any current openings. You are a PERFECT fit.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - hikatz - 01-23-2014

Ruth and ssshjar, for most of your questions, there are no clear-cut answers, many doubts and suspicions, you know your brother, never give up searching for the truth. Just like many of us here continue to question the police findings.

The news outlets still make a big deal about Bo staying at the hostel, the police know that was not true, why didn't they made an official statement clearing up that error, instead of a brief 2 line statement back in the beginning, that was one of the things that seem to point to Bo's guilt.

Why wasn't the area searched thoroughly after finding the backpack, don't give me the crap about police being shorthanded, this was a violent murder scene!

Why did Bo after speaking to his family that afternoon and was so happy about buying the property, just so happen to have a bottle of liquor and supposedly drank it by himself, makes no sense, especially since Brittany was very much into health and expecting the baby.

I still have too many questions about the murders, including the suicide note which showed no emotion, and seemed not have even mentioned his family. I have my own theory about what happened, and since I have doubts as far as I am concerned this is not over.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - microage97 - 01-23-2014

Seems pretty like a simple case to me. Not sure why people just want to believe there is more to it.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - rusty h - 01-23-2014

we will know more when we find out who he called.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Punatickz - 01-23-2014

The suicide note does not seem like a typical suicide note. When journalists asked if their was any mention of what the dispute was about, police said there was nothing indicative of what topic they were fighting over.

This flies in the face of what REAL suicide letters are about. Suicide letters are left to either justify or apologize your actions, usually elaborating quite passionately about their reasons for committing suicide.

If you honestly look at this from the perspective that the letter could have been forced, the killers would only be interested in including two things. Confession of guilt, and intent of suicide, which are the two necessary details to frame you.

I'm sure someone will say "There's no way they could make him write that", then you've probably never had an AR-15 against your head or threatened to be tortured.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Lupie - 01-23-2014

There are a lot of unanswered questions in this case.
Although what really gets me at this point is the press conference. Like others have mentioned... The body language of the officer was a bit unnerving. While reading the statement he was fine... Though when he had to answer questions, you could see his whole demeanor change. He had a strained look on his face. His breathing changed (you can tell by watching his chest rise and fall). You can see how each question effects him. IMO it seemed like a person who was fine in a controlled situation (of reading the statement), but was very nervous about keeping his story straight when having to answer questions.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Punatickz - 01-23-2014

Originally posted by microage97

Seems pretty like a simple case to me. Not sure why people just want to believe there is more to it.

Probably because this is Puna, and people that have lived here for several years know that a "simple case" isn't always so simple down here.