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Woman's body found off Kalapana - Printable Version

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RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Kelena - 01-23-2014

If you simply can't move on, perhaps you could at least have the dignity to keep it to yourself. The mother of the victim and of the victim's unborn child has come forth to thank the community for its support and to indicate that she accepts the finding that Boaz Johnson was the murderer. The victim's father and grandfather concur. By what right does someone sitting at a keyboard in a cabin on the arctic tundra announce that Mr. Johnson didn't do this, without citing a scintilla of evidence that would cast a REASONABLE doubt on the findings?

The perpetrator was found hanging from a tree near the site of the crime scene. He wrote a three page confession which an independent forensic expert determined was in Mr. Johnson's hand. The confession describes having killed the victim and having attempted to dispose of her body in a manner consistent with the gloomy and gory trail from the campsite to the ocean and with the place where her body was found. He goes on to say that he is going to kill himself. One looks up, and there he is.

If the mother of the victim can accept the findings, then I think it is incumbent on the rest of us to do the same, or at least to keep our counsel. No one can question the energy and devotion of the family to seek justice in this case. They moved heaven and earth...and our community as well, not to mention thousands and maybe even hundreds of thousands of others. If they are satisfied that justice has been done, then so am I.

This murder cast an unfortunate pall on one of the most uniquely beautiful areas of Earth. There has been a darkness there that you could just feel. Many of us avoided the area for that reason. Boaz Johnson summoned a special brand of evil there. He did it only briefly and he regretted it but the stain was great. The sea is loud there and he could not escape its noise or the darkness of his own thoughts and deeds. That is not to say that only angels walk in Kalapana and that no bad thing has ever happened there before. But those issues are distinct from the question of who killed Brittany-Jane Royal -- a question which has been resolved to the family's satisfaction.

In time we will remember this place for its dynamic and powerful beauty and for the beauty of a young and adventurous feminine soul who saw it as we do and who spent her final days breathing the sweetly-scented salt air, spotting rainbows, and feeling the power of a mountain in motion and perhaps even seeing an Io or two... and feeling one within. I offer my sincere condolences to the family of the victim and her unborn child.

There is a song about Kalapana called "Holei". The lyrics came from a poem that was tacked below a painting of Kalapana. Ledward Kaapana saw the painting and the poem and expanded on those words. Dennis Pavao added as well. The song speaks of how deafening the ocean's roar can be in that area -- kai leo nui....the great voice of the sea...and of how you can hear it all the way up the pali. The sea has spoken and, in this case, you could hear it all the way up the pali and there was no escape.

When I play this song, I start out simply and softly, but with each verse its gets louder, like the ocean itself. And then it roars. I think I can perform this song again now, without a shadow hanging over it. Here is another version of Holei.

Kalapana belongs to us again and to the beautiful spirit of an idealistic young woman who loved it as we do. Aloha.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - rainyjim - 01-23-2014

This isn't just about the family - murder on this Island affects all of us. It's not up to anyone to tell people when its time for them to be over it. This forum is quite clearly for all of us puna residents not just for the relatives of those involved in the crime. Lets try to remember that.

I didn't feel safe in kalapana before this happened. It had bad vibes and lives were threatened and individuals attacked before this ever happened. Before these kids were ever on the island. No doubt even with these poor souls gone from the island this posturing for 'territory' by assault and threats will continue. I'm glad the thugs down there can no longer profit from the ocean entry flow.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Britts MOM - 01-23-2014

Kelena. Thank you so much for saying this.it was beautifully written and livening. Especially the part of seeing an Io. Mahalo.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Punatickz - 01-23-2014

Originally posted by MiloliiSect

Now in this forum Sarah Johnson is implicating by pure conjecture the revealing of private members of Brittany’s family to be at or around their campsite in previous days to Brittany’s killing???! That is beyond absurd and must be really hurtful to Brittany’s family. So it would seem clear why the police would be wise to follow the Johnson family for clues and information as it seems that at many opportunities there is this constant corroboration to cast their son in any light other than possibly being responsible and further implicating anyone by this gross insertion on the web into the public forum

Sarah Johnson never insinuated that Brittany's relative played any role in the murder of Brittany. In fact, she clearly states concern that Brittany's relative may be a victim, showing concern that someone else was possibly "hurt/dead". In no way whatsoever did Bo's family ever imply that Brittany's sister was considered suspicious or suspectful. She also reiterated that this information came from a local community member.

For those that would like to read Sarah Johnson quote, here it is:

49 Posts
Posted - 07/20/2013 : 10:55:24

I have also heard that there were other people camping with Brittany and Bo that week. A Big Island local has said that it was Brittany’s sister camping with Bo and Brittany. Brittany has a half sister from her biological father’s side. His name is Todd and he lives in the Caribbean. I don’t know where his daughter is currently living. I believe her name is Summer. Whether or not Brittany’s sister was one of the people camping with them, it could explain the extra tent(orange.) The Johnson family only knew Bo and Brittany to be staying in the yellow and grey tent that Brittany’s adoptive father, Ted, bought as a gift to Bo and Brittany when they visited California. So where did the orange tent come from? Who was staying in the tent? If whoever stayed in the orange tent was there with Bo and Brittany, could they be hurt/dead too? If they weren’t hurt or dead, how come they never returned for their orange tent and belongings? And if they weren’t Brittany and Bo’s friends and completely uninvolved, why would they leave their orange tent and campsite unattended?

As anyone with a reading comprehension level above 9th grade can see, Sarah Johnson was merely implying that if it was a family/friend of Bo or Brittany staying in the tent, could they possibly be a victim? She then goes on to say that if the person(s) in the other tent WERE not friends/family of Bo and Brittany, why was their campsite abandoned?

Before someone starts accusing a family member by quoting their comments, try reading their comments a second time, and a bit more slowly, so that you can comprehend their actual meanings.

Recklessly misquoting or mistranslating a direct quote from family member, and using it to tarnish her reputation, and ridicule her attempts to find answers in the local community, is a bit irresponsible and more than attackful. To be honest with you, there were several instances in your entire post that made it seem more like an anti-Johnson post as opposed to a pro-Brittany or anti-Boaz post.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Adam-I-Am - 01-23-2014

When someone says "shut up" and just believe what the authorities say then it's not the time to shut up. This does not mean the HPD is wrong. It means that in a supposed free country where freedom is decreasing by leaps and bounds people gotta be looking for the truth. ALWAYS. Even after the authorities have announced "case closed." There have been THOUSANDS of crimes where the authorities said, "case closed."

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Punatickz - 01-23-2014

If you simply can't move on, perhaps you could at least have the dignity to keep it to yourself. The mother of the victim and of the victim's unborn child has come forth to thank the community for its support and to indicate that she accepts the finding that Boaz Johnson was the murderer. The victim's father and grandfather concur. By what right does someone sitting at a keyboard in a cabin on the arctic tundra announce that Mr. Johnson didn't do this, without citing a scintilla of evidence that would cast a REASONABLE doubt on the findings?

If anyone on the forum, family members or not, aren't interested in reading local opinions, there is a back-button on most browsers. I also live in a puna rainforest, not an artic tundra. I believe Hikatz, Gypsy, Rainyjim, Adam-and-I, Anonymouse, Minnette, Amrite, kapohololo, among several others on this forum, live in Puna/Big Island, and not an artic tundra. Nearly half the community down here is divided, and that's represented on this forum also.

By the way, I'd like to add that NONE of us wish any distress or harm to the Royal family. Simply since we doubt Boaz Johnson is a murderer, it does NOT mean we do not feel the utmost respect and sympathy for the Royal family and the loss of a daughter they cherished and loved. Our island misses her free-loving aloha spirit, and we would do anything to bring both her and Bo back. I have personally prayed for the souls of both Bo and Brittany many, many, times.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - MiloliiSect - 01-23-2014

Originally posted by Littrell

Thank you Punatickz!! That is exactly what I am, beyond concerned and worried friend. I am from Bo's home town not to mention he is a classmate and friend. Where we come from these things don't happen. And we are raised with morals, and out of the 2,800 people that live in our town the Johnson family are top ten most respectable,kindhearted,open minded, and HAVE MORALS, and the Men in there family KNOW how to respect and treat women.
That's why the "suicide story" is Just so RIDICULOUS! And if that makes us the Alaskan crowd then so damn be it! , but there isn't a flagged operation, to be honest I don't even know what that means, or care too. Call what u want. I'm just a VERY CONCERNED FRIEND!!

Condolences to you Littrel on the loss of your friend. I hope you are able to find peace in honoring the memory of your friend you so vehemently defend for the good qualities you personally knew in him.

It looks to only be one poster here who first made the negative inference to an "Alaskan false flag crowd" and doubtful he speaks for the many the poster claims to speak for.

While I do not believe your assertion that the place and people you live around has anymore of a higher moral standing than any other place on this planet. I looked into some of your state and town info and it should be made aware that it would seem that your town suffers about the similar rate of crime statistics as many of the similar sized towns here in Hawaii. The irrational, immature moments of poor decision of criminal offenses affect us all. Here are links.

According to our research of Alaska and other state lists there were 9 registered sex offenders living in Petersburg, Alaska as of January 23, 2014. The ratio of number of residents in Petersburg to the number of sex offenders is 313 to 1. The number of registered sex offenders compared to the number of residents in this city is near the state average


t’s hard to say what speaks louder in Alaska: stories or statistics. The high numbers of domestic violence and domestic abuse cast a long shadow over the state. Alaskans like to hear they’re number one, but the state leads the nation in rape, an unflattering title.


This last link is from an Alaska Daily News article from today about Bo's death and also contains some new words from Brittany's father Ted that were not shared in our local coverage.

"All the questions we had, all the speculation, all the misinformation, everything has been cleared up," Ted Royal said, praising police and prosecutors for their work. "It's over."

Ted Royal said police showed him the pages from the notebook: "He details his feelings, he details what happened. He clearly admitted to strangling Brittany and throwing her in the ocean. He clearly wrote that down."

His daughter never indicated any violence in the short relationship, Ted Royal said.

"It's two kids that got into a heated argument and he made a bad decision," he said. "I'm not in the forgiving phase yet, but I know I'll have to forgive in order to move on and to heal."

Read more here: http://www.adn.com/2014/01/21/3284496/police-alaska-man-confessed-in.html#storylink=cpy

RIP Brittany & Io, May God take Bo into his presence and judge him accordingly for it is beyond our control now. And may God bring comfort to the families, friends, and community of all those involved.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Punatickz - 01-23-2014

Oh for gods sake, an entire anti-Alaska post aimed at the friends and family of a dead person? Are you serious?

The commenter from Alaska never intended to produce any sort of Hawaii vs Alaska argument. The two states are like comparing an apple to an orange, so just drop it MiloliiSect. Litrell is obviously a close friend of Boaz, and is probably grieving his loss and merely expressing her angst/sorrow.

It's starting to become rather obvious that you created an account for the sole purpose and intent of logging in to specifically attack the friends and family of Boaz Johnson. If you're going to attack someone, leave family/friends of the victims alone. Comparing Hawaii to Alaska is not only irrelevant to the topic, but it's also not going to have any impact on the divided opinions among LOCALS concerning a murder in Lower Kalapana.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - deserteagle50ae - 01-23-2014

Punatickz, you need to chill,you seem to have a anger management problem!!!

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Littrell - 01-23-2014

I am not trying to disrespect any body in this forum what so ever! Simply just saying my thoughts and how I feel, with the loved one I have lost.
And I know they found the journal, but it doesn't mean it wasn't a cover up? That will be determined by a private investigator. And "my thoughts on the journal" is if it took three weeks to identify the body, where was the journal when they first found the body?? It seemed like They only mentioned the journal, when they for sure identified the body? And it may hurt the royals that people believe something different, and I don't want anybody to be in pain at all!
Everyone is going to have there own opinions, and these are mine. Like I said no disrespect to anybody AT ALL, I'm just speaking from Bo's families side, and I don't think that is wrong at all. I have been in so much pain over this, that it is hard for me most days.
And for the people that do believe this is the end, have you thought that maybe there could be a cover up? that it is possible. especially all of the concerns that followed up to this horrible crime. I'm not trying to change anybody's mind that is set on the opinions, what so ever. These are my thoughts and how I feel, and I WILL not stop fighting for who I believe in. (No offense at all ) Just like I would never ask or ridicule anybody else in what they believe in.