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Campaign ethics - Printable Version

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RE: Campaign ethics - Guest - 07-24-2014

csgray, first thing you need to understand is that me and RJ do not see eye to eye on many issues. She is much more conservative than me. RJ has already told me that should she win she will be hiring someone smarter then me as her legislative assistant.[Smile]

edit: grey to gray

RE: Campaign ethics - csgray - 07-24-2014

Is that a promise?


RE: Campaign ethics - Guest - 07-24-2014

Yes Carol it is one of RJ's campaign promises. That is an easy one to keep. One of things RJ will implement as a council person of the 5th district, to accommodate working people who may not be able to see her during the day, is to make appointments up until 8pm. This will ensure that her constituents will have access to her. As a legislative assistant, RJ wound up burning the midnight oils regularly. She's use to it.

RE: Campaign ethics - fishenjim - 07-24-2014

I have to agree with R.J. Sativa by telling constituents your candidate is not seeking their vote I to would want someone smarter as a legislative assistant as well. I imagine with that type of help she has a slim chance of winning election anyhow.

RE: Campaign ethics - missydog1 - 07-24-2014

Originally posted by Alan McNarie

KathyH: good point. Basically, I had to make a logistical decision: I needed to get a huge number of questionnaires online, and decided that getting them up took priority over making them pretty. Even so, since the answers came back in a large variety of formats, from Yahoo Mail to HTML to PDF, I had to do a whole lot of cleanup and reformatting just to get them online at all. I'm still wrestling with some of them. If there's time later, I'll go back and put them all into a format that's easier on the eyes.

Alan D. McNarie

Hi Alan, thanks for the response. I understand your dilemma, although I would have not published without the formatting myself. My approach would have been to require a common format in the submission, but my background is in teaching college. "Hand your paper in using this format or it won't be either read or graded."

I learned the hard way reading batches of 500 essays on the same topic that readability makes all the difference in whether an idea comes across.

I understand that the look of BIC online font is erratic (one reason I quit reading it regularly), but there is a difference between an editor or guest-generated post and a solicited questionnaire from a field of candidates. I would think it is very important to be consistent.

As I said though, I would have aimed to control the labor on the front end by specifying a format. [Smile] I think if a person wants to hold public office, asking them to do what is required of any college freshman is not too rigorous.

I honestly couldn't read any of the questionnaires other than Tiffany's and Karen's.

I've read all of Finnegans Wake and read Ulysses numerous times, so I can definitely read difficult text and formatting, but undifferentiated white font defeats me.

Take care, hope the editorial assignment is rewarding for you.

RE: Campaign ethics - snorkle - 07-24-2014

I am forwarding your editorial advice to James Joyce, as I'm certain he would appreciate literary tips from someone who not only taught college, but attended Altamont.

[Big Grin]

RE: Campaign ethics - Alan McNarie - 07-25-2014

Wait a minute, Sativa. You're complaining about press coverage that YOU HAVEN'T READ?
KatyH, thanks for your feedback. This is the problem with doing press on a shoestring. I've covered a lot of elections, but this is the first time that I've ever tried to cover every race all by myself, and serve as my own editor as well--not to mention learning how to post it on an unfamiliar online system. I wish I had a teacher's power to command all the candidates, "You WILL turn in your assigned questions in a certain format ON TIME." But as RJ and Sativa illustrate, it's been a challenge to get many candidates to respond at all, and I'm grateful that so many candidates actually did respond. I will work on better formatting as soon as time allows.

Alan D. McNarie

RE: Campaign ethics - Anxious Messiah - 07-25-2014

Originally posted by Sativa

Who are you to take her responses off the internet or where ever you got them from and fashion her answers and put them in your categories? What gives you the right to go against her wishes especially in an opponent's so called newspaper?

Other than the fact that they are public statements made in the public domain by someone who is a public figure?

Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.

RE: Campaign ethics - missydog1 - 07-25-2014

Thanks for the reply, Alan. Yes, I understand. Limited time, shoestring, all of that[Smile]

I had to smile at the teacher's power. Getting students of this day and age to do anything according to standards was as successful as herding cats. Trust me, the whining I got for holding them to guidelines was massive.

I'm not one who cares about power, but I do care about my eyes, and I don't read long bits of text that overly tax them. [Big Grin] My feedback isn't to dump on you or to say that I got better results (I didn't).

It's really just to let you know that formatting made a big difference in the questionnaire readability where it was used, at least to me.

I'm currently completing a project (an application for honoring a community treasure), where every aspect of format is completely strict, which I know will be returned unread if I miss a beat. I am not getting paid for it at all, so it's a bit of a pain to jump through a bunch of hoops, but I figure if I'm going to do it at all, I'd better make sure they read it. Otherwise there is no point to the effort, right? [Smile]

RE: Campaign ethics - missydog1 - 07-25-2014

Originally posted by snorkle

I am forwarding your editorial advice to James Joyce, as I'm certain he would appreciate literary tips from someone who not only taught college, but attended Altamont.

[Big Grin]

I'm impressed you know how to forward to the dead. You could C.C. Shakespeare while you're at it. (Not that I have any editorial advice for either writer. They are masters. I am student.)

Ah yes, attending the school of Altamont. Two nights and a day that I won't forget. Relevance to editing political questionnaires, unclear. Relevance to bikers providing event security (topic where I mentioned it), clear. [8D]