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Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045 - Printable Version

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RE: Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045 - Punatang - 06-30-2024

Edge are you suggesting that we use inter-generational justice as a renewable energy source?  Another waste-to-energy project?

RE: Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045 - TomK - 06-30-2024

(06-29-2024, 08:21 PM)MyManao Wrote:
(06-29-2024, 07:58 PM)HiloJulie Wrote: we need a whole new paradigm of thinking..

Yep, we need to recognize that life, in all its forms, is sacred. And live accordingly.

That's one hell of a hurdle to overcome. First, you need to show that life exists due to some supernatural being, and that being said, all life is sacred. After that, you'll have to define life. Have you ever taken an antibiotic medication? If so, you've killed life. In the past, you've said you have cats. Have you stopped them from killing anything? Even a fly or spider? Why would a creator create a universe or world with a food chain with predators at the top? Where does your instruction come from other than yourself?

PS. Does all life include vegetables?

RE: Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045 - TomK - 06-30-2024

(06-30-2024, 06:37 AM)Punatang Wrote: Edge are you suggesting that we use inter-generational justice as a renewable energy source?  Another waste-to-energy project?

If only there were a way to store the hot air from politicians and religious bigots.

RE: Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045 - Punatang - 06-30-2024

Does all life include vegetables?  If only there were a way to store the hot air from politicians and religious bigots. - TomK

Exactly! As even the most ardent deniers must now recognize, if we could simply harness the gaslighting from political vegetables, we would be home free.

RE: Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045 - MyManao - 06-30-2024

(06-30-2024, 08:44 AM)TomK Wrote: Does all life include vegetables?

And you call yourself a scientist? What a joke.

RE: Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045 - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 06-30-2024

Edge are you suggesting

I think if we make good choices now, we won’t be saddled with “do this unimaginably stomach churning thing if you want to survive.”

RE: Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045 - terracore - 06-30-2024

(06-30-2024, 03:07 AM)HereOnThePrimalEdge Wrote: And if we don't change our ways, maybe the 2080s!

That’s right! As Charlton Heston tried to warn the good citizens of the future, “Soylent Green is (spoiler alert)!”:

Soylent Green is certainly renewable, and what we’ll get for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if we use up the more preferable resources now.

Finally someone gets it.  WE are the carbon they want to reduce.

RE: Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045 - ironyak - 06-30-2024

Punatang - This post has been deleted.
I'm going to reply to the original gist of this comment, in order to clarify a few things, even if only for those who read the comment before it was deleted.

"Liquefied Natural Gas: A cleaner fossil fuel that’s cheaper than oil and pairs well with renewable energy - May 21, 2014"
Natural gas is ~95% methane so the terms LNG, natural gas, and methane are commonly used interchangeably in the literature. With that understanding, if you would like to point out what I got wrong in that paragraph, or elsewhere, I'm happy to discuss.

The fact is that the 2014 assessment is just of out of date and doesn't reflect the current knowledge or options available. It would be like basing your next car purchase on a Consumer Report from 2014 and wondering why you ended up with a very substandard option.

I'd be overjoyed if in a decade the kids were poking fun at my degrowth mantra because we managed to develop energy free from greenhouse gas emissions, such as large scale solar with storage, and everyone was living their best solarpunk lives. However, given our current emission projections and the Supreme Court continually weakening regulatory authority that doesn't look like where we're heading.

You seem to take offense that not all opinions, such as promoting the myth of clean coal, are given equal consideration, but there really is a distinction to be made between informed opinions based on evidence, and fact-free hot takes or biased propaganda. Both "it's getting kinda of warm out there" and "Democrats are a satanic cult" are opinions, but given the sources and evidence involved, hopefully you'd be inclined to believe one more than the other and grab the sunhat, and not the crucifix, on the way out the door.

Or as someone far smarter than me once said: “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’” - Isaac Asimov (1980)

HiloJulie - At any event, I wonder what America would become if everybody just said NO to following any and all rules!
Skipping past the slippery slope fallacy, it's probably worth highlighting that much of recognized progress has been tied to people breaking the rules, such a labor strikes winning the 8 hour work day and worker protections, numerous protests (both non-violent and violent) resulting in civil rights legislation, or actions to demand access to HIV treatments. Doing what's right often means not following the rules, and attempts to dismiss one's agency, responsibility, or available options when making decisions should be viewed with skepticism.

HiloJulie - As most trolls eventually succumb to their sheer and blind ignorance, they inevitably pull out the “Hitler/Nazi” reference just as your predictable “just following orders” link shows.
If I'm a troll, then I seem to be a unusually well-informed one, actually, bringing all sort of little gems and treasures for those reading along. Personally, I think name calling is just a way to deflect from having to engage in the substance of the topic, but whatevs, to each their own.

we need a whole new paradigm of thinking ... And live accordingly.
Unfortunately, as was pointed out with COVID, suggesting to people they take into account the health of their community while making choices often just breaks their brain and it's hard to get many to take any steps to protect other people's well-being, much less that of the the ecosystems that support all life, including theirs. Thankfully, places like Ecuador and New Zealand have helped establish Rights of nature law to protect their unique, irreplaceable, cherished, and revered natural features and locales. I expect we'll continue to see more of this legislation, including here in Hawaii.

RE: Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045 - HiloJulie - 06-30-2024

HiloJulie - As most trolls eventually succumb to their sheer and blind ignorance, they inevitably pull out the “Hitler/Nazi” reference just as your predictable “just following orders” link shows.

“If I'm a troll, then I seem to be a unusually well-informed one, actually, bringing all sort of little gems and treasures for those reading along. Personally, I think name calling is just a way to deflect from having to engage in the substance of the topic, but whatevs, to each their own.”

Sorry. Invoking “Godwin’s Law” as you did, shuts down the debate, regardless of what you have to say about anything. 

Calling you a troll, which clearly is what you are, is not name calling. Telling somebody that they are “slow on the uptake” because they rebutted to something you said, well what does that say about you? Personally, I think that when you more or less have to brag about your own intelligence, it really proves the opposite. But whatever. 

But yes, as the deleted post stated, you’re clearly the smartest person here on this thread. Your posts are devolving in a lack of respect to other posters as well as getting longer and longer.

Speaking of all life being “sacred” did anyone catch the Pride Festival yesterday?

Ironically, the theme was “Celebrate Life”

But for the two good catholic protesters who showed up to promote “gods” word, where this claim of all life being “sacred” came from, proved that ALL life really isn’t “sacred.” 

No, if your gay, you need to “repent OR PERISH!”

Here, I fixed this bible verse:

God man made man God in his own image”


RE: Hawaii Decarbonization Settlement 2045 - punikahakaiferret - 06-30-2024

Ironyak, I try not to get involved in the "back-and-forthing" and such on here, but I do want to thank you for introducing me to the word "solarpunk" with the hyperlink to Wikipedia...

...today, I learned a thing! And that's always good. :-)