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Attention!!! - Printable Version

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RE: Attention!!! - Guest - 12-02-2011

Bin Laden explained that his motivation for 9/11 was the over 1 Million civilian casualties the US inflicted on Iraq in the 90's. He also wanted us to invade them, so they could destroy our country financially like they did the USSR. The CIA trained him, he was just following his training.
I would rather not fight preemptive war, I follow the Non-aggression axiom, the very same our founding fathers believed in.
You do not go to violence unless its in self-defense.
While I would be happy to have you vote for Paul, please do it for principles you believe in.

“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul

RE: Attention!!! - edmond - 12-02-2011

Originally posted by PaulW

vote for Mr Paul.

Ron Paul is a physician who served in the Air Force as a flight surgeon. It would be respectful to refer to him as "Dr." or "Congressman." I will be looking forward to calling him President Paul in 2012.

RE: Attention!!! - Guest - 12-02-2011

Actually the inauguration wont be until 2013...

“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul

RE: Attention!!! - liskir - 12-02-2011

"You would rather fight wars on US soil than foreign soil?"
Ron Paul proposes to withdraw all troops from foreign countries and secure our borders. No war to fight on foreign soil. No war to fight on US soil. If the US stops waging war on others, perhaps they'll stop waging war on us. Simple really.

"Those who would sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither" - Benjamin Franklin or was it Thomas Jefferson?

RE: Attention!!! - Guest - 12-02-2011

That would be Ben Franklin Smile

“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul

RE: Attention!!! - LeeE - 12-03-2011

Waging war on us? Only in the Orwellian sense of the term.

If a war was being waged against us, wouldn't we, here in Hawaii, notice? We are a military outpost, after all, which would make Hawaii a target. Wars are usually noticeable. Ask the folks in the Middle East and the Occupied Territories.

9/11 was an enormous undertaking, a total systemic "failure" of domestic defense systems and was a one time event, so far and that was over ten years ago. The former CIA asset, Osama bin Laden, initially declined to take credit for the crime, which for him, was highly unusual. Once a CIA asset...

We shouldn't forget the Fort Detrick antrax, the anthrax that was sent in letters to the Senate's Democratic leadership.

When a crime happens, whether a burglary or a surprise controlled demolition of modern, steel frame skyscapers, there are always motive or motivation. With 9/11 the motive was clear, shock and awe the public into supporting the publicized, pre-planned attacks and occupations of resource rich and geo-politically important regions.

When the perps feel that the public needs to be "convinced" into supporting more, "change", they may well strike again.

Ron Paul is right. Left to it's own devices, a peaceful America would have few enemies in the world. Not waging war against nation after nation would be a good start. Only Paul will make that happen.

Mike Rivero at whatreallyhappened.com understands the OWS. Go to his site for clarification. He has a radio show, so call in!

OBush is leaving over one hundred thousand military "contractors" in Iraq, the largest CIA station (first thing they built there), stays. Pentagon indicates that the occupation will continue, which of course, it will, as it was never meant to end. At least, not for the duration of this, "New American Century".

MSNBCIA newscaster, Chris Mathews recently admonished the public for not being more supportive of the, "war". If people really believed we are in a war and being attacked, they should sign up and join the efforts. They are needed on the occupational fronts.

If we are having war waged against us by Al Ciada, why do most folks know almost nothing about them or their history, (CIA assets in Afghanistan fighting the Russians, for example)? For that matter, why do most folks know almost nothing about the outrageous events surrounding 9/11? Heck, most people don't even know how many towers fell that day at the WTC complex.

Back to OWS. Glad to see people getting out more often, even in little East Hawaii.

Lee Eisenstein

RE: Attention!!! - LeeE - 12-03-2011

Lest there be any confusion, please observe and learn. It is what it is.


Lee Eisenstein

RE: Attention!!! - liskir - 12-03-2011

Ah, but Lee, if there were no terrorists and no commies, how would the US gov't be able to instill so much fear into its citizen in order to allow the atrocious murders of hundreds of thousands of people elsewhere? How would they be able to get us to submit to giving up more and more of our civil liberties and constitutional rights? How would they be able to turn the US into a Police State? Until now, I would have never believed that peaceful protesters here in the 'land of the free' could ever be beaten up, maced, peppered sprayed, dragged by the hair, arrested and killed just for exercising our right to speak freely and assemble peacefully, until I saw it with my very own eyes. Really, we have ourselves to blame. We, the many, have allowed the few to take dominion over us. The servants have become the masters and we have allowed ourselves to become slaves.

Take back our power! Caucus in HI now, to vote Ron Paul for the primary in March. Stop the blind allegiance to the 'public servants' whom we've allowed to become our masters. Stop living in fear.

Here's the schedule for Occupy Big Island thus far:

Occupy Hilo
Fridays, 3:30-5p sign waving at downtown post office aka the Federal Bldg
Mondays, 4-5:30p sign waving in front of Merrill Lynch
Wednesdays, 7-9 am in front of Walgreens in Hilo, sign waving for Ron Paul

Occupy Kona
Mondays, 3-6 PM, Sign Waving, Hwy. 11 south of Henry St. (Mormon Temple)

Occupy Waimea
Mondays, 3-6 PM, Sign waving, in front of Foodland

Occupy Honoka'a
Saturdays, 10AM-noon, Sign waving, Honoka'a People's Theater

RE: Attention!!! - LeeE - 12-03-2011


Bravo. I was just going to post this, which dovetails nicely to you post.


"The Failure to Investigate 9/11 Has Bankrupted America
Posted on December 3, 2011 by WashingtonsBlog

This post will demonstrate – without getting into discussions of an “inside job” one way or the other – that the failure to hold a real 9/11 investigation is a core cause of our loss of our prosperity and freedom...."

I'm pretty sure the OWS supporters here would understand the truth of this easily.

Lee Eisenstein

RE: Attention!!! - liskir - 12-03-2011

This is more dangerous and scarier than all the Boogiemen, Al Qaida, Communism, terrorism, Bin Laden, Bush, Obama, and the devil put together:

The Dangers of Being Right When the Government is Wrong Concerning S1867