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Campaign ethics - Printable Version

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RE: Campaign ethics - TomK - 07-25-2014

Alan wrote: "Wait a minute, Sativa. You're complaining about press coverage that YOU HAVEN'T READ?"

Sativa's previous posts include:

07/24/2014 : 17:48:21 - "[...] We don't even read BIC. The font is too small.[...]"

How would you know the font is too small if you can't see the BIC?

These are from 07/24/2014 : 08:45:41:

"[...]I can not get on the BIC.[...]"

"[...]My friends have to call me and send me the BIC posts.[...]"

On July 23rd:

07/23/2014 : 08:07:55 - "[...] Check out the Big Island Chronicle Tiffany answered her own questionnaire on July 20th and published her lengthy answers. [...]"

Carol is right in asking if RJ even knows you are posting this ridiculous contradictory nonsense. It's just so incredibly dishonest it belies belief. I'm no fan of Tiffany but jeez, if this is the alternative I'm utterly gobsmacked. This is frighteningly absurd.

Edited to fix a couple of typos.

RE: Campaign ethics - missydog1 - 07-25-2014

I think part of the confusion is two versions of BIC, print newspaper and online blog. It sounds like Alan is saying the questionnaire came out in print and that was the deadline, but they also were posted on the blog over a range of dates.

The font being too small to read on the print paper was even recognized by Tiffany, though I haven't seen a print copy since she said she would enlarge the font in response to feedback.

So you can "see" the newspaper version of BIC font is tiny and be unable to read it, as I know because I also tried to read it once and gave up.

I have no clue how one could be blocked from reading the online blog and hope Sativa can explain that.

RE: Campaign ethics - TomK - 07-25-2014

I would argue that "I can not get on the BIC" and "My friends have to call me and send me the BIC posts" point specifically to the online version of the BIC. Has there even been a paper copy of the BIC since 20th July?

"Check out the Big Island Chronicle Tiffany answered her own questionnaire on July 20th and published her lengthy answers."

RE: Campaign ethics - missydog1 - 07-25-2014

No argument from me on that interpretation, Tom.
I only thought the small font was the print version.
No idea when the last print edition came out. I very rarely run across those except at Island Naturals, and I haven't been there for some time.

I thought Alan also referred to a print edition, but now rereading his posts, I think I was wrong about that, so my apologies.

RE: Campaign ethics - kalakoa - 07-26-2014

It's just so incredibly dishonest it belies belief. ... This is frighteningly absurd.

No less absurd than claiming that a "sustainability process" equals "geothermal-powered Walmart on the beach", or the one where "small-scale ag tourism" will lead to "people selling Roundup out of their homes".

Moral of the story:

Don't take politics with a grain of salt -- use the whole damn box.

RE: Campaign ethics - Guest - 07-26-2014

Tom K quote:
"How would you know the font is too small if you can't see the BIC?"

TomK, I see your really confused. I don't even know why I have to explain it to you but I will. The printed version of BIC is what I was referring to were the print is too small to read.

The online version of BIC is what I do not have access to. "Gateway timed out. Server not available" is what I get every time I try to go to BIC online. So if someone can help me solve this problem I would be very happy.

RE: Campaign ethics - Guest - 07-26-2014

kalakoa quote:
"No less absurd than claiming that..."small-scale ag tourism will lead to "people selling Roundup out of their homes".

kalakoa, for your information I have been in contact with CM Kern and he too realizes that commercial storage of pesticides in residential communities is not a good idea and claims he will be amending it out of Bill 25. Bills come down to language. Right now as the bill reads it allows for "all agricultural and horticultural products" to be sold out of these "minor" farms with no clear definition of 'minor'. So what is Roundup if it is not an agricultural or horticultural product? It doesn't say in Bill 25 that it has to be organic or safe.

kalakoa, you want what you want so bad, like Graham and others, that you will even accept bad legislation to get your way. And then they say they are doing it for the community. Don't make me laugh.

edit: products to product

RE: Campaign ethics - snorkle - 07-26-2014

That damn Graham; Providing a school, playground, children's anti drug campaign and a local market venue! He hasn't made anywhere near the community contributions that RJ has.

She's......hmmmm.......well let's see...........she's......a.....Oh, I know!

She's helped the Medical Center by exposing kids to Measles, mumps, Rubella and Polio(future patients)! She's outed The state of Wyoming for the hot bed of immorality that it is..... She's made us aware of the insidious infestation of combat veteran war criminals in our midst. She's outed the President's security detail for the thugs they are.

Am I leaving anything out Sativa?

RE: Campaign ethics - kjlpahoa - 07-26-2014

Yes, Al Capone made many community contributions, but he ended up in jail for the way he did it. WRT RJ's contributions,You are right in saying "He HASN'T made anywhere near the community contributions that RJ has." RJ has been community oriented for many years in her own private way. Seems like all you can remember, and talk about, are things you don't like.

RE: Campaign ethics - snorkle - 07-26-2014

kjlpahoa says;
"RJ has been community oriented for many years in her own private way"

That's just awesome! The thing is........I've been asking for about a month for someone,.....anyone,......to elaborate on this. So far absolutely no one has stepped up with an example. Not even RJ or Sativa.

All I've heard are the formatting issues, home state, and other issues of Tiffany. OK, you got me. Tiff's not perfect.


I'm going to ask again.....What positive contributions has RJ made to our community?

No No No; I don't care about Tiffany, Tim, or the rest. I'm asking about RJ, and here's your chance to campaign.