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Woman's body found off Kalapana - Printable Version

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RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - navarland - 01-27-2014

@KathyH ............... your statement on 26 Jan. about the Sheena Morris case in FL. is not up-to-date and is incorrect.
The case was reopened but was once again ruled a suicide last Nov. 2013 .
Many disagree but that is the most recent ruling .

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - missydog1 - 01-27-2014

Originally posted by Island girl

Which tent was the liquor bottle supposedly found at? Were the tent and the belongings from the first tent site search returned to the owners? As others have asked, who were these people? Their tent was excluded so I presume everything was returned to them-except the clothes line, rope from inside their tent and the blood samples from the tent and clothing, since those things from the excluded site were used as evidence?

Island girl, these things would not have been used as evidence. Excluded means the entire scene was determined to be irrelevant to crime. Yes, samples and items were collected and processed, but they would not have been entered into evidence for the indictment.

The police declined to say whose tent it was. I assume they believe the personÔs identity should not be brought into it as they were cleared.

My question is how and why they were cleared, and whether the police found some other rope around the correct camp. We know the police were looking for BrittanyÔs DNA, because it says so in the warrant request. But if people came to BrittanyÔs camp, and brought rope, then one would not expect to find her DNA at the camp that had the cut clothesline.

The blood on clothes is not necessarily relevant, because people cut themselves on lava rock regularly. The cut clothesline seems significant to me, at least worthy of some explanation such as if the police told us that the rope from that site didnÔt match after all.

anony_mouse, thanks for enhancing the PC to get EstebanÔs reply on the liquor bottle. I got the impression from watching the video that the bottle was something Tiffany heard about. It was not listed in the initial observation the police made of the campsite.

Tiffany also said there was rope found in BoÔs backpack, but that is not in the initial report either. That would be an important fact.

anony_mouse, you asked about the phone. If you look at the timeline, Ed called Bo at 8 AM on the 28th and the phone was found 2 days + 3 hours later, so there is no contradiction there. There was only one phone, and we do not know when it was dropped or placed on the trail, but the police know that there was some phone activity after the Ed phone call.

It would be great if they would say the time and date of the last outgoing call. IÔm assuming there were messages left on voicemail by BoÔs mother/family, because they reported him missing the evening of the 29th and were trying to contact him. Also the realtor had contacted his mother, so might have called Bo.

Apparently there was some kind of outgoing call activity, but the police wonÔt say to whom the calls went. I donÔt know if they get how frustrating that is to the public and surely to his family.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - damien007 - 01-27-2014

Apparently there was some kind of outgoing call activity, but the police wonÔt say to whom the calls went. I donÔt know if they get how frustrating that is to the public and surely to his family. -KathyH.

The same logic you use on the identity of the tent and that the owner was cleared, therefore not ID's is the logic on the phone calls, if the callers ID was cleared - in other words - a persons privacy vs. inquisitive minds, which prevails?

How and why there were cleared is irrelevant , again not to inquisitive minds! At some point, you have to understand that logic and although hard for some to accept, there's gotta be a starting point, agreed? A Need to Know!

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - missydog1 - 01-27-2014

Originally posted by navarland

@KathyH ............... your statement on 26 Jan. about the Sheena Morris case in FL. is not up-to-date and is incorrect.
The case was reopened but was once again ruled a suicide last Nov. 2013 .
Many disagree but that is the most recent ruling .

Hi navarland, thanks for the update. I looked for recent news on the case and did not find it.

My point though was not really about whether the mother was right or wrong. I linked it because there is a ton of information to be had on how SheenaÔs mother approached the task of getting independent forensic work done and the interaction with the police (Florida police, so obviously not the same exactly).

There is forensic literature on how to distinguish between homicidal hanging and suicide, but most of the signs rely on an examination of the body when reasonably fresh. In most of these cases it seems the person was killed and then hung, and there signs of the true method. It gets tougher when the homicide was accomplished by the hanging. They look for signs of the person being violently subdued, but if there are multiple perpetrators, that might not exist either, and then add months of decay and the evidence may not be there if no bones were broken.

I found one med article that states:
Distinction between murder and suicide may be impossible by an examination of the body alone. Detailed investigation of the scene, reconstruction of the position of the suspended body, examination of the rope, the knots, the direction of the fibres on the rope may serve to discover homicidal hanging.
Questions at the press conference were clearly angling for some sort of comment on to findings in this area, which is why some are not too happy with "he hung himself from a tree." The public can handle a more specific description of the forensics. Perhaps the medical examiner should be part of a future press conference.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - navarland - 01-27-2014

KathyH , don't want to stray from the topic but ABC's 20/20 did the update .
While the FL case may have been ruled a suicide a 2nd time , i for one have a lot of doubt .

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - snorkle - 01-27-2014

kohaladiver asks;
"how many relatives do you have in the BIG ISLAND police department? better yet, are you a police officer or retired police officer? "

None of the above. Just a long time resident who has had interactions with individual officers. I've been especially impressed with our community police officers that work with our neighborhood watch. The police are people, and a microcosm of our society; some bad......the vast majority awesome.

I wouldn't live in a place where I wasn't comfortable with the cops.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - HawaiiCorruption - 01-27-2014

Just uploaded the transcript request and updated page with the following info...

1-27-14: Filed Grand Jury transcript request. The Prosecutor will get the opportunity to argue against it's being released, if they want to. It will be interesting to see what their stance will be. Final approval, or denial, is up to Judge Nakamura. If it's approved then we'll be informed of the exact cost.

Rates are: 3 day turn around - $5 per page
7 days - $4 per page
14 days - $ 3.5 page

Bringing Justice to the Islands

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - missydog1 - 01-27-2014

navarland, thanks! I have not really followed that case, but it is good that this is a country where you are free to express your doubts.

damien, I hear you.

What interaction I have had with police here indicates to me that following their procedure and internal policy is their over-riding concern. They are not going to deviate from that unless someone orders them/gives them permission to break protocol. I understand why the force has to work that way, much like the military.

I also believe the people and community have a right to press for information.

I think it is important to remember that prosecution for criminal offenses is not done in the names of the victims, much as everyone wants justice for them. Prosecution is always on behalf of the People, in the interest of preserving and enforcing the laws of Society.

This is why I canÔt be swayed by arguments that it is not our business. We are the People, and it is our concern.

When a murder trial is held, there is no holding back to spare the feelings of the family of the victim or of the accused. That is not how it works. Painful process? YES. Working towards truth and a just disposition can involve some very painful scrutiny of what people might wish to be private.

If this case had come to trial, the police would have to present convincing evidence that they were correct and did not overlook another possible explanation. The judge would never instruct a jury to simply believe the police without question.

So it is disturbing to me to hear fellow citizens tell me not to question the policeÔs interpretation of the events, particularly when there is no eye witness to either death (that has been found). The confession is only on paper not spoken to anyone, and no one saw it written. A key witness has disappeared. Um, no, I would have to disengage my thinking apparatus to go on what they have made public.

Boaz Johnson will never be tried now. That means he will never get an official defense and has been declared guilty by the police. Then ProsecutorÔs Office will review and agree with the conclusion, most likely. However, I donÔt think Bo can or should be judged to be guilty in public opinion as things stand now.

I understand why the RoyalÔs want to accept this view of events as correct and move on, totally get it. But the community is divided. The Justice system is for all the People, not only the people closest to the crime.

I imagine it shows that I am bothered by the accusations of heartlessness and insensitivity that have been said here. I am a feeling person and I take such things to heart.

I believe it would be very wrong and insensitive of me to go to a private memorial or home and to force my concerns on grieving family. I do not believe I should be shamed by other Punawebbers for expressing questions and concerns in a community forum. That is where IÔm coming from and nuff said on that, and back to the topic of searching for the truth.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - kohaladiver808 - 01-27-2014

Kathy, you are so absolutely right on everything you just said. Thank you. I agree completely.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - nana valley - 01-27-2014

Kathy, NICE to see you back here! Thanks for your input in this matter, too. Bo Johnson needed a trial but that's not going to happen now. Innocent until proven guilty, right?
I loved Gypsy's twist of events involving the strange story of the Idaho couple, too. I remember that story and will have to check the timeline of that.
If there is a possible connection in time, then what would have happened? If , for example, Bo had been arrested, the defense would have subpoenaed Ed and perhaps this mystery couple.
I was bothered by the weak statement about the ropes: "similar in type"? Forensics can match ropes exactly unless the time span of 6+ months causes a less positive identification.
Too many questions, no fair trial for Bo, declared guilty because he was the boyfriend, he wrote a confession "with no remorse" (according to the police) and "killed" himself by hanging.
Too many questions!

He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.