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Woman's body found off Kalapana - Printable Version

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RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - kapohololo - 01-27-2014

^^ bump!!!

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - anony_mouse - 01-27-2014


I'm not sure which was worse. The answer about the rope (of similar type), the bottle of liquor (can't recall if empty), or how exactly Bo hung himself (from a tree).

The answers would be comical if this wasn't about the deaths of two young people.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Midnight Rambler - 01-27-2014

Originally posted by anony_mouse

I think the best decision at this point is for members to not give "snorkel" any acknowledgement or response. His intentions are not pure, and he is simply here to antagonize. I encourage others to simply ignore him and move on with other ideas, speculation, evidence, etc.

The projection is strong in this one.

Look, I'm not defending the competence (or lack thereof) of the PD. And I'm certainly not going to dictate to the Johnson family how they should feel. But for the outside observers here, it seems that there are a lot of people who are missing the forest for the trees. Bo's phone call on the day the body was found really leaves only two alternatives: 1) that Bo did it, or 2) that Ed was lying about the contents of the call and was in on a bizarre murder conspiracy.

And despite the issues of inconsistency that have been repeatedly brought up, including far too much analysis of the detectives' body language at the press conference, there is still not a theory without Bo as the murderer that makes the slightest bit of sense, let alone having any actual evidence to support it. This isn't the least bit like the Gambsky case.

People keep talking about "how it is" in Puna. Well, anyone who's spent any amount of time knows what thugs actually do with people they want to get rid of - they disappear. Maybe their bones might be found years later in the forest. They don't sit them down and force them to write extremely long suicide notes and then make it look like a suicide. Of course, before Bo's body was found, everyone was expecting the former.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - anony_mouse - 01-27-2014

Originally posted by Midnight Rambler

Bo's phone call on the day the body was found really leaves only two alternatives: 1) that Bo did it, or 2) that Ed was lying about the contents of the call and was in on a bizarre murder conspiracy.

Suicide letters can be forced under duress. It's hard for us to imagine this, but crazier things have been done, especially when it comes of murders that may be over lucrative property and/or business ventures. This may seem unlikely, but I'm sure bizarre murders always seem unlikely until they are solved. I hope this case is not complicated, but I have serious doubts until further evidence is found or released.

This isn't the least bit like the Gambsky case.

I agree, as that is very obvious to anyone. However, when Gambsky or other cases are being mentioned on this forum topic. it's not being used to compare the killers or the victims of either case. These examples are being used to show past and present incompetencies when it comes to murders or so-called "suicides" in Puna.

People keep talking about "how it is" in Puna. Well, anyone who's spent any amount of time knows what thugs actually do with people they want to get rid of disappear.

Sometimes thugs make mistakes. Sometime they underestimate the tenacity of family members and community activists. We'll see.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - hikatz - 01-27-2014

Bo's' appointment with the realtor on May 28 to finalize the purchase of the 10 acres in Kalapana, seems to have been common knowledge.

IF Bo and Brittany disappeared before this land buy, who do you think people would suspect. Suspicion would definitely fall on the tour group individuals and others that had threaten them. They had been warned not to go ahead with this deal.
If you want to stop the land purchase, and retaliate against the couple who stood up to them,
murder/suicide what a perfect scenario.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - anony_mouse - 01-27-2014

In addition, both Boaz and Brittany were directly threatened prior to this. Not only were they threatened to be simply beaten up, but a threat involving an AR-15 implicates a death threat, surely, by any standards.

Not sure if it has been mentioned before, but the person that threatened Boaz and Brittany with the AR-15 reportedly threatened others with this same weapon only a few weeks after threatening Boaz and Brittany. Don't ask me to confirm this, as it is not my position or ability to do so.

There is definite suspicion, whether this information offends certain locals or certain family members, or not.

As another user (Kathy) wisely stated, this is a murder investigation. Feelings are going to get hurt, and at this point I am beyond worried about personal "feelings".

I want truth, and I want Boaz Johnson to have justice.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - anony_mouse - 01-27-2014

Originally posted by HawaiiCorruption

Just uploaded the transcript request and updated page with the following info...

1-27-14: Filed Grand Jury transcript request. The Prosecutor will get the opportunity to argue against it's being released, if they want to. It will be interesting to see what their stance will be. Final approval, or denial, is up to Judge Nakamura. If it's approved then we'll be informed of the exact cost.

Rates are: 3 day turn around - $5 per page
7 days - $4 per page
14 days - $ 3.5 page

Bringing Justice to the Islands

Awesome work. I'm glad to see people like you and Kathy on top of this critical research.

It's a surprise to see the rates are so high on this.

When will this filing be up for judgement? I'm sure members of this forum will band together and contribute, including me.

Keep up the awesome work, HawaiianCorruption

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - kapohololo - 01-27-2014

i ask b4 one time already...but could someone make one map of all the crime scene and everything? like take a google map with some markers or something??!! i wanna see a map with da two tents, da kipuka where da boy was hangin, where da girls body found, where da backpack found? map would make it lots easier!!!

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Rene - 01-27-2014

Sarah Johnson,

Do you know if Brittany was putting in any money for the land deal? or was it all Bo & your parents money?

Was Bo ever in the Military? foreign or domestic. If he was, What job did he do while there?

Do you have the phone bill from Bo's cell phone from that time period?

Were you ever threatened with or did you see anyone with any type of handgun or rifle during your stay with Bo? and if you were, can you name the person with the firearm?

Did the local Police in your Alaska town every come to your house or your parents house to search for Bo in Alaska?

Was your family ever notified that there was a "no-bail" warrant for Bo's arrest?

When you camp out for long periods and you have experience outdoors, you don't tend to cut lengths of rope, you tie knots. If "Kalapana Ed" is not missing, then this needs way more looking into. If "Kalapana Ed' just moved back to the mainland and can be contacted, I'm not so worried. Is the couple from Idaho now missing too? or did they return home?

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - anony_mouse - 01-27-2014

Terracore, may I ask why you felt inclined to shut this topic down, and which family member requested you open it?

I feel that the Johnson family would not have wanted it shut down at all.