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Restrictions to continue! - Printable Version

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RE: Restrictions to continue! - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 11-23-2021

CDC original recommendation was actually 10’.

There are ideal circumstances.  There are real world circumstances. 

Think about 10' spacing in lines and in stores.  It would be difficult to observe, and when that's the case the restriction is more likely to be ignored.  6' is possible, it's more effective than no social distancing at all so it was probably deemed an acceptable compromise between the ideal and the realistic.

RE: Restrictions to continue! - Wao nahele kane - 11-23-2021

(11-23-2021, 01:18 AM)HereOnThePrimalEdge Wrote: CDC original recommendation was actually 10’.

There are ideal circumstances.  There are real world circumstances. 

Think about 10' spacing in lines and in stores.  It would be difficult to observe, and when that's the case the restriction is more likely to be ignored.  6' is possible, it's more effective than no social distancing at all so it was probably deemed an acceptable compromise between the ideal and the realistic.
I recall reading that and along the way after they researched it more, they found that 3' was really no worse than 6 feet and 3' would have been optimal, but the 6 foot rule had already been adopted and implemented, so they stuck with 6'.
6' was adopted for practicality after the 10' foot was initially recommended.

RE: Restrictions to continue! - Wao nahele kane - 11-23-2021

(11-22-2021, 07:27 PM)kalakoa Wrote: Adopting a "Safe Access" program would allow for lesser restrictions. Mitch apparently won't participate.

If Safe Travels really works, then we don't need mask mandates or capacity limits, and it's $100K/day well-spent (where does that money come from?)

If these programs need to be permanent, then let's stop screwing around with "temporary" emergency declarations so people can make plans around the new world order.

I'm weary of restrictions, but I'm even more tired of the fantasy that things will go "back to normal" just as soon as we reach the ever-receding goalposts.

That goal post (herd immunity) won't be reached in the USA as a whole, due to the vaccines major short comings and the calander period an area was first hit hard. Some communities and nations have reached natural herd immunity because they were fortunate enough to be hit hard in the early stages of the pandemic (Feb, March, April, May, June 2020) and then nailed again by the alpha variant in second death wave between 2020 and 2021, that allowed them to reach herd immunity before the bulk of the vaccine was introduced that destroyed any hope for herd immunity. 

Those places would be, but not limited to; New York, Sweden, Italy, smaller communities such as the Amish who purposely exposed themselves in mass to the original SARS-CoV-2. These examples are communities or nations that haven't had 3rd and 4th death waves like we see in heavily vaccinated nations like Isreal. Infection rates are imperfect indicators due to the ratio of testing that can result in what appears to be higher infection rates, but only because testing ratio was higher. So the death waves are a bit more telling. 

The state of Hawaii is unfortunately one of the places that experienced very little original first season exposure to covid19 and in reality, we're exiting the first death wave now but likely stepping right into the second wave at this time. Don't be at all surprised if we see numbers as high as we saw in the wave we're now exiting but throughout the new year, perhaps climbing Inna's early as December, perhaps peaking between January and February or shortly thereafter.
You can see these trends using the New York times result in a Google search of Covid-19 stats. Just select the desired nation, state, region city accordingly and death counts results in the Google results page.

New World Order? That ship already sailed.

RE: Restrictions to continue! - kalakoa - 11-23-2021

None of the other US States are implementing a permanent traveler registry system.

RE: Restrictions to continue! - kander - 11-23-2021

(11-23-2021, 06:02 PM)kalakoa Wrote: None of the other US States are implementing a permanent traveler registry system.

RE: Restrictions to continue! - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 11-23-2021

smaller communities such as the Amish who purposely exposed themselves in mass

If you meant in church services, that seems to be what happened.
From what I read it was more unintentional, than intentional.

RE: Restrictions to continue! - Wao nahele kane - 11-23-2021

(11-23-2021, 06:27 PM)HereOnThePrimalEdge Wrote: smaller communities such as the Amish who purposely exposed themselves in mass

If you meant in church services, that seems to be what happened.
From what I read it was more unintentional, than intentional.

No, herd immunity wasn't aquired through unintentional transmissions during church services, very much the opposite. When they fell ill, they purposely stayed at home not going to hospitals while family and friends cared for them without protection. They also got together in groups with infected and purposely tried to get infected during social gathering and or church services, this according to the Amish people interviewed directly, not a nonsense mainstream media article attempting to smear them as stupid people engaged in an unintentional activity. The Amish wanted it over and done with, they changed nothing except to get infected if they had the opportunity to.

There's one thing you can always count on these days, the mainstream media intentionally falsifying information to sell a false narrative for their special interests. 
How many times did we hear how the Swedes were fools? Who's the fools now? All of the propaganda that has been and is continued to be diseminated through the mainstream media will come back to bite everyone square in the butt, that you can be assured of. Beware of who you use as an information provider, if it's wrapped in glitz and owned by corporate entities, you've a 99.9% chance it's garbage based false information or missing important information.


RE: Restrictions to continue! - AaronM - 11-23-2021

The fact that the 'Natch has a door guard speaks volumes to the times that we currently find ourselves in.

RE: Restrictions to continue! - Obie - 11-23-2021

I spent the summer living in Ohio and actually know and interact with Amish and Mennonites.

I call BS on this one source that was just cited.

Try this one or a hundred others that contradict the opinion on realclearpolitics.


RE: Restrictions to continue! - AaronM - 11-23-2021

This article seems credible. At least they offer direct quotes from Amish people and Amish scholars. Should be easy enough to verify...
