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Woman's body found off Kalapana - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Woman's body found off Kalapana (/showthread.php?tid=11992)

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - ssshjar_johnson - 02-01-2014

People are accusing this person of making threats on human life. Hasn't he implied himself? This particular speculation of his character is his own doing. When you threaten to kill someone, it should it be taken extremely seriously. He brought this upon himself. Maybe he never thought of the consequences of his threats making it to the public's eye.

Anonymouse's story is not necessary to corroborate Ruth's story. Her truthful explanation is corroborated by text messages and video.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - hikatz - 02-01-2014

The latest comments are coming from members, who I think have not followed this topic, the posted links and the other local websites, (which also mentioned threats of violence) from the beginning!
It seems the posters are accusing us, including Bo's sister of fabricating these "stories"

[quote] originally posted by snorkle
"I believe some local Hawaiians may have yelled at you; and maybe used salty language."
"a filthy vendetta and smear campaign" and for Rob to shut this disgusting and baseless attack on Hawaiians down.

anony_mouse, "let it go"
Other people have posted similar experiences to yours, don't respond to the attacks.
The local person I mentioned in an earlier post, I'm not even sure they were aware of the murder, again this had nothing to do with any lava viewing or tours, this was an incident that happened where the person was threatened with violence for so- called trespassing on private property.
It is not about us defending our statements, it is to bring attention to a small faction that are threatening people in the Kalapana area, and to continue to support the Johnson Family find answers.

File a police report, you are out of your mind!

As long as there are questions about the way this case was handled, and the botched up police statements. I think many of us, posting on Punaweb have expressed doubts about the evidence showing Bo committed the murder, and I think that includes Bo's Family and Friends!

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - snorkle - 02-01-2014

Hikatz says:
"As long as there are questions about the way this case was handled, many of us are not ready to accept the evidence that Bo committed the murder, and I think that includes Bo's Family and Friends!

well, whether two or three is "many" is a matter of semantics. Like I said, If shown evidence, I too would be convinced. Mouses' fantasy is not evidence.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Rob Tucker - 02-01-2014

Giving this topic a few days off seems to have accomplished little. It is time to close this up.

Please let me express my condolences to the families of those two who died too young. It is a tragedy which will be felt by many for years to come.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator