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Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway - Printable Version

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RE: Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway - ElysianWort - 08-13-2018

@rainyjim "Your ideology is infringing on my rights and those of others."

What a load of horsesh*t.

My posting of my beliefs and any of my attempts to reveal lies spread by Monsanto and others like them isn't infringing on anyone's rights.

There will never be a full conversion to all organic growing.
You go on ahead and eat whatever you want, grown any way you want and I'll chose organically grown.

RE: Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway - Guest - 08-13-2018

Originally posted by ElysianWort

Midnight Rambler you have some interesting points: "who decides who makes the cut"

Science and nature decide. A world with a smaller population sounds appealing.

Where there is an excess of food there is overpopulation. Put an endless supply of food in a limited space filled with rats or other animals and see what happens: usually they start killing each other.

With less food out there available more and more people would have to give up their cooperate jobs, hang up the suit and tie and take out the garden hoe. ( I think that's a good thing )

Also kidney disease is pretty common too and maybe hard to tie to glycophosphate too but apparently there was enough of a correlation for entire countries to ban it.

Your post and the opinion contained therein border on the macabre.

One thing I've learned in my 60+ years is that "you can't go back", and the corollary that we must always move forwards. People feeding themselves in subsistence agriculture, "taking out the garden hoe", violates both rules. Humanity has moved beyond that, and will not go back, save a near-extinction event (meteor, super volcano etc.)

While there are possible downsides to modern agricultural methods, practices and materials, the upside far, far, far outweighs. Of course, there must be a level of oversight, but no matter how "well" ones eats, one still meets the reaper. Nobody lives forever, no matter how pure their diet or how close to the earth they live (and if vast tracts of the population have to spend their days on the end of a hoe, virtually everyone will be living very close to the ground, and then, after only a few decades, under it.

"Mass production" of agricultural products was one of the events that have set men free to engage in other endeavors such as pure science, aviation, entertainment, on and on.

Your vision of the world, as expressed in your posts, is a HUGE step backwards, and as I said, you can't go backwards, only forwards.

RE: Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway - ElysianWort - 08-13-2018

@openD You feel it is moving backwards because what?

Mass quantity will be sacrificed if our system of shortcuts and chemicals used in our food industry is overhauled? Mass quantity for what? Quality. Well maybe quality is only my point of view because many people here seem to have no problem eating Roundup residue left behind on produce.

The enormous farms loading up the matson containers with produce wouldn't be the same without Roundup, true. The containers would be far fewer.

So go on ahead and keep pumping out that quantity of produce because that is what we are focused on. Quantity = success regardless of the chemicals embedded in the food. Nevermind the possibility we made a mistake in the overuse of this unproven untested chemical, Roundup. We are the guinea-pigs for the use of this chemical!

Onward human race march forward, don't look back and learn from mistakes?

RE: Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway - rainyjim - 08-13-2018

You can eat all the organic food you want EW, but when you tell other people how to farm that starts infringing upon their rights.

As far as untested goes... glyphosate is indisputably the most studied agricultural herbicide out there.

You appear unable to dismount from your ideological high horse as it may affect your world view, pride and self worth now to adjust your opinions or admit the world is not as black and white as organic good monsatan bad.

RE: Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 08-13-2018

With less food out there available more and more people would have to give up their cooperate jobs, hang up the suit and tie and take out the garden hoe. ( I think that's a good thing )

You may have overlooked a few steps in this transition:
Food theft
Learning curve between desk & garden hoe
More starvation, until the first crops come in

Before we had our current food system, there were regular cycles of famine, even here in the islands. It was part and parcel of the agrarian based society. It triggered wars and mass migrations such as the Irish Potato Famine. I don’t think getting nearly everyone back to the garden is as easy or simple as you believe.

Oh, and by the way, don’t forget the locusts.

“We have knowledge that beyond the border there is a wonderful beauty, a space for beauty, for greatness […] if perhaps you can believe in it, if you have such an experience, your life is a little bit changed.” - László Krasznahorkai

RE: Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway - ElysianWort - 08-13-2018

@rainyjim: "when you tell other people how to farm that starts infringing upon their rights."

How foolish. You did have me laughing though so thanks for that.

To say that a post, my posts on a forum out in the vast ww web, of an individual, discussing his beliefs of a topic, a style of gardening and living, is infringing on your rights, like you're some kind of robotic follower-zombie to my suggestion that you have no choice. No choice but to follow. How foolish. Do you really need me to point out the obvious fact that you always have your own choice>? I'm flabbergasted by that simpleton logic.

RE: Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway - glinda - 08-13-2018

Originally posted by rainyjim

glyphosate is indisputably the most studied agricultural herbicide out there..
Yep, and cigarette are safe to smoke. Got it! Thanks for the information*

* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZ-ib0euAKk

RE: Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway - PaulW - 08-13-2018

EW, since you think that glyphosate causes cancer, can I assume that you want it banned?

If yes, then how is advocating the banning of the world's most common weedkiller not a blatant interference in the lives and rights and choices of others?
If no, then what exactly is it that you want?

RE: Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway - TomK - 08-13-2018

Originally posted by glinda

Originally posted by rainyjim

glyphosate is indisputably the most studied agricultural herbicide out there..
Yep, and cigarette are safe to smoke. Got it! Thanks for the information*

* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZ-ib0euAKk

Wow. Logical fallacy alarms are sounding out loud around Puna. Or at least some bits of it.

RE: Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway - TomK - 08-13-2018

Just curious, but given the discussion here, I would assume those against roundup are also against making marijuana legal. Is that true?