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SPACE gets 6 months to prepare amendments - Printable Version

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RE: SPACE gets 6 months to prepare amendments - Bob Orts - 05-06-2012

Originally posted by DanielP

I am suggesting that the PD should never have granted the SUP to SPACE, because it is in a predominately RR (rural residential) utilized area and should be zoned as such.
With as much community support as SPACE has, they should have no trouble raising the resources needed to move to a location that is suitable for commercial use and zoning.
The PD should set aside areas for all kinds of different uses based on the suitability of the parcels (General Plan).
I suspect that SPACE did not evolve into what it is today overnite. I suspect that it grew and evolved much like the Winchester Mystery House. All of a sudden it outgrew it's britches. Time for new britches.
Apologies, didn’t mean to direct the comments at you. Your post was just the platform available.

I don’t think a zoning change or even moving to a new place where the zoning exist would make much of a difference due to SPACE’s inability to abide by rules. The issue still is that SUP or a Zoning Change, the occupant will have to abide by the limitations of the requirements of a SUP or Zoning. So long as they feel these rules don’t apply to them and they are above the People of the County, they will continue to be in constant turmoil with the County.

The SUP is actually the appropriate process for this based on what SPACE said they would be doing. But, the failure is that SPACE says one thing and goes and does something else. That’s what so many are failing to look at or deliberately concealing with their "Community" excuse. The only reason that the County is taking action is because SPACE lied and told them they were only doing some things when they were actually doing other things. SUP or Zoning, you have certain limitations.

I'm sure that had SPACE amended their application and obtained approval before expanding, they wouldn’t be under a death warrant. But they and only they choose to act before they got approval, so they and only they are to blame. All the CoH is asking is that they apply for the new things, get approval and correct the violations they promised to correct but never did.

What it comes down to is that SPACE is basically an arrogant entity without any moral compass. If they can’t understand the most basic concept that they keep lying and when caught they try blaming their screw up on everyone but themselves, well, SUP or Zoning cannot cure being a plain old asshole.

RE: SPACE gets 6 months to prepare amendments - liskir - 05-08-2012

If the planning dept. allowed Nani Kahuku to build a resort on conservation land below HOVE despite huge community protest, then why shouldn't anyone be able to do anything they please? need beaucoup bucks $$$$$ for bribery, then you can do anything you please.

RE: SPACE gets 6 months to prepare amendments - liskir - 05-08-2012
"To deny a reasonable use is a destruction of private property rights. It’s the worst kind of theft, because it patronizes and destroys while purporting to protect. It makes a mockery of one’s civil liberties, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. It rips and strips the permissions of a local government, and places the authority in the arms of a totalitarian and god-like national power...Why do we continue to allow ourselves to be directed by scientists and so-called experts who always seem to know what is best for us as they collect their payments from those who tell them what to say and how to say it? Why do we continue to tolerate the perverse and prying attacks of an all-powerful but openly corrupt government, which seems hell bent in its determination to dictate all aspects of our lives including what and how we may eat? How can we continue to be dictated to through laws and regulations created to control our land, by people that we have never met, while standing on the very ground we walked upon and called our home long before the legislation was even conceived? What devious plans lay before us, just out of reach of our understanding? Can you tell me, – does it, can it, will it, ever end? In the final analysis, it is up to you, and me, and us....Left unchecked, the hidden masters will continue to classify and designate and legislate our private property rights into oblivion. Our personal and regional identity -- in fact our national sovereignty -- will disappear completely into the morning mist of a cranberry bog or blueberry field. If this concerns or disturbs, you may wish to become acquainted with, and in fact very familiar with, the term Agenda 21! This many-headed monster grows larger, and more powerful, every day."

RE: SPACE gets 6 months to prepare amendments - Kapohocat - 05-09-2012

Originally posted by Bob Orts

Originally posted by Kapohocat

So if Space can have a SUP, why cant the skateshop on the main Pahoa rd?
It's inequalities like this, that make me suspect of the whole system.
Are you talking about REZ 11-137? If so, that is not a SUP, but a request to change the actual zoning to allow their commercial operation. It has met stiff resistance from its neighbor who does not want the zoning change as it may create competition. I suggest you look up who that neighbor is and who the owners are. Inequities? It’s not the County attempting to stifle competition under the guise of zoning concerns. [Wink]

Was any one involved with Space opposing the rezoning mentioned above?

And if so, why approve SPACE's SUP and not the skate shop's rezoning? (because whether is it a SUP or rezoning the buck stops at Planning Dept.)

RE: SPACE gets 6 months to prepare amendments - Rob Tucker - 05-09-2012

The neighbor in opposition to the Pahoa commercial rezoning is Tiffany Edwards-Hunt of Big Island Chronicle.

She and I testified on opposite sides of the issue at council recently. I could tell you why I was in support
of the commercial application. She would have to tell you why she is opposed.

RE: SPACE gets 6 months to prepare amendments - DanielP - 05-09-2012

Here is her answer. Was this application denied? I cannot understand why. The area is clearly evolving into commercial use, even if no specific use is stated.


RE: SPACE gets 6 months to prepare amendments - Rob Tucker - 05-09-2012

To the best of my knowledge the application has not yet been denied ... it will come before the council planning committee sometime next week.

I will likely testify in support of the application again.

This is tangentially related to the SPACE issue but for any that find this specific application a worthwhile topic a new topic should probably be launched.

RE: SPACE gets 6 months to prepare amendments - Tiffany Edwards - 05-10-2012


If any of you would like to talk with me, rather than just about me and about my position on Bill 209, you can call me at 938-8592.

Clearly, this thread is about SPACE and the special use permit. This thread is not about the Galan rezoning or what is now being billed as the "Pahoa Boutiques and Bungalows" project. This thread is not about me and where I stand on planning and zoning matters in historic Pahoa Village.

I am personally very supportive of SPACE. And I also support Bobby Jean Leithead-Todd and the way she has handled the SPACE SUP.

Thank you for the opportunity to comment and somewhat set the record straight. I obviously need to write an update to my commentary written last year about the Galan rezoning...
With aloha,

Tiffany Edwards Hunt

RE: SPACE gets 6 months to prepare amendments - P.T. - 05-10-2012

Tiffany,I like your blog.But on this one people are allowed to talk anything Hawaii.It's not your blog,right?

RE: SPACE gets 6 months to prepare amendments - Kapohocat - 05-10-2012

My point in bringing up the skate shop was as a comparison as this is a fairly well known issue. In an area that is entirely, in practice if not by zoning, going commercial, a rezoning got tied up. The PC did not allow the skate shop 6 months to get their act together, right? If they did, then I am mistaken. As I understand the owner of the *skate house* could not even hold their club meetings there.

But in an area that is zoned ag, SPACE just moved ahead and did what they wanted (I do not fault this - just stating what has happened) and they finally received a cease and desist.

So no matter what side of the fence anyone is on (i.e Tiffany's rebuttal), i see some irony in one place that is all but zoned commercial and the entire area is being used as commercial space, versus one that is zoned ag, and all the surrounding area is ag/residential. This is what I see as inequities when a comparison is made with these two items.

My point is the Planning Dept needs some continuity in applied uses. I know I am preaching to the choir as this is what many of you want, too, like DanielP has mentioned.

Come on County of Hawaii, catch up here with what is real and needed (i.e small business like the skate shop AND organizations like Space), rather than what was set up 50 years ago.