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Sustainable Living Research Needs Your Support - Printable Version

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RE: Sustainable Living Research Needs Your Support - Forester - 01-28-2014

Couldn't you just require property owners to post a sign saying something like, "This property and all improvements herein are classified as experimental under State/County code xxx.xx. Enter and use at your own risk." ?

RE: Sustainable Living Research Needs Your Support - Seeb - 01-28-2014

What about kids living there?

RE: Sustainable Living Research Needs Your Support - Forester - 01-30-2014

Liability --> Their parents?

RE: Sustainable Living Research Needs Your Support - kalakoa - 01-30-2014

Liability --> Their parents?

Liability always flows towards the deepest pockets, not those who "appear" to be "responsible", unless the big lawsuit requires some lower precedent.

RE: Sustainable Living Research Needs Your Support - Forester - 02-20-2014

So, it sounds like you are saying that building codes provide legal protection to local jurisdictions who might otherwise be sued by victims of faulty structures. And that allowing exemptions to codes would open opportunities for victims of faulty structures to sue the jurisdiction (instead of the builder).

If this is true, then it sounds like tort law needs to be reformed. The absurdity of one set of laws shouldn't be grounds for maintaining the absurdity of another.

RE: Sustainable Living Research Needs Your Support - Rob Tucker - 02-20-2014

"Sustainable Living Research" sounds to me like a code word for substandard building practices. If that is true, and it may not be, Puna is already pretty well established as a Sustainable Living Research Zone.

RE: Sustainable Living Research Needs Your Support - kalakoa - 02-20-2014

Puna is already pretty well established as a Sustainable Living Research Zone.

Exactly this -- and keeping everything "illegal" is obviously a much better use of County's limited resources, because that's obviously how the taxpayers want it.