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Ali`i Ice was Vandalized & is Shut down - Printable Version

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RE: Ali`i Ice was Vandalized & is Shut down - csgray - 08-13-2014

Judging by a lot of your "amusing" posts heartless is a good word for it. Just like telling people who have no power it is all their fault because they don't live the way he thinks they should as Bananahead did, and then saying we should take the insult and use it as a lesson like you did, is heartless at a time like this.


RE: Ali`i Ice was Vandalized & is Shut down - csgray - 08-13-2014

Thank you so much Carey, I have a bunch of meetings and a PT appointment this afternoon so I can't stop by, but a coworker is going to refreeze our ice bottles for us, and the pool reopened and I got to swim and take a refreshing cold shower yesterday so I am good for now.


RE: Ali`i Ice was Vandalized & is Shut down - dmbwest - 08-13-2014


Though it may sound like some bad joke, its not and I would be saying the same thing,, Iselle or not.

Whatever you do, don't let the PT ice you first ! Some PT like do to this first but its really conterproductive and will slow / inhibit your recovery.

If you still have my number, call me anytime about your knee.

tibia plateau

RE: Ali`i Ice was Vandalized & is Shut down - Carey - 08-13-2014

Carol, if you know of anyone else at work that might need, send them by...

RE: Ali`i Ice was Vandalized & is Shut down - Lee M-S - 08-13-2014

We're ALL dealing with a disaster here, and some of us let off steam with humor (some use rotten humor). I guess some people relieve stress with anger or negativity or helpfulness; this might be a good time to let people be who they are.

><(((*> ~~~~ ><(("> ~~~~ ><'> ~~~~ >(>

RE: Ali`i Ice was Vandalized & is Shut down - eigoya - 08-13-2014

People deal with surprise , tragedy or setbacks with humor (sarcasm, wit....) while others are more literal. I most definitely fall in the former group (and appreciated bb's remark to this absurdity). We are all trying to make sense of the situation as best we can. Under these trying circumstances, remember Rob's signature: assume the best, it is not personal (unless it is). This is a paraphrase from my frazzled brain.

RE: Ali`i Ice was Vandalized & is Shut down - Guest - 08-13-2014

What made me chuckle is the "that's cold" comment.

The irony was too great. Humorous to any one with even the slightest understanding of word play.

Seems like the owner is having a MELT down.

RE: Ali`i Ice was Vandalized & is Shut down - terracore - 08-13-2014

I hope that the police are able to put the heat on the perpetrators, or at least that the publicity causes them to sweat.

People who do things like this run the risk of burning in hell. No scorching hell fires are hot or sweltering enough. I feel almost feverish thinking about it. Things right now are like a pressure cooker, and then some hot-blooded doosh, probably baked out of their mind, fans the flames by igniting an already incendiary and inflammatory situation by kindling these scorching feelings.

Every day, things are getting a little better... I'm carrying a torch that hopefully, soon, we can put this all on the back burner.

RE: Ali`i Ice was Vandalized & is Shut down - hooligal - 08-13-2014

Wow, good thing Helco and the tree companies can't behave this way or they'd have all gone home on Friday after the first confrontations.

I have been told by a few sources that Ali'i Ice has the monopoly to commercially sell ice. If they are, indeed, ABLE to make ice and choose not to, I say the right of monopoly should be permanently stripped. JMHO.

* I'd rather fail at happiness than succeed at misery *

RE: Ali`i Ice was Vandalized & is Shut down - microage97 - 08-14-2014

I just don't get Alii ice and why they would want to lay off their workers. WTF?