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We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - Printable Version

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RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - TomK - 04-15-2015

Incidentally, for the scientifically and mathematically inclined, Nova is just starting on PBS now. Maths, what it is and how important the subject is, especially in science.

RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - PaulW - 04-15-2015

Thanks to Malapuaao for originally posting this link.

And to everyone who has or will sign it.

RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - TomK - 04-15-2015

Yes, thanks for the link. Malapuaao originally posted the link to the petition in the TMT groundbreaking thread but suspect it got lost in the, er, discussion.


I'm glad there's now a separate thread for the petition.

RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - Amrita - 04-15-2015

Signed but I'm only # 1044. Please sign.

RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - SuperGu - 04-16-2015

Signed. I'm signer #1050.


RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - JohnDW - 04-16-2015

Having familiarized myself with both the pros and cons of this issue I must admit that I was on the fence. But last night I read Ms. Neal's petition and was thoroughly impressed by her skill with language: a well-reasoned, concise and articulate argument. I hope people from around the state, country and globe will take time to read and sign her petition; this world needs all the hope it can get.

RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - MarkP - 04-16-2015

Signed it. Was dismayed that I was only about # 1,000. In general I think that petitions are sort of useless but there may be something to countering useless rhetoric with useless rhetoric.

RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - Lin W - 04-16-2015

Signed, #1346

I don't know how I got over the hill without getting to the top.

RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - DickWilson - 04-16-2015

signed yesterday.

dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"

RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - PaulW - 04-16-2015

It made the Tribune Herald:
