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Eight more TMT protesters arrested on Mauna Kea - Printable Version

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RE: Eight more TMT protesters arrested on Mauna Kea - PunaMauka2 - 09-10-2015

I suppose by inserting the word "cultural" in front of "genocide" the meaning is intended to become something like "the deliberate extermination of an entire culture, especially that of a particular ethnic group or nation."

RE: Eight more TMT protesters arrested on Mauna Kea - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 09-10-2015

If Bronson Kobayashi somehow woke up in the middle of an actual cultural genocide, fighting for some rice and water with thousands of other starving refugees, and managed to get a scoop, just enough rice to enable him to eat a small meal that evening so he didn't starve and die, all the while looking over his shoulder for members of the opposing group that had chased him for weeks or months with old rusted rifles and machetes, and when he finally gets a moment in private to check his cell phone for an update on how his gofundme account is doing, all his screen says is "NO SERVICE!" Maybe then he'd understand.

When OHA pays his bail and reaches out to him and his fellow protesters all he can manage to say is:

... he will wait to see what OHA does before deciding whether the meeting was a success.
“I’m always skeptical because you never know how it comes out,” he said. “I like to see what happens after the meeting.”

Truly, he's a lone warrior, a man without a nation. But one who will gladly allow others to cover all of his bills.

RE: Eight more TMT protesters arrested on Mauna Kea - PaulW - 09-10-2015

Where's the aloha? This from the resident racist? Sorry, I'm not going to "shut up and go back to wherever it is [I] came from".

Tell your anti-science buddies that their protest might be a tad less ridiculous if they looked up the words they use in a dictionary first.

RE: Eight more TMT protesters arrested on Mauna Kea - Guest - 09-10-2015

Here is an interesting essay, well worth the time to read.


Very sad to see 8 more hawaiians were arrested during prayers on maunakea. When will the astronomers be arrested for being atop maunakea after 10:00 p.m.? The astronomers way of life or working habits are encouraged and protected atop maunakea after 10 p.m. While the Hawaiian ways of life are no longer being allowed or tolerated atop maunakea during those hours, shame.

Jmo here, concerned we may see a greater racial division within our community due to this TMT( Caltech) project.

RE: Eight more TMT protesters arrested on Mauna Kea - PunaMauka2 - 09-10-2015

"Maybe you didn't know but this whole cultural genocide claim is propagated by the Native Hawaiian programs at the UH's various institutions."

Gotta say, over time I have gathered this general impression as well. From noting the words of various faculty members quoted through the media, to hearing from friends who have taken Hawaiian Studies courses at UHH, to observing and listening to the occasional over-the-top rhetoric of younger family friends who have recently graduated from the program. I think it's pretty clear there is some degree of radicalized activism permeating the program.

RE: Eight more TMT protesters arrested on Mauna Kea - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 09-10-2015

After a quick skim of Makaiwa Tong's essay:

The proof of the ecological degradation that is already happening is the drying up of Lake Waiau. Lake Waiau is the only lake in Hawaii that sits on Mauna Kea. As time progress the Lake has been dwindling each day, soon it will be completely dried up, and the construction of TMT will take a way (sic) hope for restoration of this sacred lake.
(Restoration of Lake Waiau? What's that all about?)

Construction will impact the fragile natural habitat of indigenous plants, with no promises of restoration when the lease term ends in 21 years.

After 7 years of hearings, and people who object to the TMT still can't be bothered to read the EIS or written agreements. But they pepper in terms like "cultural genocide" and "sacred" like spice in huli huli sauce.

RE: Eight more TMT protesters arrested on Mauna Kea - PunaMauka2 - 09-10-2015

"Haunani-Kay Trask, professor and director of Hawaiian studies at the University of Hawai'i-Manoa...

....In her role as a professor of Hawaiian studies, she said, she has trained a new generation of Hawaiian nationalists who she hopes will carry the movement forward until it is successful.

Hawaiian nationalist discusses rights Constitution doesn't recognize:


more: "Several students and faculty asked Trask to relate her stance to other situations of ethnic conflict. History Professor George Fredrickson asked if nativist rights for Hawaiians was any different from calls by conservatives in Germany and France to deny rights to non-white immigrants on the grounds that they are not the original residents. A student asked how Trask reconciled her view with archeological evidence that humans all originated in Africa, and a student of Russian Jewish descent asked if "settlers" who were forced out of their original residence, as her ancestors were, should be regarded differently from those who simply move of their own accord.

Trask said the archeological evidence of a shared human beginning was a "Haole view of the world," using the word that in Hawaiian means "foreigner." Her culture shares with other indigenous cultures a different "creation story" that links one's family to the cosmos through an obligation to care for the land and waters that nurtured one's ancestors, she said.

RE: Eight more TMT protesters arrested on Mauna Kea - Tink - 09-10-2015

Cultural genocide, in their definition, is also brought upon by "outside" marriages ( true Kanaka Maoli marrying another race, in this instance) whereas the cultures are "blended" and diminished by the blending. Certain beliefs by both sides dominate the family household, while other "lesser" beliefs are "swept under the rug", or "watered down" in an effort to keep harmony in the house from generation to generation, modified at each generation as to what is sacred at the time. It's unfortunate, but true in my findings.

Community begins with Aloha

RE: Eight more TMT protesters arrested on Mauna Kea - kalakoa - 09-10-2015

this whole cultural genocide claim

The "cultural genocide" started long before the US Government was involved -- and the Hawaiian Kingdom also practiced cultural genocide against the existing residents of these islands. There are no clean hands here.

this is an issue between the Hawaiians and the US government and the common citizen should have no say in the matter

As these Hawaiians are not currently recognized as a people or government which is separate from the "common citizen", this statement implies that only the US Government should have any say in the matter -- and from a practical standpoint, this is correct; the US has sufficient money and weaponry to stifle any attempt at "overthrow".

Haunani-Kay Trask, professor and director of Hawaiian studies at the University of Hawai'i-Manoa...has trained a new generation of Hawaiian nationalists

Isn't UH a State institution, subsidized by money and special treatment from the State and Federal governments? How many times do we get to pay for this?

RE: Eight more TMT protesters arrested on Mauna Kea - Kapoho Joe - 09-10-2015

We know who we are dealing with here.
