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Does Anyone ever travel to Maui in say a kayak? - Printable Version

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RE: Does Anyone ever travel to Maui in say a kayak? - billy - 01-01-2008

hey beachboy i seen a lady at waimea bay sucked off the shore in two feet of water and her hubby was even to scared to go in for her but the 5 ft white boy just dove in and got her to shore she was choking up water but they saved her.She was not from there and thought it would be fun to wade in the white wash coming in and it took her So yes dont under guess the waters if your not very skilled in the hawaii waters.

RE: Does Anyone ever travel to Maui in say a kayak? - John S. Rabi - 01-01-2008

Originally posted by pohaku

Hawaii to Maui? You gotta be nuts or suicidal, or a tourist.
Yea people have died, and forget about 30 minutes of treading water, then what ...blub, blub, blub....
you better be able to self float for hours and would hope you have a transponder or a damn good cell phone, or yea Japan for lunch? In a week?

The ocean is so dangerous between Maui and the Big Island that even the cruise ships avoid it too!

Typically Tropical Properties
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RE: Does Anyone ever travel to Maui in say a kayak? - Hotzcatz - 01-01-2008

The Alenuihaha Channel between the Island of Hawaii and Maui channels open ocean into a relatively narrow channel with the resulting wash tub effects and ferocious currents. Sailors check the wind and current conditions as well as the next several days forecast carefully before setting out between the two islands and there still aren't that many that go across the Alenuihaha. The channels between Maui/Lanai/Molokai are much more protected and perhaps you could kayak between them, but I don't know for sure since I've never tried it. The channel between Oahu and Lanai/Molokai/Maui is a bit rougher but still semi-protected from the islands above due to prevailing wind and currents. Between Oahu and Kauai you get out of sight of land so it is a much wider channel.

I've sailed many times between Oahu and Lanai or Molokai and then on to Maui and back. Folks in the harbor used to call it "the milk run" although I'm not sure why. Sailed several times between Oahu and Kauai and yet have never sailed the Alenuihaha to the Big Island.

Basically, any time you leave a harbor in the Hawaiian Islands you are in open ocean. Boats and boaters have to be much more durable since if you get into trouble there is no safe harbor nearby. Generally you can't even anchor unless you have 500 feet or more of anchor line and that is only good close to shore. That doesn't mean you can't have fun, just be aware and be prepared.

RE: Does Anyone ever travel to Maui in say a kayak? - dmbwest - 01-01-2008

A guy I know story.


Atlantic is next.

RE: Does Anyone ever travel to Maui in say a kayak? - Sharlee - 01-01-2008

A guy I know story.


Wow, a lovely and heroing story! And yet sometimes I wonder, "Why?"

It's like some people are born to shake their fist at fate and say, "I call the shots here, not you!"

When life gives you lemons....trade them for chocolate!

RE: Does Anyone ever travel to Maui in say a kayak? - chip - 01-02-2008

great story

RE: Does Anyone ever travel to Maui in say a kayak? - Carey - 01-02-2008

I think I've met the guy on the beach ..... 2-3days from California! Must'a been a good trip that beach guy is on!

RE: Does Anyone ever travel to Maui in say a kayak? - Hotzcatz - 01-02-2008

When sailing from California to Hawaii you are going downwind with following seas. Do you notice that nobody does the stunt tricks from Hawaii to the mainland?

The Transpac boat race is from California to Hawaii but many of the boat owners hire other folks to sail the boats back home again.

I wonder how many folks have tried these sorts of stunts and didn't survive? Do they show up on the news?

RE: Does Anyone ever travel to Maui in say a kayak? - Carolann R - 01-03-2008

That story was so good! Thank you Pog. I wanted more.



"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2

RE: Does Anyone ever travel to Maui in say a kayak? - Bill - 01-03-2008

There is a Kayak Club that has several group trips a year. Many are overnight camping trips that are a lot of fun. Day trips too.


