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HPP board recall petition - Printable Version

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RE: HPP board recall petition - reni - 10-16-2016

.".just what do you and I are getting out of all this massive amounts of money?"

well, hard to say without accurate accounting info provided to us per our bylaws.

"When i bought in HPP eons ago, i was told that the all roads would be paved; guess what?"

They lied.......hung us with a bond at over 7% interest and a MASSIVE prepayment penalty.
No funds left and the repayment continues.

"... i have to personally drag whoever is the new flavor of the month manager out of their cozy office and basically threaten the living daylights out of them "

Then you will be arrested.

"I would welcome others as fed up as I am with this neverending subject "

There are quite a few of us...most with different ideas on how to resolve.

"So yes, i would like to know who is circulating the petition."

Not sure, "they" did not identify themselves on the petition information I received.....possibly Mermaid can help you with this.

"First you sue HPP for rackettering",... go for it!

RE: HPP board recall petition - mermaid53 - 10-16-2016

The address is someone's personal address donated for the use of the HPP Recall Petition for Dist 5 lot owners. There is no permission required from Dist 5 lot owners to receive a petition if you are an association member who's district is involved in a recall process. The petition's being circulated by a committee composed of concerned Dist 5 members who've had enough after 2+ yrs. There are members outside of Dist 5 who've also been supportive.

It wouldn't serve anyone's purpose, and expenditure of their own personal money, to put effort into a recall unless there was proven documentation of the noted violations as was spelled out in the petition. The recall petition process is legit and the membership was notified that a recall process had begun at the previous membership meeting. It is following the process in accordance to our bylaws.

To those that suggest this is about a frivolous act of "malcontent", or just about "two camps", is misinformed and/or uninformed. There is no other agenda but expectations that our district rep and the majority board behave ethically and follow our bylaws and policies that govern HPP's business per the oath they all took, and to manage our business professionally and in a timely manner.

If you attended recent board and membership mtgs, you'd know we have some very serious issues going on...some of it concerns non transparency of our monies.

RE: HPP board recall petition - kalakoa - 10-16-2016

no other agenda but expectations that our district rep and the majority board behave ethically and follow our bylaws and policies

I expect the same of our County government, and I'm often disappointed.

Not excusing HPP's shenanigans, but it seems to be "how things are done here".

RE: HPP board recall petition - TomK - 10-16-2016

"The address is someone's personal address donated for the use of the HPP Recall Petition for Dist 5 lot owners. There is no permission required from Dist 5 lot owners to receive a petition if you are an association member who's district is involved in a recall process. The petition's being circulated by a committee composed of concerned Dist 5 members who've had enough after 2+ yrs. There are members outside of Dist 5 who've also been supportive."

Let me get this straight. The PO address, which is anonymous, was donated to some committee that has access to other people's home addresses, whether they like it or not, and the anonymous owner of the address and the committee don't want the return address posted online?

Is that a fair summary?

RE: HPP board recall petition - PauHana - 10-17-2016

The name and mailing address of property owners is public information, it is on line at the County property tax site for anyone who knows what a map is. http://qpublic9.qpublic.net/hi_hawaii_search.php

You can also see what they paid for the property, when they bought it, if they paid their taxes or not, how much, and status of permits.

RE: HPP board recall petition - kalakoa - 10-17-2016

The PO address, which is anonymous, was donated to some committee

Did the box holder notify USPS that this PO Box would be used to solicit the public?

The name and mailing address of property owners is public information

Not always available, or useful (such as when the property is held in a trust).

and status of permits

Subject to substantial lag as the overworked County employees can barely find time to enter the information. Worse, neither SUPs nor pending land-use actions are included.

RE: HPP board recall petition - mermaid53 - 10-17-2016

Wow. TomK, you and any members from Dist 5 have the choice to throw the petition away with the rest of your junk mail, or mail it in like many of your neighbors have.

The mailing adrs is actively used by a lot owner who lives here in the park. Would any of you like your mailing adrs plastered up on a chat room forum? It's a matter of ethics. The reason behind it was to abate negative and retaliatory actions. This person has already been accosted when picking up their mail. Need I say more!???

If any of you have an issue w/this recall process, change the bylaws.

RE: HPP board recall petition - mermaid53 - 10-17-2016

Maybe they are trying to find out about it without sending a email that be a might be going to a Trojan horse.

Wanted to correct my initial response on this thread which prompted the above comment. The petition offered that if a Dist 5 member had a question, they could write to the mailing address provided and they would receive a response. An Email option was there only IF the member provided it.

RE: HPP board recall petition - shockwave rider - 10-17-2016

Originally posted by mermaid53

Wow. TomK, you and any members from Dist 5 have the choice to throw the petition away with the rest of your junk mail, or mail it in like many of your neighbors have.

The mailing adrs is actively used by a lot owner who lives here in the park. Would any of you like your mailing adrs plastered up on a chat room forum? It's a matter of ethics. The reason behind it was to abate negative and retaliatory actions. This person has already been accosted when picking up their mail. Need I say more!???

If any of you have an issue w/this recall process, change the bylaws.

I am all for this recall, but when a person uses their personal mailing address for a public process like a recall they have to accept the fact that it will be made public. If that was a big concern they should have gotten a PO BOx or rented a private mail box for that purpose.

RE: HPP board recall petition - mermaid53 - 10-17-2016

If that was a big concern they should have gotten a PO BOx or rented a private mail box for that purpose.

There's a 3 year waiting list for PO Boxes. Private is limited and not cheap.