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Can you smell that/ hear that? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Can you smell that/ hear that? (/showthread.php?tid=20517)

Pages: 1 2

RE: Can you smell that/ hear that? - randomq - 01-15-2019

Smelling the brimstone in HA this morning... Anyone else?

RE: Can you smell that/ hear that? - SBH - 01-15-2019

Yep, smelling sulphur this morning, from Pu’u O’o direction.

RE: Can you smell that/ hear that? - SBH - 01-15-2019

I flew to Maui this morning and lots of vog, first I’ve seen in three months.

RE: Can you smell that/ hear that? - ElysianWort - 01-15-2019

Yes was smelling it here this morning with the still winds. Not as much now at midday.

RE: Can you smell that/ hear that? - dan d - 01-16-2019

Yep had it in hpp yesterday


RE: Can you smell that/ hear that? - LazyLehua - 01-16-2019

Yes, smelly up here in Volcano. From what I have seen, there has been some increase in steam from Halema’uma’u...which would make sense. Also no rain up here to keep it in Volcano so it is being carried by the winds.

Living the life in Cali and Hawai‘i