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Excitement in Tiki Gardens - Printable Version

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RE: Excitement in Tiki Gardens - mella l - 07-10-2006

Speaking as someone with not to distant direct experience, this should be developed and used medically. Many, many cancer patients do benefit and more would benefit if the illegality, demonization and witch hunt involved were stopped. If it were legal it would be sold in a store or pharmacy, the brand names were patented in the 60's and 70's I believe with the likes of RJReynolds and friends!

Perhaps the Drug War dollars could be better spent for universal health care for those in need? Or incent a few more physicians here on the BI!

I too believe that we create our demons and legalizing mj would lessen to some extent the needs of meth/ice heads addictions. Even if it didn't lessen the ice heads, I would much rather be up against a marijuana user than an ice head in a dark alley, on my property, or any other place! Non violent persons vs crazed and driven ice heads looking for the next dose, easy choice.

They use black heliocopters here. Interestingly enough none of them are marked with FFA numbers so they are so easy to spot.
The racket is defening and even when I lived in the Oakland hills in the 70's they would fly around at night with spot lights coming into your home and scaring the **** out of pets and children. We called them the cocaine helicopters, they sure weren't detering crime in Oakland, just playing with some rather expensive and ego boosting toys, that was the neighborhood take on it. This was a very upscale neighborhood and even there we had shooting on corners in the middle of the night. What a nightmare.

mella l

RE: Excitement in Tiki Gardens - leilaniguy - 07-10-2006

They buzzed my house in Nanawale in 1989, they buzzed my house in Hawaiian Acres in 1992, they buzzed me yesterday in Leilani. Nothing has changed in 17 years. They accomplish nothing, annoy everyone.

Edited by - leilaniguy on 07/10/2006 20:11:47

RE: Excitement in Tiki Gardens - punagirl - 07-11-2006

I see this thread going South fast. I am not intending my response as an attack towards anyone else's opinion so please do not take it that way. If I refer to you in the post I do not intend anyone in particular.

I see nothing cool or noble about flying in a helicopter ripping up someone's personal property, legal or illegal. It is the same as coming into your house to take that beautiful giraffe carved in ivory that you brought back from a trip.

I am not going to post a whole lot of facts to try and sway anyone to think marijuana, a natural substance, should be legal. I doubt I could do much to change your way of thinking. I am sure when you have a loved one that is ill and could benefit from medicinal use you will wish it was legal. I am guessing when the next terrorist strike happens you will wish more of your tax money went to defense (not offense) instead of worrying about some burn out wanting to get high. I am guessing when an ice head robs from or causes you bodily harm you would have wished more of your tax money would have went to the ice issue instead of Green Harvest.

If you support this invasion of privacy I suggest you talk to some long time islanders. In particular those who didn't move to change "every" custom that long time islanders have had. I think most of them will let you know the increase in crime and poverty can be directly attributed to the green harvest that started back in the mid-80's and early 90's. Once it became harder and more expensive to smoke pot a lot of folks turned to meth/ice. That is where the problems began.

Potheads don't neglect their children. They do not make stupid decisions, they rarely have the motivation to make serious decision while high. It isn't too often that stoned people get behind the wheel of a car and kill someone but it happens pretty frequently with alcoholics. I can verify this fact with numerous statistics since I am an insurance adjuster.

Are you aware that the you will feels effects of two drinks for a longer period than a joint? Do you know instances of death from disease and violence are FAR more common from alcohol use than marijuana.

I can not understand why anyone would think smoking pot should be criminalized. It is a ridiculous waste of tax money. Growing a natural medicinal herb that has been around since vegetation as we know it should not be illegal.

I am am guessing you are reading this just imagining I am some stoned blitzed out idiot. I am not. I know quite a few folks on the board and they can attest I look fairly normal. I am an insurance claims analyst and hold the highest position in my division which is a subsidiary of the second largest insurer in the world. At 38 years old I have moved leaps and bounds above those with far more experience than myself. I handle all litigation, large loss and high profile cases for my client who is a Fortune 300 retailer. I am a licensed insurance adjuster in 31 states, most of which I had to pass a grueling test for. I have a CPCU designation. I am well educated and earn just shy of six figures. I own my home outright, have no car payment and minimal debt. I have owned property in Hawaii since 1998. I am a productive member of society and I vote. I have maintained a happy healthy relationship with my partner, Bob, for almost 21 years.

And yes, I smoke pot. OK, I guess that is stretching it a bit. I think in the past 10 years I have smoked pot about 25 times. I think I have consumed alcohol even less. In my younger days I smoked pounds of pot. Never once did I consider a violent act towards anyone while high but I certainly thought about slapping a few people while drunk. I knew I shouldn't drive while smoking pot but try telling a drunk they can't drive!

I don't know why I started responding to this. I haven't posted in a couple of months but this one really got me fired up. When we first started our plan to move to Hawaii it was to get away form uptight folks who couldn't mind their own business. Puna has changed so much. It went from such a peaceful loving place to somewhere I am not even sure I want to be anymore.

My husband & I just returned from a trip to California looking for possible places to relocate. We know we are ready to leave Atlanta but suddenly the BI isn't so inviting. It seems like I will be surrounded by the same mentality I am trying to get away from. What happened to the live & let live attitude of Puna?

I have seen the punatic thread on here and the questions about the origin of the phrase. I've had a punatic bumper sticker and tee shirt for at least 5 years. I was told long ago that it started almost as a slam against the crazy hippie Puna loving types. The residents took a pride in being Puna fanatics. As I read this thread I wonder how long term Punatics feel about the changes taking place? How they feel about the new attitudes moving in? Oh yah, generally speaking, punatics are pot smokers.

Sorry, I know I got off the subject but this thread just got me rolling. Again, I do not intend to offend anyone or attack anyone with my thoughts. I am just expressing my opinion like everyone else. I just think we should all be concerned when our tax money is being funneled into something as insane as ripping up some hippies patch instead of catching drunk driver, providing help for the homeless, counseling for the wife beater and funding for public schools.


Edited by - punagirl on 07/11/2006 13:17:41

RE: Excitement in Tiki Gardens - Carolann R - 07-11-2006

Did I miss something? It looks like most of the posters agree with you...what's all the anger for? If you smoke pot, you smoke pot. If you don't you don't. I personally don't care about who does or not...but I do care when someone drives drunk (and believe me I have first-hand knowledge there being a recovering alcoholic with about 12 years sobriety who drove drunk and rolled my car over on the Pasadena Freeway at 2am [only hurt myself]) and kills someone or when someone does ice and robs, hurts or kills. This is just a discussion board...not the entirety of Puna. People here are warm and friendly for the most part...JMHO.


"The opportunities to reach into the lives of others in an inspiring way arise in countless ways every single day..." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Edited by - carolann r on 07/11/2006 13:24:34

RE: Excitement in Tiki Gardens - Hotzcatz - 07-11-2006

Ah, Punagirl, not to seem paranoid or anything - but doesn't it seem a bit less than wise to be writing in a public forum about illegal acts you have done? Not to look into the issue of whether it should be legal or not, but at this time it is illegal and it seems writing it out in such explicit terms in a public forum may not be in your own best interest. Perhaps phrasing it so who the user is can be left at least a little bit ambiguous might save you some sort of grief later?

Just my two cents worth.

A hui hou,

RE: Excitement in Tiki Gardens - punagirl - 07-11-2006

Carrie -- I am not angry. Reading my post I guess it might come off that way. I should have held off on posting until PMS had passed me by. I just expressed my opinion. I know everyone is warm and friendly here. Heck, I was one of the first ones to sign up for the board way back when it got too little traffic several years ago. I was just don't find Green Harvest exciting and figured it was a good time for me to start posting again.


RE: Excitement in Tiki Gardens - punagirl - 07-11-2006

Thanks for the advice Hotzcat Smile but I am not too worried. I don't really smoke pot at this point in my life and would never have any on me. I can't get arrested for admitting that I have smoked pot before.


RE: Excitement in Tiki Gardens - pslamont - 07-11-2006

I am not a pot smoker. I also do not drink alcohol. However I find the whole illegalizxation of marijuana a ridiculous waste of our time and resources. The truth is thast marijuana was the largest cash crop in the state of California the last time I looked and I wouldn't be surprised if it were the same here in Hawaii. This whole subject reeks of the old prohibition (wich by the way is responsible for making marijuana illegal; it wasn't until the repeal of prohibition when the alcohol industry feared competition and convinced the government they could make more money taxing alcohol if marijuana were illegal....).

So, from a boring, straight, anti-drug person, I still think the whole green-harvest program is a total invasion of privacy and misdirection of public funds that could be used elsewhere. Go figure... for the cost of one of those helociptres, we could probably immunizxe every child on our island against all childhood diseases... now wouldn't that be in the public interest?

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!

RE: Excitement in Tiki Gardens - Kapohocat - 07-11-2006

As I am reading this, I am sorta laughing with some of the posts, feeling a little "yeah, you go girl"... and then a little bit like leilaniguy "nanawale 1989"...

Here's a remember when for the old timers -

Do you remember when the proprietors of Hara's store went to a county council meetign about legalizing weed BECAUSE... green harvest caused their business to drop to less than 1/2?

Do you remember when the girl on 7 road in the Acres (now a ripe old age of 50) - painted ..."go away..." on her roof for the helicopters? They used it as a marker because of its bright color.

The more things change the more they stay the same.


RE: Excitement in Tiki Gardens - Les C - 07-11-2006

To add to the "Dept. of Mixed Feelings", I just got off the phone with a good friend in Eureka, CA. I was telling him of this thread and the general tenor of the response. We used to do a little herb back in college. He said that he doesn't like the current growing scene in his neck of the woods because there have been people coming up from Mexico who have made the situation dangerous. Murders have been attributed to some the herb growing activities there. Recently, he's become a medical marijuana user as cancer has overtaken his body.

Hopefully, Hawaii's growing activities don't get into murders and other serious offenses. That would provide more reasons to continue funding anti-pot efforts.

Les C