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Saddle Road Update - Printable Version

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RE: Saddle Road Update - mdd7000 - 08-25-2009

It is obvious when you drive the new sections that is was designed to near mainland interstate standards (other than being only 3 very wide lanes) as the curves and hills are now so gentle that it has lost the very essence that made it a drivers' delight.

RE: Saddle Road Update - missydog1 - 08-25-2009

yes, but that section isn't enough to get you to the airport in 49 minutes.

RE: Saddle Road Update - PaulW - 08-26-2009

The numbers don't lie.
Hilo to KOA (Kona Airport) is, according to Google Maps, 84.4 miles.
If you do that in 49 minutes then your *average* speed is 60/49 * 84.4 = 103 mph.
To achieve that average you would have to be going 110-120 mph average on the highway section.

Either your watch or your speedometer is broken.

RE: Saddle Road Update - Youser - 08-26-2009

And some here think it's fun to do those speeds.

Kathy is right, it takes one wrong move for something terrible to happen and at 103 mph a blink of an eye or answering a cell phone could kill everyone in the area.

Imagine an adult bragging about how cool they are driving dangerously like a testosterone-fueled teenager. But grown ups can do what they want, I guess. Unlike my 17 year old nephew who is not allowed to use the car if he doesn't drive responsibly.

Let's hope they manage to issue lots of $400+ tickets to pay for full time speed traps!

RE: Saddle Road Update - mikewj - 08-26-2009

Come on, guys, lighten up! Based on the way the road curves, and the limited visibility in a number of areas, one would have to be a highly skilled race car driver in top condition to average more than 100 mph over that course. Or maybe what I heard on my last visit was not a low flying helicopter but a low flying Saab wagon? Do you think maybe you're being conned? This is a blog, after all, and I'm sure that just like Wikipedia, if it's written here it must be true, yes?
That aside, I'm glad for the improvements on Saddle Road, as it is by far the best route to the dark side in daylight. Let's hope the final stages of road improvement will take out the last of the rough road. Who knows, maybe the rental car companies will even let tourists go up the mountain without fear of dire penalties.

RE: Saddle Road Update - Kapohocat - 04-27-2010

I bumped this up to make everyone aware that doesnt matter whether it is Saddle road or Kahakai Blvd - we need to SLOW DOWN.

You may not be the teenager racing but you may have to avoid them, or if they crash - drive defensive so you dont join their party.

RE: Saddle Road Update - mella l - 04-27-2010

Traveling to Kona late in March the road was nicely curving gentle areas somewhat straightened. It was shocking and heartbreaking to see the destruction on the Ohia forest along the roadside though. It reminded me of the movie Avatar with the HUGE machines eating up the forest and the Ohia. I was driving so didn't study it too closely which was a blessing in disguise as I probably would have cried it I had the time to study it more, perhaps seen little animals, other precious vegetation or such.




mella l

Art and Science
Our Future

RE: Saddle Road Update - Aaron S - 04-27-2010

Road And Highway Builders is reconstructing Saddle Road between m.m 11-19. This is being done to minimize the damage to the environment versus constructing a completely new roadway alignment. In addition, this roadway improvement will eliminate another dangerous segment of Saddle.

The last Hilo phase between m.m 6 and 11 will be both a reconstruction/ re-alignment. I believe between m.m 6 to m.m 8 will be re-aligned and m.m 8 to m.m 11 will be reconstructed.

RE: Saddle Road Update - oink - 04-27-2010

I liked the old road too. I was anti-progress on this one.

Big Islander to be.

RE: Saddle Road Update - Aaron S - 04-28-2010

I'm very happy that the HDOT/CFLHD has improved Saddle. The old roadway was extremely dangerous to your car and life. Fast forward to present day and the new roadway is probably the best in the state. This new roadway has significant improved the roadway safety and reduced the wear and tear on the cars making the daily trip over this road.

I'm definitely looking forward to the entire roadway being reconstructed
and re-aligned in probably four years or so.