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Attention!!! - Printable Version

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RE: Attention!!! - hikatz - 11-29-2011

Post your message on Craigslist or one of the other blogs, you will reach a larger audience. [Smile]

Living in Hawaii we do tend to live in a bubble, you will see small turnouts for any type of protest here, so much different from the mainland! That is an advantage or disadvantage depending how you look at it, probably due to being isolated on an island. Does not mean we do not care, but we handle it in our own way!

RE: Attention!!! - PaulW - 11-29-2011

The 1% that the Occupy people seem to vilify so much pay 40% of the income tax.
So what is it you want? That 1% of the people pay 50% of the income tax? 60%?

RE: Attention!!! - missydog1 - 11-29-2011

uneedawish, I'm already angry, and I agree we are back in Depression era economics, but shouting in ALL CAPS doesn't give me anything new in the way of direction.

You're losing the audience that should be in your camp with this approach.

I understand your intent is to sound a Clarion Call:

OK, so to be effective, you can't totally diss your audience like you just did.

"And I'm sure it wouldn't interest anybody, outside of a small circle of friends ~ Phil Ochs

RE: Attention!!! - uneedawish - 11-29-2011

Originally posted by PaulW

The 1% that the Occupy people seem to vilify so much pay 40% of the income tax.
So what is it you want? That 1% of the people pay 50% of the income tax? 60%?

YES! People of "your ilk" only worry about yourselves. If you have success in the U.S. you OWE your country help when it is needed, and it is needed!
So absolutely YES!!!
It is time for the "ilk" to pay their fair share. When the economy recovers maybe then there might be room for negotiation. But not at the tax percentage "Ilks" receive now, never again!
We are the 99%. We are not going away Mr.PaulW.
I think I heard a bubble burst, I hope there are more..
The winds of CHANGE keep coming!
Obama 2012 - Hilary 2016, Or the "ilk" win.
"Ilk" and others, thank you all for taking time to post your opinions. Aloha

RE: Attention!!! - uneedawish - 11-29-2011

Originally posted by uneedawish

[quote]Originally posted by KathyH

uneedawish, I'm already angry, and I agree we are back in Depression era economics, but shouting in ALL CAPS doesn't give me anything new in the way of direction.

You're losing the audience that should be in your camp with this approach.

I understand your intent is to sound a Clarion Call:

OK, so to be effective, you can't totally diss your audience like you just did.

"And I'm sure it wouldn't interest anybody, outside of a small circle of friends ~ Phil Ochs

KathyH, I will alert you next time I shout "all in caps", so you can plug your ears. I feel it is time everyone shout "all in caps" and quit plugging our ears.

RE: Attention!!! - Midnight Rambler - 11-29-2011

Originally posted by PaulW

The 1% that the Occupy people seem to vilify so much pay 40% of the income tax.
So what is it you want? That 1% of the people pay 50% of the income tax? 60%?

Paul, the top 1% paid 38% of the income tax in 2008, a year when they made 21% of the total income. Much of that was unearned, capital gains income, which is only taxed at 15%, unlike your paycheck which is taxed higher.

I don't think there's anything at all unfair about asking someone who can afford more than basic food and shelter to pay a greater proportion of their income than someone who can't afford even that. And note that the amount shown in the first table doesn't include payroll taxes, which add about 7.7% to the bottom 50%'s tax burden but are negligible above that. This is probably a better overall summary of how it all works out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Distribution_of_U.S._Federal_Taxes_2000.JPG

RE: Attention!!! - dmbwest - 11-29-2011

ATTENTION !!! Is what uneedawash is seeking ...

Happily inside my recession proof bubble,

RE: Attention!!! - PaulW - 11-29-2011

MidnightRambler, thanks for the link and the lack of bumper sticker slogans and EVERYTHING IN CAPS.

The question remains: 1% of the population pays 38% of the income tax. What percentage do the Occupy people want them to pay? 48%? 58%?

RE: Attention!!! - Guest - 11-29-2011

Being successful is a bad thing? I don't think anyone should pay income tax, its unconstitutional. They say 48% of americans do not pay income tax, we are halfway there.

RE: Attention!!! - liskir - 11-29-2011

Income tax IS unconstitutional. Ron Paul will do away with the IRS as well as the Federal Reserve. He pledges to be paid $58K annual presidential salary to represent the middle working class. Obama and Hilary will yield the same BS. Voting parties is unintelligent. Get to know the candidates, what they stand for, and vote the individual, not the flawed party platform. Occupy with Aloha and get involved. Your children and grandchildren's future depend on it.