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Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway - Printable Version

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RE: Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway - Guest - 08-13-2018

Originally posted by ElysianWort

@openD You feel it is moving backwards because what?

Mass quantity will be sacrificed if our system of shortcuts and chemicals used in our food industry is overhauled? Mass quantity for what? Quality. Well maybe quality is only my point of view because many people here seem to have no problem eating Roundup residue left behind on produce.

The enormous farms loading up the matson containers with produce wouldn't be the same without Roundup, true. The containers would be far fewer.

So go on ahead and keep pumping out that quantity of produce because that is what we are focused on. Quantity = success regardless of the chemicals embedded in the food. Nevermind the possibility we made a mistake in the overuse of this unproven untested chemical, Roundup. We are the guinea-pigs for the use of this chemical!

Onward human race march forward, don't look back and learn from mistakes?

First of all "quality" goes only so far. 500 C a day won't keep you alive no matter how perfect they are. 2,500 C a day will, even if they are less-than-perfect.

Second, Food IS chemicals, from sugars to starches, to vitamins to amino acids.... Chemicals, one and all.

IMHO "Organic" is one huge marketing campaign, and only that, and I couldn't care less about GMO, one way or another. Getting enough Calories??? Now that is a different kettle of fish entirely.

RE: Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway - Guest - 08-13-2018

Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

With less food out there available more and more people would have to give up their cooperate jobs, hang up the suit and tie and take out the garden hoe. ( I think that's a good thing )

You may have overlooked a few steps in this transition:
Food theft
Learning curve between desk & garden hoe
More starvation, until the first crops come in

Before we had our current food system, there were regular cycles of famine, even here in the islands. It was part and parcel of the agrarian based society. It triggered wars and mass migrations such as the Irish Potato Famine. I don’t think getting nearly everyone back to the garden is as easy or simple as you believe.

Oh, and by the way, don’t forget the locusts.

“We have knowledge that beyond the border there is a wonderful beauty, a space for beauty, for greatness […] if perhaps you can believe in it, if you have such an experience, your life is a little bit changed.” - László Krasznahorkai

Careful, you might pierce the veil of oversimplification EW surrounds himself with.

RE: Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway - ElysianWort - 08-14-2018

OMG there is so much I can say here. From open-d trying to school me about what a chemical is to Paul making his usual assumptions to Tom wondering if we are okay with pot legalization. But this rang the loudest to me:

Tom, you posted: "Wow. Logical fallacy alarms are sounding out loud around Puna." But you DIDN'T mention rainyjim crying foul that my postings of my beliefs that I feel would make the world a better place, are "infringing upon his rights"


As I said earlier, THAT is the hugest load of organic fertilizer. Horse type or bull you chose.

As most the other arguments get more and more ridiculous I feel you might not deserve a response anymore. HOTPE you are an exception here. I respect your logic and argument style.

Done deal folks. Monsanto lost and will continue losing these cases. 280 million dollars to pay that man and his family for medical bills and pain from the cancer he got from using Roundup.

That means nothing to you? Okay, whatever, eat your damned Roundup soaked food. I care not anymore.

RE: Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway - PaulW - 08-14-2018

But do you want it banned or not? Please enlighten us O Enlightened One! We seek your guidance.

It was inevitable, was it not, that the world’s most widely used weedkiller would coincide with some cases of cancer. I’m sure a similar correlation can be found with facebook use.

RE: Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway - MarkP - 08-14-2018

"Tom, you posted: "Wow. Logical fallacy alarms are sounding out loud around Puna." But you DIDN'T mention rainyjim crying foul that my postings of my beliefs that I feel would make the world a better place, are "infringing upon his rights"".

Rainyjim didn't say what you claim he said. He was not referring to your stating opinions. He was referring to your endorsement of measures to suppress the use and availability of roundup based only on your opinions.

RE: Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway - Guest - 08-14-2018

Originally posted by ElysianWort

OMG there is so much I can say here. From open-d trying to school me about what a chemical is to Paul making his usual assumptions to Tom wondering if we are okay with pot legalization. But this rang the loudest to me:

Tom, you posted: "Wow. Logical fallacy alarms are sounding out loud around Puna." But you DIDN'T mention rainyjim crying foul that my postings of my beliefs that I feel would make the world a better place, are "infringing upon his rights"


As I said earlier, THAT is the hugest load of organic fertilizer. Horse type or bull you chose.

As most the other arguments get more and more ridiculous I feel you might not deserve a response anymore. HOTPE you are an exception here. I respect your logic and argument style.

Done deal folks. Monsanto lost and will continue losing these cases. 280 million dollars to pay that man and his family for medical bills and pain from the cancer he got from using Roundup.

That means nothing to you? Okay, whatever, eat your damned Roundup soaked food. I care not anymore.

It's not that it doesn't mean anything, but I have to say I gave up on my dream of living forever long ago. Either way (GMO/non-GMO, Organic/non-Organic ...) you are still going to expire. Maybe you'll live a few months longer with your idea of a perfect diet, but so what. You'll be old and decrepit when you do, and probably looking for the exit anyway.

Somehow, the phrase "tilting at windmills" comes to mind.

Life is full of risks and dangerous substances, after all if you drink or breath in too much water you croak. Roundup is not on my radar. However, not falling in my pool while spraying Roundup IS[Big Grin][Big Grin]

RE: Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway - ElysianWort - 08-14-2018

Duh open-d. None of us are going to make it out of here alive. Yup, you aren't the first one to help me realize this. Thanks for the reminder though.

Me posting my thoughts, opinions, feelings, beliefs are one thing but the people in power to make those changes is something else entirely.

Don't get me wrong, if I were king-of-the-world, I would ban the hell out of Roundup. I would also provide free superb health-care for every individual and I would bring back the guillotine as a form of capital punishment. It would be for all those heinous offences, rape, murder, mass terrorism etc. But, I did say IF.

If a frog had wings, it wouldn't bump it's a$s every time it jumped.

Have another beautiful day. Aloha!

RE: Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway - PaulW - 08-14-2018

Okay, so you do want it banned, thanks for clearing that up. So you would like to infringe on the rights of people to make up their own mind on the evidence (or lack of) linking Roundup to cancer.

And you also would like to kill more people, gotcha.

RE: Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway - My 2 cents - 08-14-2018


RE: Roundup (cancer causing substance) cases underway - PaulW - 08-14-2018

"It's impossible to print words on packages?"

It's impossible to print an infinite number of words on packages, if you pander to every conspiracy theory, special interest group and Facebook viral video of the day. You have to draw a line somewhere, there isn't enough ink. How about: only information that is actually useful and backed by evidence.