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S.P.A.C.E. Community Meeting - March 6th - Printable Version

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RE: S.P.A.C.E. Community Meeting - March 6th - StillHope - 03-02-2010

Originally posted by Greg

I see Graham responding to criticism and gathering input from those most impacted by SPACE.

Good PR job !

Are you sitting in his office or your binoculars are that good?[Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin]

RE: S.P.A.C.E. Community Meeting - March 6th - DanielP - 03-02-2010

I think that the County should hire a professional engineering firm to create a General Plan for the entire County. I do not think that the appropriate skills for this task are available here.


RE: S.P.A.C.E. Community Meeting - March 6th - james weatherford - 03-02-2010

Originally posted by JerryCarr

...zoning and land use in Puna need serious reform. What we have now is not working.

Well said, IMHO, from my perspective as a Puna resident.


Duly noted, from my perspective as a candidate for County Council.

Perhaps a separate thread on the need for land use and zoning reform in Puna?
i.e., "what are the problems?"
"what are the solutions?"

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park

RE: S.P.A.C.E. Community Meeting - March 6th - Graham - 03-02-2010

Space currently has off street parking for approximately 150-200 vehicles.

RE: S.P.A.C.E. Community Meeting - March 6th - missydog1 - 03-02-2010

I would be interested to know what happened with the original idea of leasing the State Land on the undeveloped side of Belly Acres. Was the application withdrawn or denied? What happened with the County's request that Belly Acres contact them about not having a use permit back in 1998? Did the Belly Acres application for an SUP cite the same analysis of having very few cars come to the site that the leasing proposal did? Are the terms of the current Special Use Permit available?

That would be some very useful transparency that I would appreciate seeing shared.

RE: S.P.A.C.E. Community Meeting - March 6th - DanielP - 03-02-2010


The problem with the public forum to discuss planning issues is that we have thousands of armchair quarterbacks with all kinds of lay opinions and there seldom seems to be real solutions born from that level of expertise. Usually lots of back and forth and divisiveness.
The wise know when their own expertise is insufficient for the task. Hire Pros.


RE: S.P.A.C.E. Community Meeting - March 6th - Bob Orts - 03-02-2010

Originally posted by DanielP

I think that the County should hire a professional engineering firm to create a General Plan for the entire County. I do not think that the appropriate skills for this task are available here.
Actually, there is a General Plan and this is the map with latest revisions.
edit to fix link, this shows all General Plan maps

The general Plan called for large areas of Puna to be agricultural. That's been the plans for the 4 previous general plans. It's not the County that created residential, it's the people. Now the people want something beyond what the general plan called for. The plan and zoning was on the books before most people purchased. But the County is limited in changing the general plan at-will. It's done through zoning changes until a new general plan is adopted.

This general plan was approved with overwhelming public support. Few opposition comments were made. I think this is not about the County, but that the people have changed the long-term strategic goals for Hawaii County and those people want the County to abandon what was already approved and have a do-over to create what the newcomers want.

That’s fine so long as you realize that the next batch of people who move into Puna and wants it to change the community to mostly industrial, commercial and resort should have the exact same ability as you do to change it from agricultural to residential.

Remember, unless you change the zoning, the People of the County of Hawaii do not want, nor allow the County to grant special favors to their friends in violation of zoning. So a clear set of manageable rules were enacted to ensure the County doe not step beyond the authority the people gave them. If they do, any citizen can file charges against the government (and based on historical court rulings) will win each time. So if you have issues with how government is responding, look no further than the people.

S.P.A.C.E. itself is NOT IN VIOLATION of the zoning and SUP. What they are doing beyond what the People of the County of Hawaii authorize government to allow and what the SUP authorizes is what’s in violation.

RE: S.P.A.C.E. Community Meeting - March 6th - DanielP - 03-02-2010

Seems as though we posted back to back.

It seems clear to me that a new General Plan is needed. That is my armchair quarterback opinion.

The link didn't work for me. Iwonder when it was done and by whom.

Perhaps this branch of the discussion would be better continued on James' new topic.

RE: S.P.A.C.E. Community Meeting - March 6th - Rob Tucker - 03-02-2010

We do joke a bit here in Puna that prior to the PCDP the plan for Puna consisted of three words: Drive To Hilo.

RE: S.P.A.C.E. Community Meeting - March 6th - missydog1 - 03-02-2010

LOL Rob.
I would have guessed -- Wait For Pele. [}Smile]