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Woman's body found off Kalapana - Printable Version

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RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Minette - 07-17-2013

Yes, if you know something, do not let bad people get away with murder because you are in fear of retribution, there are many ways you can tell what you know in the most anonymous way, think about it. What if it was your daughter, your sister, your friend who had been brutally murdered? Can you live peacefully with yourself while you are withholding information (even if it does not seem important), think about the agony, the families are going through. Do the right thing. I am assuming that Boaz is not the killer, it has been almost 2 months and he has not been found. in my opinion, he was thrown in the water with Brittany. They were camping in a very isolated area, well known by the locals, they were a threat, and i can see that they could have had arguments over the land purchase & their plan to do some lava tours. i am perplexed how wrong the cops had the location of the tent on the court papers. I hope this is not a sign on how they are conducting the entire investigation.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Britts MOM - 07-17-2013

Thank you Minette. For the record, Brittany was NOT planning on doing any kind of lava tours. If Bo was this is news to me. When they visited me in Mid May, nothing was ever discussed about this. No idea how that whole thing got started. Brittany told me that once she saw a couple wandering the lava and asked if they would like her to walk with them, but NOTHING for money and certainly nothing about starting a "tour business." Brittany's goal was to have a small yoga studio and an organic farm. Also, to raise her child by the ocean.

Please keep in mind that 2 lives have been lost: Brittany and her unborn child
It's too bad that Hawaii doesn't take that into consideration with their penalties. It should be the death penalty

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Minette - 07-17-2013

yes, thank you for the correction, it's important to keep the facts straight. Yes, it was briefly mentionned at the very beginning of this thread, or i read it somewhere.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - PaulW - 07-17-2013

How they ever thought an organic farm on 10 acres of lava would be profitable is beyond me.
Does anyone know if they actually had the money required for the purchase?

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - alonak - 07-17-2013

http://www.staradvertiser.com/news/20130613__Family_maintains_innocence_of_son_missing_on_Big_Island.html?id=211343901 mention of the threats after local perception of lava tour

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Britts MOM - 07-18-2013

another fact that needs to be clarified: Brittany had NOTHING to do with the purchase of the land. Bo was buying it, not Brittany. From what I have read, Bo's parents were lending him the money, that was talked about in one of the interviews with his family.

This was a heinous crime. She was strangled (rope all the way around her neck), dragged (nude) across the lava and tossed off the cliff. I don't know how much more terrible it gets. Whoever killed her must be shocked that her body was found, they never expected that. Well guess what F'er, Brittany was found and she will lead us to you. You will be caught eventually. You think you got away with this, you WON'T! There are too many people who care about her and are doing the right thing...................

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - dragon2k - 07-20-2013

Here's hoping justice is swift in this case. Both families deserve closure. Again, sorry for your loss.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Britts MOM - 07-20-2013

Thank you dragon2K; We want Justice for Brittany Jane Royal and her unborn child.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Kapohocat - 07-20-2013

In this age of DNA, she must have fought back - no DNA under her nails? or is it too degraded to process after being in the ocean?

I personally do think Bo was a victim too, and that he is dead but with miles and miles of coast line his body may never be found.

Is there a reward donation site? Co-conspirators always talk for money! Criminals have no problem with throwing each other under the bus for $$$$$$'s.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - kimo wires - 07-20-2013

I wondered about a reward too.

Put a reward out and it might be productive.

No honor among thieves around here.