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We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - Printable Version

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RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - opihikao - 05-06-2015

It is my understanding as of this afternoon, that TMT crew will "possibly" be attempting to take extremely heavy equipment up to the construction site on Monday, May 11, 2015.

The protestors/protectors have allegedly been advised that arrests will be made on the spot, with no forewarning, should attempts be made to stop the heavy equipment being transferred. As the gravel road to the site is steep, the trailer hauling the ("rock crusher") equipment will not be able to stop or slow down due to the weight. If it stops, it could roll backwards, or roll over.

It is also quite evident the protestors/protectors, are not backing down, nor will they. There are those willing to lay their life on the line, if it comes to that point. Auwe! [V]

Hoping with some guidance and wisdom, on both sides, this will not be the beginning of a potentially life threatening confrontation. No matter the permits in place, or the protestors/protectors position, they are all human beings, and my concern is for everyone's safety. So very concerned at this moment.

My message to the participants that are ohana (protestors/protectors), is Mauna Kea (Mauna A Wakea) can take care of herself. Always has, always will. E pule kakou for a peaceful end to this protest.

No links to this information as yet, thus, as usual...


RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - beepbeep - 05-06-2015

Don't get rid of the telescopes that are there; it would be foolish to show the world you are willing to toss science, and particularly valuable investments from other countries, away. Let the TMT be built because it had a seven year approval process and you should honor your agreements ( and because who wants the number 13 for telescopes anyway; it's evil [Wink] .). Mauna Kea is big and strong and can handle what looks like little dots up there, at this point.

Put to good use all the revenue you receive; invest in your children's futures. Let the well-paid jobs support local business.

If you forbid any more telescopes from this point, then at least you are not looking like you are untrustworthy, since no one agreed to any more (and don't agree to any more if you don't want any more!) Even though I think it is truly sad not to take pride in what is Mauna Kea's gift to the whole world, and a celebration of Hawaii's long-standing appreciation of astronomy, I could at least see why some might choose to protest more than the 14 telescopes...to stop there, that is.

I can't see spitting other countries' and businesses' investments in the face by removing the ones that are there or refusing the TMT. Just my opinion although of course my opinion is always correct; I am planning to become Queen of California [Wink]

In all seriousness once again...may whatever happens, happen peacefully and safely.

Pam in CA
May is Lupus Awareness Month

RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - beepbeep - 05-06-2015

Opihikao, sending prayers for peace and aloha,

Pam in CA
May is Lupus Awareness Month

RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - PaulW - 05-06-2015

"And by haole's I mean all foreigners. But I do believe this is not a matter for popular vote, and if any haole is uncomfortable with that they should just shut up. And if it makes them uncomfortable they can always go back to wherever they came from."

Hey, dakine, you said it, not me. You want everything to be decided by "Hawaiians" and you exclude "haoles" and "all foreigners".
Sounds like racial purity to me.

I don't give a hoot what your ethnicity is because, unlike you, I am not a racist bigot.

RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - PaulW - 05-06-2015

Thank you for the news, opihikao, and I hope that sanity prevails. Nobody needs to get hurt.
Thank you again for your support of the telescope (with conditions!)

RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - Guest - 05-06-2015

Beepbeeb, sorry I completely disagree with everything you wrote except the end of your post.
It was foolish for the world to expect the Hawaiians or the mass of maunakea guardians to give up their maunakea, life, spirit, history, and future here in Hawaii for false cheap bribes and unfulfilled promises.

You really think that Hawaiians should allow this thirty meter telescope to honor their words or 7 year process of permits and contracts? Please spill this thick layer of integrity to the current working observatories crews, managers, sponsors, or world owners. They would be wise to honor their written words of their decades old or prior contracts, very disrespectful in many ways thus far. The 13 prior telescopes have caused irreversible damage to maunakea's spirit, resource integrity, and most importantly the beauty of the natural aina that laid safe or sacred for centuries. This 180 foot tall Godzilla of a telescope is bigger than all 13 other currently operational telescopes on maunakea, combined.

Very tense and sad times ahead of us all if the investing tmt contries continue to not listen or hear maunakea and her world of protectors voices or words. Concerned The blood of innocence may be spilled atop maunakea over the coming weeks or months, brothers will be arresting brothers and sisters. All so that America's government and its past military crushed high paying allies, will only have the second largest telescope in the world(TMT) when it does get completed 2025 in CHILE.

P.S. what Maunakea means to me? Maunakea has been a gift or life over much of time. Maunakea has recognized, and yet to be recognized gifts. Besides the abilities of being an eye in the sky for space spying science teams from around the world. Because of maunakea I like my home, I like my job(s), I love my friends and family, I am maunakea.

Maunakea means what to you?

RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - PaulW - 05-06-2015

The anti-telescope people must be proud to have you on their side, gypsy69.

RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - TomK - 05-06-2015

How about some full disclosure, gypsy69? In the past, the summit of Mauna Kea meant a potential source of revenue to you with little respect to what impact your proposed activities would have on the mountain. What changed your mind?


"Well here is a thought I had for some state revenue. Tom you probably would know best if its even slightly possible? Could snow be man made up near the summit on most nights? Is it cold enough for some snow making machines? See if we could consistently make snow up near the top we could discuss all kinds of possible revenue makers. Personally I would love to see some extreme skiing and or ski jumping. Also holding ponds or lakes from the daily melted snow could offer lots of potential? Maybe some snow sales, where they load your truck full of the white stuff before you depart the summit?
I have gone skiing at least a half dozen times up there in the past(not sure if its still aloud)absolutely stunning and crazy dangerous. Mountain biking, hiking, and other extremes would be some narly adventures too. With such spacious observatories already there, with more sure to come. We should have a nice romantic place to eat near the top with plenty of entertainment too.

RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - TomK - 05-06-2015

"P.S. what Maunakea means to me? Maunakea has been a gift or life over much of time. Maunakea has recognized, and yet to be recognized gifts. Besides the abilities of being an eye in the sky for space spying science teams from around the world. Because of maunakea I like my home, I like my job(s), I love my friends and family, I am maunakea."

It's only reasonable to ask why Mauna Kea makes you like your home, why it makes you love your jobs, friends and family? Maybe you can explain that, because you were all for exploiting it a few months ago.

Personally, the summit region of Mauna Kea is special. Others and myself have made great discoveries about the Universe, our Galaxy and our own Solar System. Mauna Kea has played a huge part of understanding our place in the cosmos. From detecting the most distant objects in the observable universe to finding near-earth objects that threaten our existence, Mauna Kea has played a major role in our development as humans and our understanding of the environment we all exist in.

Whereas you want to stop that and build ski jumps instead.

RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - Guest - 05-06-2015

What changed my mind? A few reasons here:
1) Not being invited to the summit by you Tomk.
2) being told by you Tomk that only a small group remained to opposed these kinds of ideas of mine, but would allow a 180 foot Godzilla and an additional 170 new transplant guardians.
3) Felt sick to my stomach after a recent visit to the summit, not at all like I had remembered.
4) After educating myself about maunakea, Hawaii, and the Hawaiian people. I came to realize how unique, sacred, tranquil, and purposeful maunakea really is naturally. A true gift to all, not only you today.
5) The power of these great Hawaiian people has been very moving, Quite honestly worth protecting as much if not more than the TMT observatory in my opinion.
6) This is my home, my kids home, we have been blessed to be able to live here with hawaiians on the slopes of maunakea and maunaloa.
7) If this tmt project was to be put on maunaloa, I would have found the sister bug on the summit of maunaloa to the endangered bug atop maunakea.
8) Being told geothermal was here forever whether we liked it or not!! By Mike Kalikini, our county, and state. These projects like TMT and Ormat geothermal start quite similarly with no regards to community health, spirit, culture, or future. They also tend to never leave, fulfill their promises, or respect you as a neighbor or equal.
9) Not truly knowing the sudden impacts this kind of project can have to maunakea. The water, the land, the plants and bugs, the weather close or afar, the people who do care and love maunakea, most importantly not knowing what would be left for the next generations to believe in?
10) Because you Tomk, would not invite me up to your castle atop maunakea as if you were king or guardian and got to pick and choose your guests. The Pompous, cocky, ungrateful, sometimes selfish, promise breaking, disrespecting nature of my fellow white man. Thank you for being you, my awakening to see the greater good and light that comes from my ohana and life with maunakea is worth protecting today, tomorrow, always, and forever.