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Restrictions to continue! - Printable Version

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RE: Restrictions to continue! - malahini - 11-30-2021

(11-30-2021, 02:41 AM)Rob Tucker Wrote: What, pray tell, does your happiness have to do with anything?  Covid doesn't care if you are happy.

I think you have it backwards. At this point covid is becoming irrelevant. Most people in the country don't care anymore.

If Omicron is 500% more transmissible than alpha, and delta spread so hard with being 70% more transmissible... Guess what? Everyone is getting it, no masks, no restrictions, nothing is going to stop you from getting it.

Omicron is the ticket out of this mess. If everyone gets it and it is a mild cold for most people that will be awesome!!!

Omicron is our savior. All hail Omicron!!!

RE: Restrictions to continue! - kander - 11-30-2021

(11-30-2021, 03:12 AM)malahini Wrote: Omicron is our savior. All hail Omicron!!!
Agreed. Was talking story with some folks downtown about Omicron and they were laughing about how they (media govt) are making such a big deal over it. Peeps are burned out on the whole thing. And why do the same thing that didnt work last time. This stops when we resist.

RE: Restrictions to continue! - MyManao - 11-30-2021

(11-30-2021, 03:23 AM)kander Wrote: This stops when we resist.

I can't wait. When do the tickets go on sale?

RE: Restrictions to continue! - 'elepaio - 11-30-2021

I for one can't wait for BJ to get up there and start throwing truth bombs to MSM faces neva like. He wins either way in my eyes on this alone.

RE: Restrictions to continue! - randomq - 11-30-2021

Hey, no surge in hospitalizations, no justification for lockdowns. I hope it does prove to be mild. Hopefully no "Long Covid" effects, but I guess it's too early to know.

RE: Restrictions to continue! - malahini - 11-30-2021

Don't say *that* word. You might cause a riot.

RE: Restrictions to continue! - MyManao - 11-30-2021

elepaio pid=' dateline=\'1638247364' Wrote:I for one can't wait for BJ to get up there and start throwing truth bombs to MSM faces neva like. He wins either way in my eyes on this alone.

BJ got more dirty laundry than most cloth horses got pretty dresses. When folks start coming out of the wood work with stories of that boy's shenanigans he'll be no more than an Albatros around the Republican's neck.. But hey, it'll be entertaining no matter.

RE: Restrictions to continue! - Rob Tucker - 11-30-2021

This has gone on long enough.