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dangerous time of the year - Printable Version

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RE: dangerous time of the year - Obie - 06-04-2014

Originally posted by Ken

Yes, "obie," your arrogant ignorance never escapes me!

You and your buddy deserve each other!

So Ken,enlighten me so I am no longer ignorant.Post a link to this terrible accident !!

RE: dangerous time of the year - Mendo - 06-04-2014

Originally posted by Obie

It's too bad your brothers chose to party and then drove while they were drunk !!!

I am shocked that such a comment, or its author, is tolerated here.

RE: dangerous time of the year - Guest - 06-04-2014

Originally posted by Obie
So Ken,enlighten me so I am no longer ignorant.Post a link to this terrible accident !!

Sorry "obie" but there is nothing I can say, do, post, link, inform, or in any way fathomable to man kind that would "enlighten" you beyond the arrogant ignorant person you have shown me that it is that you are.

We went thru all that on a now defunct former other Puna website a few years ago. Remember that?

My brothers did not live, and most certainly did not die - to "prove it" to a piece of scum like you.

RE: dangerous time of the year - leilanidude - 06-04-2014

Originally posted by Obie

Originally posted by Ken

Yes, "obie," your arrogant ignorance never escapes me!

You and your buddy deserve each other!

So Ken,enlighten me so I am no longer ignorant.Post a link to this terrible accident !!

Obie, I believe that most people that have read this and other local forums including the Hawaii Tribune-Herald for a few years, know that he is indeed a troll and that there will never be a link to that accident, because it never happened. No search of the "facts" that he has ever presented, can find any such info regarding 3 brothers being killed by a drunk driver in the Boston area. That would certainly be a rather notorious crime/accident and would have had numerous references on-line.

RE: dangerous time of the year - Guest - 06-05-2014

Here is why the drunk driver wrecking lives keeps happening

Kill two young high school kids - get 30 days:


RE: dangerous time of the year - oink - 06-06-2014

It appears Hawaii needs a larger more active and vocal MADD chapter. If the Prosecutors are more worried about the bad publicity and public outrage generated by their failure to at least try a case, than their Win/Loss record, things will change. Sometimes they will lose and a profoundly guilty person will walk (Juries...) but those cases where the defendants are convicted and get severe sentences, will get publicity and hopefully prove a deterrence. During their heyday I saw MADD cause a lot of positive changes. Both police and prosecutors were afraid of them. Does Puna have a MADD chapter? Or are too many too stoned on pot to form an active, effective chapter? It takes commitment. I fear the latter.

Big Islander to be.

RE: dangerous time of the year - missydog1 - 06-06-2014

oink, I agree. The fact that their jobs rest on the Win/Loss record means that justice is not being pursued as vigorously as the public would like. At least TRY.

It's not like there is any doubt that driver was involved in the accident. Give a jury a chance to see the evidence and decide.

I realize there are times when a key piece of evidence becomes corrupted or is not obtained properly and they are forced to let the case go, but this fear of trying a case that isn't a 100% lock on victory does not serve us.

Honestly, I think the mindset should be that each and every trial is a battle that may be lost, but is still worth fighting if there is no doubt in their minds of the guilt.

RE: dangerous time of the year - Guest - 06-06-2014

Originally posted by oink

Does Puna have a MADD chapter? Or are too many too stoned on pot to form an active, effective chapter? It takes commitment. I fear the latter.

Big Islander to be.

Actually, its more like they are too drunk to be active and effective. The stoners aren't the ones out driving and killing.

RE: dangerous time of the year - oink - 06-06-2014

I don't know why I bother but...
Originally posted by Ken: Actually, its more like they are too drunk to be active and effective. The stoners aren't the ones out driving and killing.
Really? You're expecting drunks to join MADD to stop DUI? I do believe it would be reasonable to expect non-drunks to take up the MADD effort, assuming they're not too stoned to have any initiative.

Big Islander to be.

RE: dangerous time of the year - Guest - 06-06-2014

Originally posted by oink

I don't know why I bother but...
Really? You're expecting drunks to join MADD to stop DUI? I do believe it would be reasonable to expect non-drunks to take up the MADD effort, assuming they're not too stoned to have any initiative.

Big Islander to be.

I quite frankly don't know why I bother, but why is it that in YOUR mind, a lack of the MADD presence and conviction here in Hawaii, of which, you do not live in, is solely due to pot smokers too stoned to be able to have any initiative?

This is the ignorance that allows a drunk to kill 2 high school kids and be sentenced to 30 days.

Now, if we want to discuss the real lack of justice here, and since you wish to enter the "stoner" subject, but if this same drunk driver was a marijuana grower, and these same 2 kids tried to steal his plants, and if he killed them by shooting them dead, he would be in jail for life.

And yet the same 2 kids are dead.

Society, and you, love, and justify the drunk driver.