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Give your Union a Shaka! How about a finger? - Printable Version

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RE: Give your Union a Shaka! How about a finger? - Chas - 09-05-2017

My reply to people who bash unions is, do you like your eight hour day? Do you like your overtime? Do you like the fact that children no longer work in factories?

People died for these things that we now consider normal.

Not saying I disagree with some of the posts pointing out how bad some unions are today but when big business has a free hand it usually doesn't work out so well for the employees

RE: Give your Union a Shaka! How about a finger? - Slow Walker - 09-05-2017

A little local history. I'm not taking sides on private or state and county unions. Just some of the history.


RE: Give your Union a Shaka! How about a finger? - Mopar - 09-05-2017

Rob tucker and Chas. I'm right there with you. Sometimes all it takes is for peeps to see both sides, few realize what unions did in the late 1800's n early 1900's for workers rights, across the board. Yes, 8 hour work days, weekends, child labor laws, all because of unions. Sure there was violence back in the days...people spilled their blood for what they believed in. I have been in a union for 20 years, not once have we striked. I support picket lines, refuse to shop at wallmart, do my best to buy local and American made, but those are my personal choices. I'm not going to try to force my views or beliefs on anybody. We are all adults, vote with your dollars. Often times I can buy an item online for cheaper than I can buy it locally, but I choose to buy it locally because it supports the economy and a local person who is employed.

I too get frustrated to see my tax dollars being spent on county and state programs that could be streamlined if put out to bid to a private contractor. If you have 5-6 contractors bidding on a job, trust me, it will most likely get done on time and under budget. But the GD rail in Oahu is the exception to that theory. That is just massive corruption and incompetence on a level that I can't even comprehend. Probably cuz the state is overseeing it. I try not to think too much about it cuz it makes me angry.

RE: Give your Union a Shaka! How about a finger? - Kapoho Joe - 09-05-2017

I would not appreciate my Union dues being spent on commercials.

RE: Give your Union a Shaka! How about a finger? - MarkD - 09-05-2017

The commercials are pretty much my point. Seems the largesse in employee compensation is not something to be constantly publicized the way it is.

I suppose it might be inspiration, rather than demoralization, for the many, many low-wage workers of East Hawaii: Try to win the lottery--seek a government job.

RE: Give your Union a Shaka! How about a finger? - Mopar - 09-05-2017

Markd....anyone can apply for a union position.. I had zero experience when I applied for the apprenticeship. There are many high paying jobs here, it's just how much people want to apply themselves. I don't have tv so I can't speak for the commercials. But I often hear about "low wages". Sure, if your skill set is nothing...expect a low paying job. But if you have the drive to better yourself, good jobs are out there. You might have to travel to Oahu for a bit, but in the long run the sacrifices are worth it. I grew up in a fairly poor family, now I have a comfortable life based solely on my ambition. And from what I've seen, most of the government jobs really don't pay that well, sure the paid days off are tremendous, but in the long run, good investments and wise decisions will dictate the quality of a persons retirement. The mentality of "winning the lottery" with a government job is ridiculous. If winning the lottery means dealing with all the bs, drama, and politics that come with government jobs......no thanks

RE: Give your Union a Shaka! How about a finger? - TomK - 09-05-2017

"Sure, if your skill set is nothing...expect a low paying job. But if you have the drive to better yourself, good jobs are out there. You might have to travel to Oahu for a bit, but in the long run the sacrifices are worth it. I grew up in a fairly poor family, now I have a comfortable life based solely on my ambition."

Thank you, Mopar. Let me add this applies to everyone, whether they want a union job or not.

RE: Give your Union a Shaka! How about a finger? - ericlp - 09-05-2017

I remember reading an article about longshoreman labor unions that were trying to keep robots out of the container shipping... The labor unions were all anti about it.

Apparently in China a Whole shipyard (HUGE ONE) is run by about 10 people. All replaced with robots that run the cranes and containers, much quicker than a human could do it. Apparently, these robots are run 24/7 and save the shipping industry billions. Passing that savings onto the consumer. But nope, unions need to protect their high paying cushy jobs. Instead of passing those saving onto the the taxpayer.... PAY UP SUCKERS! We know robots could do 90% of all the jobs, but that's not going to happen... No savings for you!

Isn't young brothers and matson all unionized, I heard they are pretty wealthy. I guess when they start to pull crap like that, I'm inclined to give them all the finger as well.

RE: Give your Union a Shaka! How about a finger? - Slow Walker - 09-05-2017

[quote]Originally posted by ericlp

I remember reading an article about longshoreman labor unions that were trying to keep robots out of the container shipping... The labor unions were all anti about it.

Apparently in China a Whole shipyard (HUGE ONE) is run by about 10 people. All replaced with robots that run the cranes and containers, much quicker than a human could do it. Apparently, these robots are run 24/7 and save the shipping industry billions. Passing that savings onto the consumer. But nope, unions need to protect their high paying cushy jobs. Instead of passing those saving onto the the taxpayer.... PAY UP SUCKERS! We know robots could do 90% of all the jobs, but that's not going to happen... No savings for you!

Isn't young brothers and matson all unionized, I heard they are pretty wealthy. I guess when they start to pull crap like that, I'm inclined to give them all the finger as well.

In the years to come the AI and robots will all be giving the finger to us! Just wait... y'all will see.

RE: Give your Union a Shaka! How about a finger? - PaulW - 09-05-2017

The government employees can have their holidays, I'd rather get paid a decent wage.