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Masks - Printable Version

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RE: Masks - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 04-05-2020

Where is Gary Larson...

Will ‘Frog & Toad Are Self-Quarantined Friends’ work in a pinch?

Toad and Frog went down to the grocery store.
“Toad,” said Frog, “there is no more toilet paper.”
Toad lowered his head in frustration.
“I told you to get extra two weeks ago,” said Toad.
“I know,” said Frog, “I am sorry.”

“What are we going to do!” exclaimed Toad.
Frog held up a package of coffee filters.
Toad stared at Frog in disgust.
“They are soft,” said Frog, “and biodegradable!”
Toad thought about his options.
“Put them in the cart,” said Toad.


(Image for serious Frog & Toad fans)

RE: Masks - Obie - 04-05-2020

Gary Larson finally has a website.

It's my go to first thing in the morning.


RE: Masks - Obie - 04-05-2020

I believe you are all over thinking this.The idea behind the cloth masks is to stop you from spreading the virus if you have it and don't know it.

If you know you have the virus they aren't going to help much.

And the mask that dand recommends is totally wrong because it has an exhalation valve.

RE: Masks - Guest - 04-05-2020

The idea behind the cloth masks is to stop you from spreading the virus if you have it

Oh, I see, so you are saying virus particles, spores, whatever the !@#$% they are, are kept in but they aren't kept out. Is that it? I am confused here. I didn't know masks have a directional component to them. Interesting. Thanks for clearing that up.

RE: Masks - Obie - 04-05-2020

They are meant to slow casual spread. That means you breathing out.

Unless you are wearing a face mask or goggles you don't stand much of a chance if you meet someone who has it and doesn't have a mask.

RE: Masks - Guest - 04-05-2020

Ah, thanks so much for clearing that up. But Obie, I am still confused. I did a search and landed on an NPR article, figuring NPR has got to be real boiled down for the masses, but real none-the-less, right? Ok, so on this page:


Where a question is followed by and answer in true NPR fashion, it says...

If I'm wearing a mask and someone sneezes on me, would the mask offer some protection?

Yes. But only if you use the mask properly and don't touch it with your hands afterward.

Those droplets from a cough or sneeze would hit your mask instead of your mouth and nose — good news. But the next step is to take the mask off by the ear bands and either wash or discard it — without touching the front of it.

So I am still confused.

RE: Masks - My 2 cents - 04-05-2020

The BEST protection with ANY masks will be if BOTH THE SNEEZER AND THE SNEEZEE ARE WEARING THEM. Still not foolproof by any means, but way way way better than nothing or halfway. Why is this so difficult?

RE: Masks - Obie - 04-05-2020

"So I am still confused."

Casual means to me "Breathing ".

If someone is coughing or sneezing you're doomed.

RE: Masks - TomK - 04-05-2020

Thank you for your responses, everyone.

RE: Masks - ironyak - 04-05-2020

Obie - If someone is coughing or sneezing you're doomed.

At least you're 20% - 60% less doomed with a cloth mask than nothing at all? Even a N95 or better mask isn't perfect - there is always some degree of risk if you're in an infectious environment.

Best bet is to stay home as much as possible - running into Doom while out and about can get your parents and community killed (just ask young Conan)