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Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - Printable Version

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RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - MyManao - 01-16-2022

(01-16-2022, 04:15 PM)Or1on Wrote: Who are you protecting yourself from?

Since it appears omicron is so infectious that one only needs a single casual exposer to get I have taken to wearing a mask (three layer cloth) in my car whenever I'm in traffic, and my window is down. My logic is if a single exposure can be that consequential I imagine that means virus on the wind as well as in a confined space.

I also have given up cloth masks entirely for a more robust full face 3M respirator when in confined spaces.. ie stores. Their filters are rated for at least 99.97 filtration against solid and liquid aerosols. Damn, that puts those N95s to shame! And there is no air leaking around the mask/face interface.

For me, one that figures COVID, if contracted, is a death sentence, this tactic seems to be warranted, especially now that the CDC says wear the best you can tolerate.

And, yes, N95 is better than less, but damn I still feel that air leaking around the edges, my reading glasses still fog up from air leaking around the nose.. and to be honest, I feel so much more relaxed when wearing the face mask that just that, the absence of fear from every breath I take, is a great relief.

RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 01-16-2022

it makes zero sense to me. 

Have you ever watched what other people do in their cars?  Next to you at stop lights?  In line behind them when stuck in traffic? While waiting for someone to pull out of a parking space when the lot is jam-packed full?

Once at the old Highway 130 & Pahoa Village Road intersection I watched a guy in front of me with 4 kids in the cab of a small pickup at the stop sign miss two or three opportunities to make a left turn onto the highway.  He was leaning back and forth, bobbing up & down... finally he pulls out and simultaneously flips a big pile of banana peels out the window on the road.  He was peeling bananas for the kids, you know, because they weren’t hungry 3 minutes ago at their last stop.

Wearing a mask in a car is genius level activity compared to some things I’ve seen.

RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - kander - 01-16-2022

You guys cannot be serious. Exposing yourself to more danger just getting behind the wheel than what omicron has been dealing out. Statistically your almost two times more likely to die in an auto accident than omicron.

RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 01-17-2022

Statistically your almost two times more likely to die in an auto accident than omicron.

Unless you look at and understand actual statistics:

COVID-19 is killing more Americans than guns, cars and flu combined

RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - kalakoa - 01-17-2022

Unless you look at and understand actual statistics:

No longer available in Hawaii.


State health officials say they will stop processing negative test results beginning on Sunday to provide a more accurate daily count of positive cases, but the change means that they will not be able to calculate the case positivity rate.

State epidemiologist Dr. Sarah Kemble estimated that it could take two weeks to get the system functioning properly again.

The department also told reporters Saturday that its contact tracers are not trying to contact everyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 because the case counts are too high.

The state has reported about 48,000 cases in the past two weeks.

“It would be unrealistic to think our 378 contact tracers could get in touch with all those people."

This is the same DOH that wants more money.

RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - AaronM - 01-17-2022

I can hardly wait a few months when everyone will have gotten covid.

RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - Carey - 01-17-2022

Puna testing:
County of Hawaii COVID testing is at Pahoa Park Dist every Friday this month (1-5pm)
Keaau Urgent Care
Puna Comm Medical Center
Pahoa Pharmacy has done them

RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - Or1on - 01-17-2022

@my Manao:   "Since it appears omicron is so infectious that one only needs a single casual exposer to get I have taken to wearing a mask (three layer cloth) in my car whenever I'm in traffic, and my window is down. My logic is if a single exposure can be that consequential I imagine that means virus on the wind as well as in a confined space."

There's still a lot of mystery surrounding this virus as one can still find so much conflicting information online.  So I guess better safe than sorry, I respect that.  However I am not buying that there is any noteworthy risk of infection when driving in your car alone or with normal household members.  Perhaps there is a miniscule chance someone sneezed in the car in front of you and a particle finds it's way to you.  However it's been proven that UV light kills the virus.  (eg. good ol' sunlight)  So even if that microscopic percentage of a chance happens were a random particle in the outside air finds you, it's probably dead from sunlight by the time it reaches you.  

Yeah Kanders point:  the actual driving is much more risky.

RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - MyManao - 01-17-2022

(01-17-2022, 03:11 AM)AaronM Wrote: I can hardly wait a few months when everyone will have gotten covid.

I'm right there with you Arron. Me too. If ever there was a light at the end of this, seemingly, endless tunnel the fact that good ol' omi is as contagious as it is gives one hope there's a day, right around the corner, where that silly sounding, but oh so elusive, 'herd' immunity, actually comes to roost.

Imagine that, a day, in the not so distant future, where everyone, well practically everyone, is running around full of, literally bulked up on covid antibodies! OMG Yes! Glory be.. and the few of us who took this all to the letter seriously can come out from under our rocks and breathe.. actually take a deep breath of some sweet, omg so sweet, ha. I so long to share a little ha.

The thing is, we ain't heard all that much, yet, about how good those antibodies are. God, I hope they are da kine..

RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - kander - 01-17-2022

The absolute refusal to recognize natural immunity goes against everything that has been known for at least a couple hundred years. Herd immunity? we're there, 66M total positives from testing, how many dont bother to be tested or not affected much or at all over the past two years from one variant or another. Exposure must be at least 80% esp with omicron. Everything we get from here on out is nothing more than money grubbing from pharma, politicians on the take, and their lapdog media to sell their brand of sauce. (If you just chalk the past 2 years all up to negligence and not malfeasance)
Continued panic brought you you by Pfizer