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Kenoi's Education??? - Printable Version

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RE: Kenoi's Education??? - Jon Stewman - 11-03-2008

I've been trying to post this info on Hunter Bishop's website, but for some reason he does not want it posted. This comment is in regards to the attacks on the legal victories claimed by Pilago. I am an Attorney from Kona, but currently reside on Oahu. I followed both supreme court cases closely while acting as a public defender in Kona. These cases are important because the supreme courts defended access rights for all citizens of our community. Without the efforts of Angel Pilago, these cases would not have been successfully pursued. What many don't know, especially those individuals trying to discount these cases, is that Kenoi studied both cases (mainly the Kohanaiki case) while attending William R. Richardson's School of Law. Kenoi researched Pilago's legal victories and used them to acquire his law degree. He (Kenoi) has stated to me a few years back that meeting Angel was like meeting an idol or mentor. The attempts to downplay two very significant legal victories is a mistake because, on a larger scale, these cases gave all citizens the legal rights to challenge development that would negatively impact the lifestyle and culture of our island communty. On a more personal level, Kenoi's used his findings on these as tools in his early days as an attorney. Before people assume to know that facts on these cases, maybe more research is required. With minimal research you'll find that Pilago was the key individual in both cases. He fought for the rights of the entire community (without compensation) and won. Mahalo

RE: Kenoi's Education??? - Dave Smith - 11-04-2008

Well, Mr. Stewman, seeing as how Hunter included your post yesterday, I guess your comment "for some reason he doesn't want it posted" was a bit presumptuous. I guess you expect him to be waiting by his computer in case you want to post comments. Thanks for giving him the benefit of the doubt.

RE: Kenoi's Education??? - Rob Tucker - 11-04-2008

Aloha Jon Stewman,

Welcome to Punaweb. Ignore the mosquitoes. They buzz a lot but don't have much bite.

Punaweb moderator

RE: Kenoi's Education??? - Dave Smith - 11-04-2008

And one other thought. Nobody is downplaying the court cases or their significance as you claim. What people are taking exception to is Mr. Pilago's repeated claims that he alone led the PASH case to the Supreme Court, when he had been found to lack standing. No doubt he had continued involvement but nowhere in his campaign materials or in his interaction with the public did he give anyone else even the slightest credit.

RE: Kenoi's Education??? - Dave Smith - 11-04-2008

So it's back to name-calling, eh Rob?

RE: Kenoi's Education??? - Jon Stewman - 11-04-2008

Hi Dave,
Now I know why people accuse you of being an a-hole. I never posted on any blog-sites because prior this week because of people such as yourself. I don't think you posted any positive or constructive comments since that start of this campaign. Hunter did not want to post my comment a few days ago because the stating facts might sway more votes away from Kenoi. Regarding the Kohanaiki and PASH decisions, you are very naive to the facts. Pilago represented the interests of the the community, and was the primary individual that strategized and planned all key elements that made the case successful. Regarding the PASH case, Jerry Rothstein and Mahelani Pai were the plaintiffs, but they needed Pilago's help to sucessfully challenge the State and Federal government. The wanted to use the same strategies employed during the Kohanaiki case and needed Pilago to help them. Ultimately, the case was called the PASH / Pilago case. What many don't know, is that Pilago only wanted to provide guidance during the PASH case, and did not want his name included in the lawsuit. His intention was to have the courts recognize the it as the PASH/PAI case. Pilago was the person to strategize and sucessfully pursue both cases. In your case, facts don't seem to matter. Maybe if you take step back and try understand issues more clearly your unproductive rants and raves may stop, and you can go and become a happy and more positive person. Take care.
J. Stewman.

RE: Kenoi's Education??? - james weatherford - 11-04-2008

Aloha, Mr Stewman.

Thanks for your comments. Anytime you are in Puna, ya'll come by to see us.

Sadly, Mr Smith and Mr Bishop use their considerable skills with words and phraseology to make nebulous claims to push their own purposes and all the while claim to be oh-so-innocent, and to demean others that don't buy the slights and nitpicking at Angel Pilago as central issues.

The words abused by these trained propagandists have done more harm than good -- to the community at large in the short run and to the professional credibility of those same writers in the long run.

While hunterbishop.com at one point served a useful service to the community, that has passed. Other sources of information, discourse, and genuine exchange of honest ideas will now need to take place elsewhere.

btw: my forecast?

Pilago ~52%
Kenoi ~48%

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park

RE: Kenoi's Education??? - hikatz - 11-05-2008

Actually, if you read Dave's posts, he wrote about both of the Mayor Candidates and tried to bring accuracy, fairness and balance to the posted topics. I have also learned (the hard way) posting on certain subjects on Punaweb you need to either shut up,(as a woman that is not an option[Big Grin]) or develop a thick skin! Finally with elections over we can now pull together,
One Island One Community, this way we all win.