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Educating Children/ Teachers needed - Printable Version

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RE: Educating Children/ Teachers needed - mella l - 06-30-2007

OK I'll stop now this is the last one forwarding for the newbies! LOL No date Saturday night but hey the weather is great for sitting on the porch, only 86 degrees woo hoo!

mella l

RE: Educating Children/ Teachers needed - prochoice - 06-30-2007

Thanks mella ...... for knowing when to quit.

RE: Educating Children/ Teachers needed - wildemoose - 07-01-2007

Hearing all of this and the article in the paper over the past year really is helping me to decide to homeschool my kids.

RE: Educating Children/ Teachers needed - Greta - 07-01-2007

Hawaii is the only state where the first three years that you teach (IF you have your license. SOL if you don't.) your job gets advertised as an open position in the spring and you cannot apply for any open positions. You just wait to get placed where they put you. So.... teachers spend the first three years not knowing if or where they will have a job. Not exactly a draw.

RE: Educating Children/ Teachers needed - Kelena - 07-02-2007

The real problem is the Feds: What are they doing dictating to local school districts and setting up demands that are impossible to reach? They do this because this administration does not believe in the concept of a publicly funded school system. They want all aspects of government privatized. They best way to accomplish this is to set impossible and ridiculous standards and then yank funding from those schools (many, many schools) that don't meet those standards. While it is good to have standards, the motivation behind these standards is not a more efficient school system, but the complete destruction of that school system.

The Feds are the problem, not the solution. As for the unions, without unions workers would have no power at all to bargain with their employers for better wages, conditions, and benefits. When this country finally has no unions, corporations (aka the junta that runs our Federal government) will finally achieve what they wanted: a nation that is emulating China in a race to the bottom in terms of what workers are paid.

RE: Educating Children/ Teachers needed - LeeE - 07-03-2007

"When this country finally has no unions, corporations (aka the junta that runs our Federal government) will finally achieve what they wanted: a nation that is emulating China in a race to the bottom in terms of what workers are paid."...

Yep, that's been the plan for our country since Reagan & Bush the first. Ok, earlier actually, but it seemed like the "Reagan Revolution" is when the hard, corporate right (Eastern Establishment) and their allies solidified their power over the country.



RE: Educating Children/ Teachers needed - lisa6wks - 07-08-2007

I am a new poster on this website, my husband and myself are seriously considering moving to the Big Island in a couple of years and are presently scoping out lots in Puna. I am a special ed teacher who works with kiddos with moderate to severe physical and mental disabilities. I can find virtually nothing in my research to tell me what type of education this kids are getting here. I have over 13 years of experience and a Masters in Special Ed. Anyone have info on what is going on with these kids on the Big Island? I would appreciate it.


RE: Educating Children/ Teachers needed - Carey - 07-08-2007

Lisa, forum member Pam (pslamont) husband is a Spec ed. instructor for one of the schools (Waiakea Intermediate), go to the members link, & email them for a lot of info on jobseeking here (state run school district makes things interesting).
I know that some of the schools are on America's Choice... some by choice, others under reform.

Edited by - carey on 07/08/2007 19:06:30

RE: Educating Children/ Teachers needed - lisa6wks - 07-09-2007

Thank you Carey, I will Smile
