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S.P.A.C.E. Community Meeting - March 6th - Printable Version

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RE: S.P.A.C.E. Community Meeting - March 6th - DanielP - 03-07-2010

Just because an organization is community based, doesn't mean that it won't be taken over by cliques and control held by a small majority. From what I've seen, that is standard operating procedure.

Sounds like if SPACE was community based and it went to a vote, Graham would win.

Omnipotence of the majority is the rule.


RE: S.P.A.C.E. Community Meeting - March 6th - peregrine - 03-07-2010

It only sounds like that because that was the only sound allowed to be heard. If it went to a vote, Community would rule, which is exactly what Mr.Ellis is so afraid of.

RE: S.P.A.C.E. Community Meeting - March 6th - terry.way - 03-07-2010

I wasn't at the meeting, but I did manage to get to a post meeting get-together in Belly Acres.

A happy and energetic crowd, considering they're a group of people that just got cease-and-desisted. Brings to mind this:
Happiness is not a matter of good fortune or worldly possessions. It's a mental attitude. It comes from appreciating what we have, instead of being miserable about what we don't have. It's so simple - yet so hard for the human mind to comprehend.
My son reached into the same box of quotes, and pulled this one out:
A happy life must be to a great extent a quiet life, for it is only in an atmosphere of quiet that true joy can live. Bertrand Russell
Touché, Bertrand, touché.

RE: S.P.A.C.E. Community Meeting - March 6th - missydog1 - 03-07-2010

An independent mind does not live by the quotes of other minds, and reserves the right to define happiness for itself.

RE: S.P.A.C.E. Community Meeting - March 6th - terry.way - 03-07-2010

can I quote that O_o

RE: S.P.A.C.E. Community Meeting - March 6th - Bob Orts - 03-07-2010

Originally posted by peregrine

It only sounds like that because that was the only sound allowed to be heard.
Unfortunately, there is little you can do at this point. You have few major supporters you can depend on. It looks like all the players are stacked against you.

Community – As it stands, many people are in favor of this “community” group. Although in reviewing the available documents, this group is just as concern for their wants as they are for community wants. By garnering people support for their programs, they are using it to garner support against any opposition. If the community is blinded by the PR, what can a few do? There is no way you will change the minds of the average person since most are clueless and can’t comprehend the reality.

Community Groups – Every community based group is going to support them because they see it as a benefit to them when the need arises. They will use their influence with their supporters to pull support from wherever, even if those people have nothing to do with this community. They only see themselves and their benefits and most groups lack smarts to know when they are being played as well.

Politicians – Politicians are going to throw their support behind this because their main concern isn’t the good of the people but rather their re-election. They are not stupid enough to do the right thing if it means potentially alienating some voters. This is a classic case of kissing the baby while poisoning its bottle.

Bloggers – They just see a story to drive traffic to their sites and although they contradict themselves in supporting this while opposing similar actions by the for profit sector, their goal is to make a name for themselves not write about the reality. So long as they are also as corrupt as others, they can spin the tale to their benefit under the guise of “reporting”

Developers – Nobody benefits more from this than investors and developers. Whatever SPACE gets, these developers and investors will be asking for the same. If any changes are made, the developers and investors will rep the greatest rewards and advantages. I don’t think people realize that the wall they think they are breaking down for SPACE is the dam holding back the unbridled whoring of the community by developers.

Good luck!

RE: S.P.A.C.E. Community Meeting - March 6th - Graham - 03-07-2010

For the record

If anyone reading this blog knows of a person who has community leadership experience and is willing to spend the time and energy required to successfully captain the SPACE ship for absolutely no pay please forward their name to our Board of Advisers.
My dearest wish is to hand over my present responsibilities to someone else so that l have more time to be with my daughter, improve the sustainability of our homestead and enjoy the company of my friends.

I would love to retire from this position and intend to as soon as l can be assured that it's future is secure.

RE: S.P.A.C.E. Community Meeting - March 6th - terry.way - 03-07-2010

all the players are stacked against you.
Bob, you lost me. You're buying into a version of events that simply didn't happen.

Second-hand news! There were lots of opposing views at the meeting: noise and traffic. Great! These problems are solvable. They're going to be brought up in future meetings as well. Charges are going to be brought against Peregrine for trespassing, and that has nothing to do with her opposition to SPACE.

I'm not sure that the problem you keep bringing up, KFC in SeaView, is valid. Is this a real problem, or are you just spreading Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt? SPACE may get re-zoned, through a procedure that involves review and debate. Further zoning of adjoining lots are going to have to go through the same process. SPACE can get Village Center designation without the slightest fear of a KFC opening up next door.

If it is a real problem, then cripes, let's solve it.

RE: S.P.A.C.E. Community Meeting - March 6th - peregrine - 03-07-2010

Yes, SPACE has gone to the extent of wasting tax payer dollars to ensure that my opinion will not be heard. All this, despite many more people supporting my participation in the "community" meeting/pep rally than the few power mongers staging it. Funny thing is, the longer this goes on, the more extreme the measures taken by the organization, the more my points are proven

On the other topic, I believe Mr.Orts has a much more informed view of the law and its impacts, whoever likes it or not. I think his opinion on the consequences of further action should be listened to, not simply dismissed with a "that will never happen here" attitude. Part of Mr.Ellis' speech on Saturday addressed the fears of undesirable retail development by assuring everyone that it was not the plan. However, we all know what happened last time Mr.Ellis presented a plan. Obviously, his word is not good.

RE: S.P.A.C.E. Community Meeting - March 6th - Rob Tucker - 03-07-2010

peregrine, At this point in the dialogue I am going to ask you to refrain from further character assassination. You have the ability to discuss issues, use that ability. It is constructive. You have an propensity to speak with a heavy layer of spite, refrain from that. It is destructive and does not serve your purpose.

Assume the best and ask questions.

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