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We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - Printable Version

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RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - kalakoa - 05-10-2015

The TMT protest is not about the TMT.

Correct: it's about money -- I believe any $1.4B project would have triggered the controversy, this one just happens to be in the shape of a telescope.

even if they have to give something up, that they gained something too? For isn't that the real goal of diplomacy?

Native Hawaiians gave up their monarchy and the kapu system so they could be ruled by the permit-license-fee-inspection regime of administrative regulations (assuming they don't die of old age while waiting for the generous opportunity to lease a homestead). I wonder why they don't feel like giving up any more in the name of "diplomacy"?

RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - ironyak - 05-10-2015

Originally posted by leilanidude
Happy to have now read the blog post.
The anti-TMT folks have no idea how much work has been done to protect the mountain.

Most everyone probably has no idea how much has been left undone, even after 40 years. The Comprehensive Management plan is only 5 years old.

"...The plan is not complete, there is no way it could be. There are sections that are clearly just placeholders or desired outcomes, with no plan on how to accomplish those outcomes, There are sections that could really use changes or clarifications. Much remains ahead for those who care for Mauna Kea and work to see that care turned into action.

ETA: If you read the article and/or watch the video, you get a better sense of the common ground being sought, instead of quotes out of context aimed against one group or the other. Agreed with HOTPE below, that Herring Kaloa's words are a good place to start, although all the exchanges between the groups are respectful and insightful.

RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 05-10-2015

If you only have time to watch part of the Mauna Kea Management Board meeting video, the words of Herring Kaloa are well worth a listen. He's a volunteer member of the board, and a lifelong resident of Big Island. His comments start at 35:55, but 37:00 in is a good place to begin. The video is near the bottom of the page:

RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - kimo wires - 05-10-2015

The protesters atop Mauna Kea represent one particular aspect of Hawaiian culture while entirely ignoring the rich tradition of scientific exploration which brought Polynesians here in the first place.


Smart Hawaiian

RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - Wao nahele kane - 05-10-2015

The last link with video you posted.
One part of it sounded as if he was expressing some frustrations with regard to those bringing up the past and how those allegations sought to invalidate his and others veterans sacrifices for their nation. In effect also dislike for the trampling upon the work that had been accomplished by their forefathers to establish the current systems put in place representing Hawaiian interests.

RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 05-10-2015

he was expressing some frustrations with regard to those bringing up the past

Yes, if I understood him correctly, he wanted his experience, and the experience of other native Hawaiians to be considered by the protestors. I didn't understand exactly what he said around 47:25, but something "broke his heart."

He called for cooperation:
"If we cannot do together, it's not going to work."

RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - Wao nahele kane - 05-10-2015

The years spent getting to where they were suddenly being challenged broke his heart.
It's not unique to Hawaiians, it's something sweeping the entire nation today.
From my observation it's a matter of national complacency. The nation spent years being built and within that opportunities for all and now that the hard work is done; what's left to do now? For some, it's time to squabble, bitch, moan, complain and for others take advantage and others _______. Fill in the blank. We need some new horizon type goals, goals great enough to absorb the attentions and energies of everyone. There's still room for fulfilling the efficiency of meeting human needs but the needs in general are pretty well met with the exception of a new tomorrow type goal. People just don't have a shared common future goal to reach. That need is so great it's being channeled into a great deal of selfish interests instead. Instead of going forward many seem to be focused on going backwards instead. The world in general is one big cluster F now.

Consider the world 50 or more years ago to today. We're a spoiled people today.

ETA... We're meaning the people of this nation in general, not all people everywhere in the world.

RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - kimo wires - 05-10-2015

It makes no sense to oppose the TMT.

The Idiom "Shooting yourself in the foot" applies well.

This opposition is coming way too late and it's ill conceived.
Do we really want to stifle the progress of Education, Jobs, stimulus, and opportunity on this Island. It's not like we have infinite things to offer the rest of the State and the world.

We have something so unique and strategically important to offer here.

The protesters had the opportunity to speak with due process and that time has passed.
And they do not represent the core beliefs of their ancestors.


RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - MarkP - 05-10-2015

I agree completely Kimo. I would add that there is what the ancient Hawaiians thought, and there is what the modern, thoroughly westernized, and social media manipulated modern Hawaiians think that the ancient Hawaiians thought. The two groups wouldn't recognize each other.

RE: We Support TMT - Please sign the petition - leilanidude - 05-11-2015

dakine - then explain why in the pictures and videos of the protesters, the majority of them are holding smart phones and tablets?