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TMT groundbreaking - live - Printable Version

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RE: TMT groundbreaking - live - randomq - 04-10-2015

Originally posted by snorkle

No joke here;

Such disrespectful remarks seriously makes me wonder why some people live here.

Kind of like the "Let's just kill em all, and let God sort em out attitude" of Manifest Destiny Christians towards all "Heathen Savages".

Not all people worship the protesters' gods, or any gods at all. As long as this state is part of the USA, there is separation of church and state, and they can't use their religion as an excuse to force things on other people. I agree, I'm not being very respectful of an ancient religion, but only because it is being used as an excuse in this context to control others, which I as an American find extremely offensive.

RE: TMT groundbreaking - live - snorkle - 04-10-2015

Teapublican doublespeak. Who is forcing what on whom?

Good article in the Civil Beat .

Peter Apo writes;
"From the academic community of university administrators, scientists and astronomers, I sense a certain unstated academic arrogance. I don’t believe the arrogance as being intentionally disrespectful. But, I do think the protesting Hawaiians are viewed through a lens of intellectual snobbery.

To those I would note that the native people of the Pacific, in open ocean voyaging canoes, without sextant, compass, jib sail, or stern post rudder, sailed and completely explored one-third of the earth’s surface, by the stars, hundreds of years before the Vikings dared leave sight of landfall, or Magellan made his way into the Pacific. Hawaiians and Hawaiian culture are not strangers to science."

RE: TMT groundbreaking - live - ericlp - 04-10-2015

Originally posted by randomq

Originally posted by snorkle

No joke here;

Such disrespectful remarks seriously makes me wonder why some people live here.

Kind of like the "Let's just kill em all, and let God sort em out attitude" of Manifest Destiny Christians towards all "Heathen Savages".

Not all people worship the protesters' gods, or any gods at all. As long as this state is part of the USA, there is separation of church and state, and they can't use their religion as an excuse to force things on other people. I agree, I'm not being very respectful of an ancient religion, but only because it is being used as an excuse in this context to control others, which I as an American find extremely offensive.

Nicely said!

Watch out tho, the local "born here" clown, he'll call you out and tell you to go back to the mainland as well, you won't be getting any local invites or beers with him!

I'm not gonna stereotype on anyone... But I know for myself, that not all hawaiian's and local's (myself included) are against the telescope no matter how hard you try and slice it...

Did you hear that? That was a D9 rumbling on Mauna Kea! Smile Look Out below! This is a done deal and hopefully the protesters will get a clue... It's kinda like well, if I purchased the lease from the state to some land, you better think twice before you're gonna tell me I can't build on it.

To think this won't happen ... well, you're living in a pipe dream.

Can't argue with stupid tho... Just saying... You know paving a road all the way to the top past the TMT site, 150' wide of Miles and Miles of blacktop is way....way more environmentally destructive than the TMT project. I didn't hear anyone protesting about that tho.

Mauna Kea is a beautiful place... I was once up there with my unit (hawaii army national guard) camped up above the clouds. That was about 20 years ago. Just amazing a full moon and clouds washing up on the side of the mountain.

Personally, I think it will look even nicer once the TMT project is complete.

To email me click on Link http://is.gd/QMfVEX

RE: TMT groundbreaking - live - kalakoa - 04-10-2015

separation of church and state

Good one. Try claiming that your religion is based on marijuana. See how far you get.

seriously makes me wonder why some people live here

Can't wait to see what happens next...

RE: TMT groundbreaking - live - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 04-10-2015

seriously makes me wonder why some people live here

I believe this snippet of dialog from the movie Casablanca might shine some light on your question:

Captain Renault: What in heaven's name brought you to Casablanca?
Rick: My health. I came to Casablanca for the waters.
Captain Renault: The waters? What waters? We're in the desert.
Rick: I was misinformed.

RE: TMT groundbreaking - live - Southernmost - 04-10-2015

Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

seriously makes me wonder why some people live here

I believe this snippet of dialog from the movie Casablanca might shine some light on your question:

Captain Renault: What in heaven's name brought you to Casablanca?
Rick: My health. I came to Casablanca for the waters.
Captain Renault: The waters? What waters? We're in the desert.
Rick: I was misinformed.

I stay cry laugh right now!!!

Born&Raised Hawai'i Island

RE: TMT groundbreaking - live - dmbwest - 04-10-2015

An opinion I would love to hear would be that of Nainoa Thompson / Polynesian Voyaging Society.

Gonna have to look this one up.


RE: TMT groundbreaking - live - PunaMauka2 - 04-10-2015

Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

...In their plays, generally in a drama or tragedy, the plot would reach an unsolvable impasse, then suddenly a device, character, or god would be introduced to intervene and unexpectedly solve the problem. It's still a favorite plot device in movies today. ...


ah, no doubt i've seen this plot template in multiple movies... though trying to think of some examples!

RE: TMT groundbreaking - live - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 04-10-2015

At the end of Indiana Jones & the Lost Ark, the Nazis have captured the Ark and believe they are about to acquire it's unlimited power. Indy had a final opportunity to destroy the Ark, but couldn't bring himself to blow up a priceless artifact. Now, he can now only look on helplessly.

The box is opened, and for a moment beautiful ghostlike apparitions appear from inside. But then... unexpectedly, from out of nowhere... they transform into angels of death and destroy the Nazis.

RE: TMT groundbreaking - live - snorkle - 04-10-2015

Religeous teapublican doublespeak;
"Not all people worship the protesters' gods, or any gods at all. As long as this state is part of the USA, there is separation of church and state, and they can't use their religion as an excuse to force things on other people. I agree, I'm not being very respectful of an ancient religion, but only because it is being used as an excuse in this context to control others, which I as an American find extremely offensive."

Helllloooooo people! Where do you get the idea that the protectors are forcing their religion on you? Are they trying to get you to go to the summit and worship a Hawaiian deity? I don't think so.

What, on the other hand, if they told you that you couldn't worship YOUR God in YOUR Sacred place? Because that's exactly what you are telling them. You are trying to smash their temple, while accusing them of persecuting you.

That's what I mean about the doublespeak, and it's refinement by the Republican TeaBags.