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Continue pushing for answers.... - Printable Version

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RE: Continue pushing for answers.... - damien007 - 02-02-2014

"if lies were told to the GJ (boat)" - Island girl

What "lies" are you referring to? Nothing was mentioned to the GJ has released yet! Do you homework and you will see, what you are referring to were the minutes from the court clerk during the Motion To Seal from the Prosecutor to the Judge, no Grand Jury present in the courtroom. Wow, go back and take a closer look. HawaiiCorruption posted it and even he agreed that info. was never given to the GJ, come on Girl spend the time to get it "right"!

RE: Continue pushing for answers.... - Rob Tucker - 02-02-2014

The deaths of these two young people was a traumatic event for the families and our community. It is my opinion that the events have been so thoroughly explored on Punaweb that the old military phrase "bouncing the rubble" comes to mind.

To a large degree the postings have devolved into members merely criticizing each others opinions. To continue on that path I would encourage those wishing more commentary to indeed form a new forum somewhere. These days it is free and easy to do.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

RE: Continue pushing for answers.... - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 02-02-2014

I agree with Rob's assessment about the two threads that continue to dissect the skeleton of this sad event.

However, I have one other suggestion. As much of the discussion is now focused on the police department and the prosecutors office and their handling of the case, perhaps a thread could be started on "Puna Politics" with a title such as PRIVATE THREAD: Bo & Brittany Theories. That way those of us who find most of these recent posts don't add anything to the tragedy except more tragedy, can easily ignore it. Rob can still moderate it (a tall task to request of him, and if it were me I wouldn't want to do it) to keep the comments from going off the deep, deep end. Those who want to find it, can still find it, and carry on with a minimum effect to the rest of the board.

RE: Continue pushing for answers.... - Island girl - 02-02-2014

I am sorry if I offended, the lie was only told for the Motion To Seal from the Prosecutor to the Judge. Do the Johnson's know what was mentioned in the GJ? I don't need to know but I sure hope the Johnson family has already seen a copy.

RE: Continue pushing for answers.... - damien007 - 02-02-2014

@Island Girl, nobody has seen the transcripts of the Grand Jury, it has not been released to the public and may never be. HawaiiCorruption has filed a formal request, but has not been granted it at this time.

Lie = knowingly stating false information.

Misinformation = is just that, a statement made without verifying or confirming said information.

By you stating the Prosecutor "lied" is a perfect example of "misinformation", get it?

RE: Continue pushing for answers.... - HawaiiCorruption - 02-02-2014

@damien007, I thought we already settled, and agreed, that by the code of ethics attorney's (including Prosecutor's) MUST have candor towards the tribunal. Meaning they MUST only present what they know, or reasonably believe, to be the truth. Additionally, they also MUST do their due diligence. The court minutes clearly show the Prosecutor made statements to the court, which we now know, are not even reasonably related to the facts. Therefor the Prosecutor's statements are lacking in both due diligence and candor and can reasonably be termed a lie. Not only are the court minutes very problematic, but for you to constantly criticize other posters word choice is also very problematic.

Bringing Justice to the Islands

RE: Continue pushing for answers.... - snorkle - 02-02-2014

I thought we already settled, and agreed, that the Office of the Prosecutor is an elected office, and unqualified, dishonest, or incompetent Prosecutors may be challenged and replaced at each election.

Personally, I have confidence in Mr. Roth.

RE: Continue pushing for answers.... - damien007 - 02-02-2014

@ HC
The court minutes clearly show the Prosecutor made statements to the court, which we now know, are not even reasonably related to the facts.

The key here being that "which we now know" is not relevant to what the Prosecutor knew at "that" time. Only he could tell us why he made the statement he did, then. However it apparently was reasonable to the Judge, that's why he granted to motion, and cannot be termed a "lie", no sir! For people to slander the prosecutor, without his/her knowledge or opportunity to respond is not right, and if need be, I will defend.

A lie vs misinformation is a long distance apart! Everyday lawyers in court make statements to this same context, do you think they are held contempt, but to call them liars is what's really problematic!

RE: Continue pushing for answers.... - DanielP - 02-02-2014

Originally posted by Rob Tucker

The deaths of these two young people was a traumatic event for the families and our community. It is my opinion that the events have been so thoroughly explored on Punaweb that the old military phrase "bouncing the rubble" comes to mind.

To a large degree the postings have devolved into members merely criticizing each others opinions. To continue on that path I would encourage those wishing more commentary to indeed form a new forum somewhere. These days it is free and easy to do.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

Too bad that you can't get the respect of even some of the old timers to stop hashing this here on PW.

RE: Continue pushing for answers.... - missydog1 - 02-02-2014

Originally posted by snorkle

Before you predators step away, you should apologize to the people you falsely accused of murder. Then seek some sort of help that will have a more positive impact on your life than watching CSI.

snorkle, I have not accused anybody of murder. I have been clear in multiple posts that I come from a position of not knowing what happened. I do not know whether Bo Johnson killed Brittany, and I do not know that some other specific person killed her.

I feel the evidence is not conclusive and that the Johnson family needs to have all the information, and not in several months. That is not the same thing as accusing any person of murder, and I have to question why you are deliberately inflaming the discussion. You cannot find a quote where I accused any specific person of murder, because I did not.

Neither have I called anyone here names. I came here to post to try to ground the discussion in the facts that we have from official documents and to discuss statements made at the press conference. That attempt was a failure. The discussion turned into a flurry of ad hominem attacks focused on those who do not accept the police conclusion without question. This has devolved into character assassination.

I surely wish it were possible to have a discussion here that is focused on subject matter without name-calling and personal attacks on other posters. [Sad]

ed. to correct missing word typo