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HVO maps 9/5/2014 - Printable Version

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RE: HVO maps 9/5/2014 - OpenD - 09-06-2014

Originally posted by hawaiideborah

Shown on map is True/Mid Pacific Well Pad near lava flow.
Isn't True/Mid Pacific Well Pad geo-thermal? Anything to be concerned about with the flow so close to this?

Far as I can tell it was a test geothermal well pad from 1978, back when they were talking about running a 500 mW station in Puna, and using it to power Oahu via undersea cables.

RE: HVO maps 9/5/2014 - dragon2k - 09-06-2014

Imagine how cheap a KW would be today if only we had had the vision to build that back in 1978...

Nothing left to do but

RE: HVO maps 9/5/2014 - VancouverIslander - 09-07-2014

True, but you never know when it will overflow a crack system and become a surface flow again. It's possible the cracks are a coherent enough system to maintain an easterly flow but so far we haven't been presented with enough data on that one.

RE: HVO maps 9/5/2014 - csgray - 09-07-2014

Does anyone know where to find a version of the shaded relief map that show more of the area to the east and north? This one cuts of the area I really want to see to try to anticipate where the lava might flow.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

RE: HVO maps 9/5/2014 - vmabry - 09-07-2014

3D Topo map of the Big Island gives a little perspective of the lay of the land.


Pet Sitting and Home Care Services

RE: HVO maps 9/5/2014 - csgray - 09-07-2014

Originally posted by vmabry

3D Topo map of the Big Island gives a little perspective of the lay of the land.


Pet Sitting and Home Care Services

Thanks Brian,
I found that site but it has no search function and I didn't want to wade through the whole image gallery. I was hoping someone with more time than I have might have found a link.

edited to add: I emailed the Carnegie Airborne Observation lab and asked if they could make additional images of the area where the lava is flowing and beyond available to the public, we will see if they respond.

Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

RE: HVO maps 9/5/2014 - csgray - 09-07-2014

I just got an answer from Gregory Asner who did the LIDAR maps on the HVO website, he couldn't get funding to do all of Puna, just for the forest reserve, so what we see on the HVO site is what we get. Very nice of him to respond on a weekend but he can't help us. Although he does wish us the best of luck with the current flow.

Edited to add: just got another email from Mr. Asner and he is trying to expedited permission to publicly release the map of the cracks and graben beyond the edge of the forest reserve. What a great guy!

Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

RE: HVO maps 9/5/2014 - dmbwest - 09-07-2014

U2 Carol,

Great woman ... Thanks for doing that and posting.
