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Wow...Meteor! - Printable Version

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RE: Wow...Meteor! - TomK - 08-31-2015

Sometimes I feel as though I'm in a Monty Python movie.

"This may have been the man made space junk some saw last night?

That spacecraft re-entered the atmosphere way back in May, as the article Gypsy referenced said it would. So unless there's some time-warp going on, no, that's not what some saw last night.

RE: Wow...Meteor! - Guest - 09-01-2015

My bad Tomk, did find a good link that explained the space junk.

With so much space debris above us now, most of us will probably see something like this a couple more times in the future.

Here is a link to the event, also shows a few other recent rare sightings. http://www.sott.net/category/17-Fire-in-the-Sky

We always have the close to home possibilities to think about when seeing streaking lights in our skies.

RE: Wow...Meteor! - MarkP - 09-01-2015

Originally posted by gypsy69

A couple more extra large Telescopes (TMT) cemented on our hawaiian summits should help ensure we put the Hawaiian race on the extinction list as well?......

......What they may not have is the opportunity to know a full blooded Hawaiian, unless we can change our ways?. The real light show from the heavens has been burning within the Hawaiian people of late, many just choose not to see it.

You may be onto something there Gypsy. I know that there are several groups concerned about the purity of the white race. You should get together with them. Your interests dovetail nicely.

RE: Wow...Meteor! - beepbeep - 09-01-2015

Halley's Comet and a fireball...those must have been pretty cool, Gypsy69. And it is known what they were, and their properties. There are so many things to know about...even space debris. Things we don't yet know, as well. But you are denying keiki and future keiki the opportunity to know them, because you do not seem very supportive of telescopes. And please do not say they should all be space telescopes unless you have the extra money for these somewhere. Not enough room for it under your mattress.

I'm interested in the decline of full-blooded Hawaiians. What are the reasons for this happening? Somehow I don't think they include telescopes. And I hope the fire burning within them is not reflux esophagitis.

Tom and AK Pilot,, you gave me a laugh this hot evening Smile I have a home health nurse coming tomorrow to do an infusion for me and having to move things around for this in the heat would have otherwise had me in a bad mood Smile

Gypsy, you are funny, as well Smile

Pam in CA

RE: Wow...Meteor! - TomK - 09-01-2015

Gypsy69 wrote,

"We always have the close to home possibilities to think about when seeing streaking lights in our skies.

Fine, you go and protest that. You never know, you might actually get my support if you did. However, the TMT and the other telescopes on MK have no connection with military research or what happens at Pohakuloa, so why even bring this up unless you're so bankrupt of arguments and facts?

And why hijack another thread with your anti-TMT agenda? This was an interesting thread until you started trying to derail it.

RE: Wow...Meteor! - Guest - 09-02-2015

My bad Major Tomk. Really would like to own one of these babies: https://project40.wordpress.com/2015/03/16/folding-a-newtonian-telescope/#comments
For the next time we have the chance to see a REAl Meteor. Maybe some will get a chance to see the newly named meteor coming to us soon, sept 24th I believe? Heard it will get close to earth, relatively that is.

RE: Wow...Meteor! - TomK - 09-02-2015

"For the next time we have the chance to see a REAl Meteor. Maybe some will get a chance to see the newly named meteor coming to us soon, sept 24th I believe? Heard it will get close to earth, relatively that is."

The asteroid 2012 TT5 will approach Earth on Sep 24 but won't be too close.


Incidentally, meteors are things that enter the Earth's atmosphere and that happens all the time. They are typically the size of grains of sand. We can't see them before they enter our atmosphere, they're too small. What you're describing is an asteroid, which is a rock orbiting the sun, and can be anything from a few inches to several miles in diameter.