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I really like the new TMT commercial on the tv. - Printable Version

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RE: I really like the new TMT commercial on the tv. - Obie - 08-10-2019

Hi Tom, this was at the top of Facebook today.

"So im against the TMT and understand all points made BUT what about the fact that they want to build a telescope near an almost active volcano (Mauna Loa).. wouldnt using dynamite near a volcano be very dangerous and unpredictable?? Ive never EVER heard of anyone building or using dynamite near a volcano that's near another volcano (kilauea) which until recently was flowing prettyy heavy. Does anyone know the "Science" of using dynamite near a volcano??? I once watched a documentary that said if Mauna loa erupted it would cause a Tsunami that would wipe out the island chain in minutes with the wave going OVER diamond head.... any thoughts?? Someone who understands geology please helppp"

RE: I really like the new TMT commercial on the tv. - TomK - 08-10-2019

Sorry, can't help, I'm watching Idiocracy on Hulu. Duh. I like might get back to you one day.

RE: I really like the new TMT commercial on the tv. - MarkP - 08-10-2019

I couldn't understand at first that people were demanding confirmation that claims about TMT polluting the aquifer were being made. Just listen to the protesters, read the paper. Seems like willfully not seeing/hearing to me. Weren't the protesters recently shouting that they were the "water protectors"? Dunno when it started or who started it but doubting it now is like trump standing by silent while his trained monkeys shouted "send her back", then later claiming he tried to stop it.

RE: I really like the new TMT commercial on the tv. - TomK - 08-10-2019

The protesters were chanting "we are the water protectors" during Jason Momoa's visit.

Can we please keep Trump out of the discussion? It really doesn't help either side.

RE: I really like the new TMT commercial on the tv. - ElysianWort - 08-11-2019

I once watched a documentary that said if Mauna loa erupted it would cause a Tsunami that would wipe out the island chain in minutes with the wave going OVER diamond head.... any thoughts?? Someone who understands geology please helppp"

Hmm who posted that on Facebook? (aka life invader)

Mauna Loa Erupted in the mid 80s, 84 I think. I was here. That wasn't too long ago. Lava spewed up and came down the hill. No tsunami.

RE: I really like the new TMT commercial on the tv. - kalianna - 08-11-2019

"what I'm asking you to provide are statements about the impacts of the TMT from supporters that are untrue"

I'm not sure why you're asking me this. I don't think that supporters are speaking untruths about the impacts but they are speaking stereotypically and falsely about the protestors/protectors and what is and is not happening on the mountain. All I'm asking is that people on both sides verify their information.

RE: I really like the new TMT commercial on the tv. - TomK - 08-11-2019

Putting aside all the comments from both sides that are not about the TMT, I am asking you to provide a list of lies about the TMT that its proponents have made. I can provide an enormous list of lies about the TMT from those that are against the telescope, so am asking if you are willing to do the same from the other side. My bet is you can't.

RE: I really like the new TMT commercial on the tv. - kalianna - 08-11-2019

From earlier in this thread:

"people leaving trash, yahoos racing around with Hawaiian distress flags, trucks leaking oil on the mauna, big party, etc"

RE: I really like the new TMT commercial on the tv. - randomq - 08-12-2019

I've seen the big trucks with upside down flags all over Hilo, Puna, and on saddle. I guess it's up for debate if they are yahoos... Smile

I also know people personally that have gone up there to check out the scene and socialize with friends, not because they are protesting.

RE: I really like the new TMT commercial on the tv. - leilanidude - 08-12-2019

I also know people personally that have gone up there to check out the scene and socialize with friends, not because they are protesting.
They are trying to be part of the "cool crowd".
Vast majority is fake/phony.