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Cannabis Compassion club/coop for Puna - Printable Version

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RE: Cannabis Compassion club/coop for Puna - Guest - 01-27-2009

Some pending legislation on Cannabis.

Hanohano to chair meeting Wednesday at Legislature.

Damon Tucker's Weblog

RE: Cannabis Compassion club/coop for Puna - Jon - 01-27-2009

Rob are we now name calling?

I am trying to explain how the our world works,
First off I have read the Constitution many time... it plainly states that any time federal law and state law do not agree, the fed wins.
Second, both parties have have been in power and nether tried to make dope legal. But despite the what some think the Republican platform is the better one for freeing up the states manage these issues.

Read up on Roe V Wade, it a perfect example of decision/power being taken away from the states. Read just the legal aspects not the right or wrong of the subject.

There may be some ways to make the Federal Drug Laws not apply to Hawaii, a real good lawyer might be able to say that no dope is shipped into Hawaii or out of, so that the Commerce Clause does not apply... but the state better be ready for the fed to say, OK, but no more Federal Dollars or subsidies for the State of Hawaii.

California and Hawaii are not going to get the laws changed alone, it will take movements in more of the large states, and it starts with who you vote for.

I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.

RE: Cannabis Compassion club/coop for Puna - rusty h - 01-27-2009

Alaska state law goes over fed law on pot. we are allowed to have it in our home as well as grow a small amount for personal use. im really surprised Hawaii doesnt adopt the same. to be honest people are going to do whatever thay want when concerning weed. hey its natural and if there is a crack in your drive way ive seen it grow!!!
i like beachboys ideal and it would be special for Puna. i dont smoke it but use too. i just feel i dont need the high anymore. someone once said life is easier with pot and no money vs no pot with money...but he grew alot and smoked daily so....

RE: Cannabis Compassion club/coop for Puna - bystander - 01-28-2009

I just hate the way Jon keeps referring to cannibis as "dope" when to some people it's medicine. Meth, cocaine, PCP, it's all the same to him, dope! You can tell he's really biased on this issue just by his use of this word. I think he mentioned in another thread that he was cop or involved in law enforcement. That's the typical attitude among these types of people with indoctrinated minds.

RE: Cannabis Compassion club/coop for Puna - Beachboy - 01-28-2009

Originally posted by oink

Ok, rasman I respect your opinion as stated. My issue is when people hide behind the pretense of medical when the intent is recreational. Taken to it's extreme (and we may already be there) your argument would allow anything as medical.

Big Islander to be.

Ih the 50th state, Hawaii. All medical marijuana patients must have a preexisting illness that is documented by another doctor, or hospital. Any illness that falls under the category that the state requires can apply, or a doctor can suggest...


Let's get together and over grow the government!!!!

RE: Cannabis Compassion club/coop for Puna - Beachboy - 01-28-2009

Originally posted by rasman

unlike so many confused Americans Jon, I don't vote Dem. or Rep., I vote for who I think is the best candidate. As far as your comments on Fed law versus State law, perhaps you and many feds need to re-read the Constitution of the United States of America. Just because the Fed has operated in a certain way does not mean that is how it is supposed to be. Otherwise there would be no need for state legislature or local law makers, we'd just let the feds make all the decisions. That is not the principles on which this nation was founded. Are you a Fed Jon,

no, he's just a disheveled Texan who missed the turn off for "Buffalo GAp, Texas, and ended up in Puna somehow!?


Let's get together and over grow the government!!!!

RE: Cannabis Compassion club/coop for Puna - Dave M - 01-28-2009

unlike so many confused Americans Jon, I don't vote Dem. or Rep., I vote for who I think is the best candidate.

Oh but cmon it's so much easier, and faster, to just hit that straight ticket vote.. then I can get the "I Voted" sticker and impress my friends around town. If I understand your crazy talk I would have to do all that research and stuff. Remember all the commercials just say "get out and vote"

As far as your comments on Fed law versus State law, perhaps you and many feds need to re-read the Constitution of the United States of America. Just because the Fed has operated in a certain way does not mean that is how it is supposed to be. Otherwise there would be no need for state legislature or local law makers, we'd just let the feds make all the decisions. That is not the principles on which this nation was founded. Are you a Fed Jon, 'cause you sure sound like one!

This is the new republican party. States rights bahh who needs states rights. In light of the last few years, would you really expect the RNC or any members of the RNC to be concerned about one of the Tennant's that the party was founded on.

Perhaps you welcome more uniformity and globalization. I support diversity, human rights and individuality.

"human rights and individuality." that's just more crazy talk. Dave to base: We've got us one of them individual thinkers out here.. I think I'm gonna need some back up. You just stay right there Mr. Free spirit.. we're gonna get some help out here and get you re-programed PDQ!! While we're are waiting on backup to get here let me ask you "Mr Free thinker" are you going home and watching the evening news while drinking your 3 beers and then going to bed? What do you mean your watching PBS!

But I've allowed myself to be swayed off subject again.
The subject is within the state. Hawaii has a medical marijuana program that we can barely call a program because is leaves it's own citizen/patients out to dry when faced with federal opposition and gives them no means to secure medicine legally. This is the equivalent of the state authorizing the prescription of a pill, yet leaving the patient no legal means of acquiring the pill outside the "black market". That is unacceptable and a poor,poor example of leadership and public service.

Seriously, this is where the State has to stand up and take the chance of losing some fed dollars. I may be wrong but I think that's what it boils down to is just the damn leverage the fed has, and uses, over the State, on so many aspects. And republicans, of all people, seem to to think that's good. How very ironic is that? Hypocrisy abounds..


"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young

RE: Cannabis Compassion club/coop for Puna - punafish - 01-28-2009

Dave M, you crack me up. Well stated. Thanks for posting.

RE: Cannabis Compassion club/coop for Puna - Jon - 01-28-2009

I will Google around and read up on Alaska law and see how it can supersede Federal law, if you have some info that could help me find it that would be great.

I call it dope because that is what it was call when I was growing up. sorry to offend you, but the emotional baggage on both sides of this subject seem to be a real problem.
I am not and have never been a law enforcement officer.
Yes I am biased on the subject, I am all "for"<(see approve of) the legalization of "real" medical use AND <(see that?) recreational use if treated like hard liquor.

Sorry, no wrong turn, drove straight down I10 to Casa Grande then I8 to get here... now wrong turns...

Dave M
Unfortunately there are too many truths in your comments. [Sad]

I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.

RE: Cannabis Compassion club/coop for Puna - Beachboy - 01-28-2009

Originally posted by Damon

Some pending legislation on Cannabis.

Hanohano to chair meeting Wednesday at Legislature.

Damon Tucker's Weblog

Damon, why do you need to link this info to your blog? Instead of that why not put links here? Are you into some kind of a game were you need all these hits on your website, or feel the need to divert traffic to your blog?


Let's get together and over grow the government!!!!