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Woman's body found off Kalapana - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Woman's body found off Kalapana (/showthread.php?tid=11992)

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - force - 10-08-2013

How would he get off the island and where would he go? Another island? Does he actually have the contacts to go under the radar this long?

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Adam-I-Am - 10-08-2013

Bo is innocent. To me, that's very obvious.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - PaulW - 10-08-2013

You could be right but how do you figure that, let alone state it's "obvious".
When a woman is murdered, the partner is the culprit in the vast majority of cases.
(That's a general rule, not necessarily the case in any specific example)

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Britts MOM - 10-10-2013

FBI needs to get involved, that is very obvious

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - PaulW - 10-10-2013

I hope the FBI does get involved but is that possible? Doesn't it have to be a federal offence?
Hopefully more is going on behind the scenes. I wish you strength.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Chunkster - 10-10-2013

Not necessarily, Paul. If a state line is crossed in the criminal process, I think the FBI has the discretion to get involved. In this case, that option isn't clear since the authorities don't seem to know Bo's whereabouts. Having said that, I don't automatically assume that Bo did it. The circumstances more or less dictate that he be considered a suspect, but nothing has been proven one way or the other.

Meanwhile, I admire and respect Brittany's family for their dignified persistence in seeking justice for their loved one.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - brits dad - 10-10-2013

From what we are told to get the US Marshal's looking for a killer on the mainland or even in other countries the Marshal's will need an arrest warrant. That hasn't been produced yet. The FBI has to be asked to come in either from the state, or even we could do it. But for us to do it we would have to have a very good reason that we could back up. We have very little information of any kind so the state is talking to the FEDS. We want both the FBI and the US Marshal's involved for many reasons. The most important is more eyes looking at it and more resources tracking down Brittany's...and possibly Bo's killer(s). I check the Hilo police department press releases daily for either announcement publicly.

ted royal

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Britts MOM - 10-10-2013

You would think that with 64K "reads" on this blog about Brittany one person would have the balls to do the right thing and TALK about what really happened.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Cheerio - 10-11-2013

I know this is a stone that was probably already overturned, but did Bo & Britt ever meet with the person selling the land? Does anyone know which lot they were going to buy, and from whom? Is there evidence of the money going missing that they would have bought the land with?

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Britts MOM - 10-11-2013

This is just my understanding: Bo was purchasing the 10 acres through a real estate office, private seller owned the land. I know nothing about any money since Britt wasn't purchasing it. From what interviews have said, The Johnson's were funding the deal, or lending Bo the money. I do not think any money changed hands, but I don't know 100%. That would be a question for the Johnson's.