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Discoveries using the telescopes on Mauna Kea - Printable Version

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RE: Discoveries by the telescopes on Mauna Kea - dmbwest - 04-27-2017

Have a nice weekend Opihikao : )


RE: Discoveries by the telescopes on Mauna Kea - glassnumbers - 04-27-2017

There is no aloha in pandering to someone who deliberately ignores all polite requests to stop. At that point, that's when you start yelling because clearly, what we have here, is a failure to communicate.

Aloha Smile

RE: Discoveries by the telescopes on Mauna Kea - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 04-27-2017

I didn't realize Punaweb was premiering a new episode of Star Wars tonight.

On the fifth day - the scientists who studied the rivers - were forbidden to speak - or to study the rivers. -Jane Hirshfield's poem on creation

RE: Discoveries by the telescopes on Mauna Kea - opihikao - 04-27-2017

Originally posted by pog

Have a nice weekend Opihikao : )


Aloha ahiahi, pog. You as well. Good to "see" you. I say "aloha" to you, in the genuine sense. Peace is good, too. (Wishful thinking, perhaps...lol). Be well.

HOTPE, aloha ahiahi to you, too. (meaningful "aloha", not BS, for the record, even though I do not agree with all you state). 'Ae ("yes"), it would seem, not only on this thread, but many others. Gets old for some of us, thus all we can do is...look to the heavens for solace (aka "Star Wars" = "the force").

Pau. Mahalo ke Akua, e na Aumakua, e na Kupuna, for all the "discoveries".


ETA: Typo/clarity. E kala mai.

RE: Discoveries by the telescopes on Mauna Kea - kalakoa - 04-27-2017

There is no aloha in pandering to someone who deliberately ignores all polite requests to stop.

Pot, meet kettle...

RE: Discoveries by the telescopes on Mauna Kea - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 04-27-2017

HOTPE, aloha ahiahi to you, too

Thank you opihikao, you've been a true Jedi of wisdom & respect here tonight. And of course aloha.

So many beautiful stars in the dark, clear sky tonight. Let's hope it's more peaceful there, up above.

On the fifth day - the scientists who studied the rivers - were forbidden to speak - or to study the rivers. -Jane Hirshfield's poem on creation

RE: Discoveries by the telescopes on Mauna Kea - TomK - 04-27-2017

More recent discoveries from the MK observatories:

"Astronomers detect dozens of new quasars and galaxies"

"A team of astronomers led by Yoshiki Matsuoka of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) has detected a treasure trove of new high-redshift quasars (or quasi-stellar objects) and luminous galaxies. The newly found objects could be very important for our understanding of the early universe."


There's actually more to come on this, as there has been recent news about detecting extremely distant quasars based on UKIRT data. I'll post about that later.

"Into the submillimeter—the early universe's formation"

Submillimeter galaxies are called that because they are really only visible at those wavelengths (in between infrared and radio wavelengths). They are very distant and full of dust which obscures optical light. These galaxies form stars at an amazing rate, several hundred times the rate the Milky way does for instance. The research involved both UKIRT and the JCMT on MK.

"These 52 galaxies were first identified by the Submillimeter Common-User Bolometer Array (SCUBA-2) in the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey."

The wording here is poor as SCUBA-2 is at the JCMT whereas UKIDSS was a survey carried out using the WFCAM instrument at UKIRT. What they mean is that JCMT followed up on these objects after they were first discovered by UKIRT.


"Recently discovered solar system could seed life between adjacent exoplanets"

UKIRT helped confirm the existence of some of the TRAPPIST-1 exoplanets. Now it seems that they are so close together, if life exists there it could easily transfer itself between the planets in a very short period of time.

"The researchers ran several simulations for TRAPPIST-1 and found that the process could occur over a period as short as 10 years. Most of the mass transferred between planets that would be large enough for life to endure irradiation during transfer and heat during re-entry would be ejected just above escape velocity, they concluded."


RE: Discoveries by the telescopes on Mauna Kea - PaulW - 04-27-2017

Thanks Tom. There was some static on the line but it seems to have subsided.

RE: Discoveries by the telescopes on Mauna Kea - Guest - 04-28-2017

Thanks folks for the mostly kind responses to my gibberish. Pog, you are very smart, witty and funny. You are truly blessed sir. Great catch of TomK's post above mine, which "was" why I posted my Hawaii related thoughts or opinions on this thread regarding Mauna Wakea to begin with.

Opihikao, Mahalo to you and your wonderful Ohana. It brings me joy to see you are posting again here on PW. Really missed your thoughtful insights, Aloha and opinions on most things. I always love to read what you write and respect you and your patience here on PW greatly.

Glassnumbers, I try not to respond to all of the negativity here on PW so I apologize if you feel a bit ignored by me at times. I wish you and your Mom safe travels here and will Welcome you to the Big Island once again. Sure hope you can find all the Weed and beaches you need here on the Big Island if that's what will help you function or be happy in life. Ka'u is an awesome district if you like the rural country lifestyle it offers.
I will always miss Lilly's fish burgers, The south point bar before it burned down and the many hot windy days at green sand beach. If you get a chance, try some flag line fishing and cliff diving out at south point because the ocean environment there is like no other. If your lucky enough to meet a few good Hawaiians down there please respect, listen and learn from them. Go easy glassnumbers, peace out.

RE: Discoveries by the telescopes on Mauna Kea - glassnumbers - 04-28-2017

Originally posted by kalakoa

There is no aloha in pandering to someone who deliberately ignores all polite requests to stop.

Pot, meet kettle...

Hey, remember that time in this thread where you thought I was threatening someone, but you were wrong and I corrected you? Then, you just ignored that post to make this one? Remember that?

Aloha Smile