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Long term airport parking has gone up - Printable Version

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RE: Long term airport parking has gone up - Lodestone - 02-18-2016

Well, that's one customer run off. Make it two.

RE: Long term airport parking has gone up - Guest - 02-18-2016

I'm beginning to understand now Shockwave. So far most have been assumingly antagonistic.

These types would not come here anyway so no loss.

Thanks again Rob.

RE: Long term airport parking has gone up - terracore - 02-18-2016

Originally posted by Bullwinkle

begs the question: Has anyone on the forum used uber or lyft to get to the airport?

Im curious to see what alternatives there are to expensive taxi services

Uber lists the cities of Honolulu and Maui (sic) as having service. Their "Big Island" web page returns a web server error. Lyft lists Honolulu, Kaneohe, and Waipahu as cities with service.

RE: Long term airport parking has gone up - Mimosa - 02-18-2016

Airportparking - Thank you very much for offering such a nice service alternative as you are .
Truly appreciated.
From our understanding - the company who runs and operates the parking at Kona and Hilo airports is a mainland corporation and not local what so ever.They do hire workers who are local and minimum wage at that .
The rate hikes are shareholders bottom line and must be able to pay the dividends yearly .Thus the rates will continue to increase as to what the market will bear .

Mrs . Mimosa

RE: Long term airport parking has gone up - leilanidude - 02-18-2016

It is still a valid question. People should know the truth.

No GET license means you would also not have insurance to cover any issues...

RE: Long term airport parking has gone up - kalakoa - 02-18-2016

No GET license means you would also not have insurance to cover any issues...

I don't believe the two are related, even a little bit.

RE: Long term airport parking has gone up - leilanidude - 02-18-2016

You cannot insure an illegal business...

RE: Long term airport parking has gone up - terracore - 02-18-2016

We've owned a few 100% legal businesses and we've never had an insurance company ask about our sales tax or GET status. The only records they ever wanted to review were employee's pay stubs to make sure they were charging us enough workers compensation etc premiums.

RE: Long term airport parking has gone up - leilanidude - 02-18-2016

Agreed - for a legal business. Just wait for that first claim for a customer's car.

RE: Long term airport parking has gone up - kalakoa - 02-18-2016

Agreed - for a legal business. Just wait for that first claim for a customer's car.

Parking lot sits on TMK 210121270000 owned by State. While it's possible that State would risk the liabilities for leasing land to an illegal business, I think it unlikely that TSA would go along with that arrangement.