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HPP board recall petition - Printable Version

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RE: HPP board recall petition - mermaid53 - 10-19-2016

shockwave rider posted: It is fundamentally dishonest to string together different parts of someone's post as if they were one sentence. and then respond to that invented hybrid sentence. As I have stated before, I support the recall, but your attacks on us for asking questions and dishonest way of misquoting people isn't going to bring anyone to your side. To bad the cause is just, but the people defending it come across as paranoids.

I'll say it again, who's calling the kettle black? You are also in attack mode. dot dot dot.....I was merely skipping from one point to another and meant no harm. Now you're accusing me of being dishonest and "misquoting people". Who else have I misquoted? More shade.

There has been options that other posters has provided in how a mailing list can be compiled. There's your info. Can we all move on now?

I will not provide any more info to you TomK on PT as to who the committee is. I've already responded to another poster on this thread about who the committee is. Why do you want details? What's your intentions?

The new board President reported at the board mtg tonight that he's been getting threatening phone calls and threats at his home. He's an honest ethical person wanting to follow our bylaws and policies is why. He has had to move out of his home with his family to a safe haven. He will not be resigning but his family is shaken. He has small children. We've seen this happen before to other volunteers w/in the past 2 yrs. I feel it's someone on the board and their supporters.

The person who loaned their mailbox has been accosted twice. Yesterday someone was waiting in their car at the mailboxes for quite a spell. Now this person feels intimidated...stalked.

Hence the reluctance to provide more details. This is not paranoia as someone alluded to. Please move on.
edited for clarification.

RE: HPP board recall petition - mermaid53 - 10-19-2016

BTW, tonight's board mtg was a breath of fresh air with our new board President. He's a bylaw follower. Another honest ethical guy was voted in as our new Treasurer. He has 2 decades acctg background. Both have no involvement with the lawsuit or the arbitration. I believe we're going to see transparency with HPP business now. 2 board members were absent.

There was 3 board vacancies and 4 applicants. Dist 9 and Dist 3 have new board reps as of tonight. There was a tie for the 3rd opening and they will fill the 3rd spot, Dist 8, at the Nov board mtg.

RE: HPP board recall petition - TomK - 10-19-2016

mermaid53 wrote:

"I will not provide any more info to you TomK on PT as to who the committee is. I've already responded to another poster on this thread about who the committee is."

No, you haven't.

RE: HPP board recall petition - mermaid53 - 10-19-2016

mermaid Posted - 10/16/2016 :
The petition's being circulated by a committee composed of concerned Dist 5 members who've had enough after 2+ yrs. There are members outside of Dist 5 who've also been supportive.

RE: HPP board recall petition - TomK - 10-19-2016

That says absolutely nothing. Sorry, but the refusal to say so little about this committee and their access to mailing addresses is starting to stink. Chunkster mentioned a way to obtain addresses which would be tedious but not impossible (thanks!), so why not say that's was how it was done?

RE: HPP board recall petition - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 10-20-2016

the refusal to say so little about this committee and their access to mailing addresses is starting to stink.

It's a fair question.
It's a simple question.

If a committee has been formed with the purpose of replacing a District 5 board member, and they ask for residents to sign a petition to that end, is it too much for potential signers of the petition to wonder how the committee goes about it's business? Are their actions more ethical, honest, trustworthy and honorable than the person they wish to replace?

Or will it be as The Who sing "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss?"

No fathers or mothers think their own children ugly; and this self-deceit is yet stronger with respect to the offspring of the mind. -Miguel de Cervantes, novelist (1547-1616)

RE: HPP board recall petition - Chunkster - 10-20-2016

Actually, for HPP that Who song should be reworded to "Meet the new boss, worse than the old boss."

It has been a constant downward spiral that began with the board that dishonestly said the $12 million bond would pave all the roads and then did not follow common sense and first pave the roads with higher maintenance needs.

RE: HPP board recall petition - mermaid53 - 10-20-2016

You can ask questions at the membership mtg. And/or write to the committee that provided a mailing adrs.

We have many petitions in hand and not one asked for more information about the process.

Chunkster, you should come and see/meet the new boss at the membership mtg. You might be pleasantly surprised.

RE: HPP board recall petition - Chunkster - 10-20-2016

Mermaid, I was talking about the board, and not the GM. The GM is only as good as the board will let him/her be.

Edited to add: For a group which is presumably seeking more transparency, among other things, the recall petitioners are being surprisingly opaque about something so simple as how they compiled their mailing list.

RE: HPP board recall petition - mermaid53 - 10-20-2016

Sorry...I was talking about the board President, not the GM.